
em At the post office   »   kk Поштада

59 [fifty-nine]

At the post office

At the post office

59 [елу тоғыз]

59 [elw toğız]



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Where is the nearest post office? Е---а--н по--- --йд-? Е_ ж____ п____ қ_____ Е- ж-қ-н п-ш-а қ-й-а- --------------------- Ең жақын пошта қайда? 0
E--jaqın--o--- -a-d-? E_ j____ p____ q_____ E- j-q-n p-ş-a q-y-a- --------------------- Eñ jaqın poşta qayda?
Is the post office far from here? К-ле-і ---т-ға-дейі---лы--п-? К_____ п______ д____ а___ п__ К-л-с- п-ш-а-а д-й-н а-ы- п-? ----------------------------- Келесі поштаға дейін алыс па? 0
Ke-es- --ş--ğ- deyi- -lıs pa? K_____ p______ d____ a___ p__ K-l-s- p-ş-a-a d-y-n a-ı- p-? ----------------------------- Kelesi poştağa deyin alıs pa?
Where is the nearest mail box? Е- -а--н--о-т--ж---гі -айд-? Е_ ж____ п____ ж_____ қ_____ Е- ж-қ-н п-ш-а ж-ш-г- қ-й-а- ---------------------------- Ең жақын пошта жәшігі қайда? 0
E- -aqın-p-şt--jä---- -a-da? E_ j____ p____ j_____ q_____ E- j-q-n p-ş-a j-ş-g- q-y-a- ---------------------------- Eñ jaqın poşta jäşigi qayda?
I need a couple of stamps. Мағ----і--- ------м--ка-ары -е--к. М____ б____ п____ м________ к_____ М-ғ-н б-р-з п-ш-а м-р-а-а-ы к-р-к- ---------------------------------- Маған біраз пошта маркалары керек. 0
M--a- bi--z-p-şta --rkaları-k-re-. M____ b____ p____ m________ k_____ M-ğ-n b-r-z p-ş-a m-r-a-a-ı k-r-k- ---------------------------------- Mağan biraz poşta markaları kerek.
For a card and a letter. А-ық ха- --н -әй-ха--- а--ал---. А___ х__ п__ ж__ х____ а________ А-ы- х-т п-н ж-й х-т-а а-н-л-а-. -------------------------------- Ашық хат пен жәй хатқа арналған. 0
A-ı----t-p---jäy -a-qa-a---lğ-n. A___ x__ p__ j__ x____ a________ A-ı- x-t p-n j-y x-t-a a-n-l-a-. -------------------------------- Aşıq xat pen jäy xatqa arnalğan.
How much is the postage to America? А--р-к-----ош-а-алымы--а--а-т----ы? А________ п____ а____ қ____ т______ А-е-и-а-а п-ш-а а-ы-ы қ-н-а т-р-д-? ----------------------------------- Америкаға пошта алымы қанша тұрады? 0
Am----a-a --ş-a a---ı -anşa-t---d-? A________ p____ a____ q____ t______ A-e-ï-a-a p-ş-a a-ı-ı q-n-a t-r-d-? ----------------------------------- Amerïkağa poşta alımı qanşa turadı?
How heavy is the package? П----тің-с-лм--- қан-ай? П_______ с______ қ______ П-к-т-і- с-л-а-ы қ-н-а-? ------------------------ Пакеттің салмағы қандай? 0
P-k-ttiñ-----a-- q--d-y? P_______ s______ q______ P-k-t-i- s-l-a-ı q-n-a-? ------------------------ Pakettiñ salmağı qanday?
Can I send it by air mail? О-- --е--ош--сым-н-жібе--г- б----м-? О__ ә__ п_________ ж_______ б___ м__ О-ы ә-е п-ш-а-ы-е- ж-б-р-г- б-л- м-? ------------------------------------ Оны әуе поштасымен жіберуге бола ма? 0
O-ı--w- ---t----e--ji----ge bo-a--a? O__ ä__ p_________ j_______ b___ m__ O-ı ä-e p-ş-a-ı-e- j-b-r-g- b-l- m-? ------------------------------------ Onı äwe poştasımen jiberwge bola ma?
How long will it take to get there? Қ-----у-қ--та-ж-----? Қ____ у______ ж______ Қ-н-а у-қ-т-а ж-т-д-? --------------------- Қанша уақытта жетеді? 0
Q-n---w-qı--a j-te-i? Q____ w______ j______ Q-n-a w-q-t-a j-t-d-? --------------------- Qanşa waqıtta jetedi?
Where can I make a call? Қа--ж-рден-қоңыра- шалуға----ады? Қ__ ж_____ қ______ ш_____ б______ Қ-й ж-р-е- қ-ң-р-у ш-л-ғ- б-л-д-? --------------------------------- Қай жерден қоңырау шалуға болады? 0
Qa- jerde--------w şa-wğ- bo--d-? Q__ j_____ q______ ş_____ b______ Q-y j-r-e- q-ñ-r-w ş-l-ğ- b-l-d-? --------------------------------- Qay jerden qoñıraw şalwğa boladı?
Where is the nearest telephone booth? Ең--а-ы--т-л-ф-- -йші-і----д-? Е_ ж____ т______ ү_____ қ_____ Е- ж-қ-н т-л-ф-н ү-ш-г- қ-й-а- ------------------------------ Ең жақын телефон үйшігі қайда? 0
E--ja-------e----ü--i-i-q-y-a? E_ j____ t______ ü_____ q_____ E- j-q-n t-l-f-n ü-ş-g- q-y-a- ------------------------------ Eñ jaqın telefon üyşigi qayda?
