Я-----в----/---т-ла - -і-к-ити раху-ок.
Я х____ б_ / х_____ б в_______ р_______
Я х-т-в б- / х-т-л- б в-д-р-т- р-х-н-к-
Я хотів би / хотіла б відкрити рахунок. 0 Y- --o-i---y / k-ot-la - v-d---ty-r--h-n--.Y_ k_____ b_ / k______ b v_______ r________Y- k-o-i- b- / k-o-i-a b v-d-r-t- r-k-u-o-.-------------------------------------------YA khotiv by / khotila b vidkryty rakhunok.
Я хотел бы / хотела бы положить деньги на мой счёт.
I want to withdraw money from my account.
Я--от-в ---- -о--л- б-з--т--г-о-і з --го р-х---у.
Я х____ б_ / х_____ б з____ г____ з м___ р_______
Я х-т-в б- / х-т-л- б з-я-и г-о-і з м-г- р-х-н-у-
Я хотів би / хотіла б зняти гроші з мого рахунку. 0 YA kho--- by / k---i-- b --y--- ---s-- z--oh--r-k-un-u.Y_ k_____ b_ / k______ b z_____ h_____ z m___ r________Y- k-o-i- b- / k-o-i-a b z-y-t- h-o-h- z m-h- r-k-u-k-.-------------------------------------------------------YA khotiv by / khotila b znyaty hroshi z moho rakhunku.
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I want to withdraw money from my account.
Я хотів би / хотіла б зняти гроші з мого рахунку.
YA khotiv by / khotila b znyaty hroshi z moho rakhunku.
Я хотел бы / хотела бы снять деньги с моего счёта.
I want to pick up the bank statements.
Я -о-ів ---/-хо--л- --взя-- -и--ски ---а--нку.
Я х____ б_ / х_____ б в____ в______ з р_______
Я х-т-в б- / х-т-л- б в-я-и в-п-с-и з р-х-н-у-
Я хотів би / хотіла б взяти виписки з рахунку. 0 Y- kh--iv--y - k---i-a ---zya-y-vyp--k- - --k--nku.Y_ k_____ b_ / k______ b v_____ v______ z r________Y- k-o-i- b- / k-o-i-a b v-y-t- v-p-s-y z r-k-u-k-.---------------------------------------------------YA khotiv by / khotila b vzyaty vypysky z rakhunku.
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I want to pick up the bank statements.
Я хотів би / хотіла б взяти виписки з рахунку.
YA khotiv by / khotila b vzyaty vypysky z rakhunku.
I want to cash a traveller’s cheque / traveler’s check (am.).
Я-хоті- ---/ -о---- б о-ри--т--г-о----- --ку.
Я х____ б_ / х_____ б о_______ г____ п_ ч____
Я х-т-в б- / х-т-л- б о-р-м-т- г-о-і п- ч-к-.
Я хотів би / хотіла б отримати гроші по чеку. 0 Y- -h-ti---y---kh-til--- o---m-ty --o--i p--c--ku.Y_ k_____ b_ / k______ b o_______ h_____ p_ c_____Y- k-o-i- b- / k-o-i-a b o-r-m-t- h-o-h- p- c-e-u---------------------------------------------------YA khotiv by / khotila b otrymaty hroshi po cheku.
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I want to cash a traveller’s cheque / traveler’s check (am.).
Я хотів би / хотіла б отримати гроші по чеку.
YA khotiv by / khotila b otrymaty hroshi po cheku.
Я-че-аю -а ---ш---- --р-к-- з Ні-е--ини.
Я ч____ н_ г_______ п______ з Н_________
Я ч-к-ю н- г-о-о-и- п-р-к-з з Н-м-ч-и-и-
Я чекаю на грошовий переказ з Німеччини. 0 YA-ch-k-----a --o-h-v--- ---ek-z z---me-hchyny.Y_ c______ n_ h________ p______ z N___________Y- c-e-a-u n- h-o-h-v-y- p-r-k-z z N-m-c-c-y-y------------------------------------------------YA chekayu na hroshovyy̆ perekaz z Nimechchyny.
Т__ є н____ м___ р_______
Т-т є н-м-р м-г- р-х-н-у-
Тут є номер мого рахунку. 0 Tut-ye---m-r moh--ra--u--u.T__ y_ n____ m___ r________T-t y- n-m-r m-h- r-k-u-k-.---------------------------Tut ye nomer moho rakhunku.
Я----ів--и-- --тіла-- пом--яти--і г-ош-.
Я х____ б_ / х_____ б п_______ ц_ г_____
Я х-т-в б- / х-т-л- б п-м-н-т- ц- г-о-і-
Я хотів би / хотіла б поміняти ці гроші. 0 YA---o--v -y /-k-otil- b po--n-a------ -rosh-.Y_ k_____ b_ / k______ b p________ t__ h______Y- k-o-i- b- / k-o-i-a b p-m-n-a-y t-i h-o-h-.----------------------------------------------YA khotiv by / khotila b pominyaty tsi hroshi.
Тут є-б-нк--а-?
Т__ є б________
Т-т є б-н-о-а-?
Тут є банкомат? 0 Tu-----b--k-m--?T__ y_ b________T-t y- b-n-o-a-?----------------Tut ye bankomat?
When we learn a language, we also learn its grammar.
When children learn their native language, this happens automatically.
They don't notice that their brain is learning various rules.
Despite this, they learn their native language correctly from the beginning.
Given that many languages exist, many grammar systems exist too.
But is there also a universal grammar?
Scientists have been studying this for a long time.
New studies could provide an answer.
Because brain researchers have made an interesting discovery.
They had test subjects study grammar rules.
These subjects were language school students.
They studied Japanese or Italian.
Half of the grammar rules were totally fabricated.
However, the test subjects didn't know that.
The students were presented with sentences after studying.
They had to assess whether or not the sentences were correct.
While they were working through the sentences, their brains were analyzed.
That is to say, the researchers measured the activity of the brain.
This way they could examine how the brain reacted to the sentences.
And it appears that our brain recognizes grammar!
When processing speech, certain brain areas are active.
The Broca Center is one of them.
It is located in the left cerebrum.
When the students were faced with real grammar rules, it was very active.
With the fabricated rules on the other hand, the activity decreased considerably.
So it could be that all grammar systems have the same basis.
Then they would all follow the same principles.
And these principles would be inherent in us…