Do you have calling cards? С-зде-теле-------та-----р--а? С____ т______ к______ б__ м__ С-з-е т-л-ф-н к-р-а-ы б-р м-? ----------------------------- Сізде телефон картасы бар ма? 0
S-z-e -elefon k-r-a----a--m-? S____ t______ k______ b__ m__ S-z-e t-l-f-n k-r-a-ı b-r m-? ----------------------------- Sizde telefon kartası bar ma?
Do you have a telephone directory? С--де-те---о- -ітабы-б-р ма? С____ т______ к_____ б__ м__ С-з-е т-л-ф-н к-т-б- б-р м-? ---------------------------- Сізде телефон кітабы бар ма? 0
S-z-- t-l--o--ki------ar -a? S____ t______ k_____ b__ m__ S-z-e t-l-f-n k-t-b- b-r m-? ---------------------------- Sizde telefon kitabı bar ma?
Do you know the area code for Austria? Ав------ы- к-ды--б-л--і---е? А_________ к____ б______ б__ А-с-р-я-ы- к-д-н б-л-с-з б-? ---------------------------- Австрияның кодын білесіз бе? 0
A--t-ïyan-ñ--o-ın -i---iz b-? A__________ k____ b______ b__ A-s-r-y-n-ñ k-d-n b-l-s-z b-? ----------------------------- Avstrïyanıñ kodın bilesiz be?
One moment, I’ll look it up. Бі- с-к--д, -аз-- -өр-й--. Б__ с______ қ____ к_______ Б-р с-к-н-, қ-з-р к-р-й-н- -------------------------- Бір секунд, қазір көрейін. 0
B-- ---wn-,-qaz-- kö----n. B__ s______ q____ k_______ B-r s-k-n-, q-z-r k-r-y-n- -------------------------- Bir sekwnd, qazir köreyin.
The line is always busy. Желі үн-мі---с ем-с. Ж___ ү____ б__ е____ Ж-л- ү-е-і б-с е-е-. -------------------- Желі үнемі бос емес. 0
J-l------i-bos -me-. J___ ü____ b__ e____ J-l- ü-e-i b-s e-e-. -------------------- Jeli ünemi bos emes.
Which number did you dial? Қ-нда------рді -е-д-ңі-? Қ_____ н______ т________ Қ-н-а- н-м-р-і т-р-і-і-? ------------------------ Қандай нөмірді тердіңіз? 0
Q--d-y--öm--d---e-diñi-? Q_____ n______ t________ Q-n-a- n-m-r-i t-r-i-i-? ------------------------ Qanday nömirdi terdiñiz?
You have to dial a zero first! А--ы--н ---ді -еруің-з------! А______ н____ т_______ к_____ А-д-м-н н-л-і т-р-і-і- к-р-к- ----------------------------- Алдымен нөлді теруіңіз керек! 0
Aldı----n--d- t-----i-------! A______ n____ t_______ k_____ A-d-m-n n-l-i t-r-i-i- k-r-k- ----------------------------- Aldımen nöldi terwiñiz kerek!

Feelings speak different languages too!

Many different languages are spoken around the world. There is no universal human language. But how is it for our facial expressions? Is the language of emotions universal? No, there are also differences here! It was long believed that all people expressed feelings the same way. The language of facial expressions was considered universally understood. Charles Darwin believed that feelings were of vital importance for humans. Therefore, they had to be understood equally in all cultures. But new studies are coming to a different result. They show that there are differences in the language of feelings too. That is, our facial expressions are influenced by our culture. Therefore, people around the world show and interpret feelings differently. Scientists distinguish six primary emotions. They are happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, fear and surprise. But Europeans have different facial expressions to Asians. And they read different things from the same expressions. Various experiments have confirmed this. In them, test subjects were shown faces on a computer. The subjects were supposed to describe what they read in the faces. There are many reasons why the results differed. Feelings are shown more in some cultures than in others. The intensity of facial expressions is therefore not understood the same everywhere. Also, people from different cultures pay attention to different things. Asians concentrate on the eyes when reading facial expressions. Europeans and Americans, on the other hand, look at the mouth. One facial expression is understood in all cultures, however… That is a nice smile!