
em Ordinal numbers   »   ky Иреттик сандар

61 [sixty-one]

Ordinal numbers

Ordinal numbers

61 [алтымыш бир]

61 [altımış bir]

Иреттик сандар

İrettik sandar

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The first month is January. Бирин-- ай-- ----рь. Б______ а_ - я______ Б-р-н-и а- - я-в-р-. -------------------- Биринчи ай - январь. 0
Bir--ç--a--- -anvar. B______ a_ - y______ B-r-n-i a- - y-n-a-. -------------------- Birinçi ay - yanvar.
The second month is February. Э----- -й-- ---рал-. Э_____ а_ - ф_______ Э-и-ч- а- - ф-в-а-ь- -------------------- Экинчи ай - февраль. 0
E--nç---y - fev-al. E_____ a_ - f______ E-i-ç- a- - f-v-a-. ------------------- Ekinçi ay - fevral.
The third month is March. Ү----- ай - -ар-. Ү_____ а_ - м____ Ү-ү-ч- а- - м-р-. ----------------- Үчүнчү ай - март. 0
Ü-ün----y-- m-r-. Ü_____ a_ - m____ Ü-ü-ç- a- - m-r-. ----------------- Üçünçü ay - mart.
The fourth month is April. Төр----ү -й - -пре-ь. Т_______ а_ - а______ Т-р-ү-ч- а- - а-р-л-. --------------------- Төртүнчү ай - апрель. 0
T-rtün----y----p--l. T_______ a_ - a_____ T-r-ü-ç- a- - a-r-l- -------------------- Törtünçü ay - aprel.
The fifth month is May. Б----чи а- --м--. Б______ а_ - м___ Б-ш-н-и а- - м-й- ----------------- Бешинчи ай - май. 0
Beş-n---ay-- ---. B______ a_ - m___ B-ş-n-i a- - m-y- ----------------- Beşinçi ay - may.
The sixth month is June. А-------а------нь. А______ а_ - и____ А-т-н-ы а- - и-н-. ------------------ Алтынчы ай - июнь. 0
Altı-ç--a--------. A______ a_ - i____ A-t-n-ı a- - i-u-. ------------------ Altınçı ay - iyun.
Six months make half a year. Ал----------р-м ж--. А___ а_ - ж____ ж___ А-т- а- - ж-р-м ж-л- -------------------- Алты ай - жарым жыл. 0
Al---a- - -a--- ---. A___ a_ - j____ j___ A-t- a- - j-r-m j-l- -------------------- Altı ay - jarım jıl.
January, February, March, я--арь- -е----ь- ----, я______ ф_______ м____ я-в-р-, ф-в-а-ь- м-р-, ---------------------- январь, февраль, март, 0
y--v-r, f-vra---m---, y______ f______ m____ y-n-a-, f-v-a-, m-r-, --------------------- yanvar, fevral, mart,
April, May and June. а----ь,--а- ж--а -юн-. а______ м__ ж___ и____ а-р-л-, м-й ж-н- и-н-. ---------------------- апрель, май жана июнь. 0
ap-el- --y-ja-- ----. a_____ m__ j___ i____ a-r-l- m-y j-n- i-u-. --------------------- aprel, may jana iyun.
The seventh month is July. Ж----чи -й --и-л-. Ж______ а_ - и____ Ж-т-н-и а- - и-л-. ------------------ Жетинчи ай - июль. 0
Je---çi a- - --u-. J______ a_ - i____ J-t-n-i a- - i-u-. ------------------ Jetinçi ay - iyul.
The eighth month is August. С----и--и -й - ---у-т. С________ а_ - а______ С-г-з-н-и а- - а-г-с-. ---------------------- Сегизинчи ай - август. 0
Seg--i----a- ----gus-. S________ a_ - a______ S-g-z-n-i a- - a-g-s-. ---------------------- Segizinçi ay - avgust.
The ninth month is September. Т-гу--нчу -й-- --нтя-рь. Т________ а_ - с________ Т-г-з-н-у а- - с-н-я-р-. ------------------------ Тогузунчу ай - сентябрь. 0
To-u--nçu-ay-- se--y---. T________ a_ - s________ T-g-z-n-u a- - s-n-y-b-. ------------------------ Toguzunçu ay - sentyabr.
The tenth month is October. Он---- ай - -ктя---. О_____ а_ - о_______ О-у-ч- а- - о-т-б-ь- -------------------- Онунчу ай - октябрь. 0
Onunçu -y-- -k--a-r. O_____ a_ - o_______ O-u-ç- a- - o-t-a-r- -------------------- Onunçu ay - oktyabr.
The eleventh month is November. О- ---и-ч- -- --ноя--ь. О_ б______ а_ - н______ О- б-р-н-и а- - н-я-р-. ----------------------- Он биринчи ай - ноябрь. 0
On ---inçi-ay---noy-br. O_ b______ a_ - n______ O- b-r-n-i a- - n-y-b-. ----------------------- On birinçi ay - noyabr.
The twelfth month is December. Он -кин-- ай - д---б-ь. О_ э_____ а_ - д_______ О- э-и-ч- а- - д-к-б-ь- ----------------------- Он экинчи ай - декабрь. 0
O--e-i----a-----e--b-. O_ e_____ a_ - d______ O- e-i-ç- a- - d-k-b-. ---------------------- On ekinçi ay - dekabr.
Twelve months make a year. О--эк- -------р---л. О_ э__ а_ - б__ ж___ О- э-и а- - б-р ж-л- -------------------- Он эки ай - бир жыл. 0
O- -k- ay-- bir-jıl. O_ e__ a_ - b__ j___ O- e-i a- - b-r j-l- -------------------- On eki ay - bir jıl.
July, August, September, и-ль--а---с-, се-т-б-ь и____ а______ с_______ и-л-, а-г-с-, с-н-я-р- ---------------------- июль, август, сентябрь 0
i-u-, -v--st--s--ty--r i____ a______ s_______ i-u-, a-g-s-, s-n-y-b- ---------------------- iyul, avgust, sentyabr
October, November and December. о------- -----ь -а-- д-к-б--. о_______ н_____ ж___ д_______ о-т-б-ь- н-я-р- ж-н- д-к-б-ь- ----------------------------- октябрь, ноябрь жана декабрь. 0
okt--b-, -o-a-r -a-a --kab-. o_______ n_____ j___ d______ o-t-a-r- n-y-b- j-n- d-k-b-. ---------------------------- oktyabr, noyabr jana dekabr.

The native language is always the most important language

Our native language is the first language we learn. This happens automatically, so we don't notice it. Most people only have one native language. All other languages are studied as foreign languages. Of course there are also people who grow up with multiple languages. However, they typically speak these languages with differing levels of fluency. Often, the languages are also used differently. One language is used at work, for example. The other is used at home. How well we speak a language is dependent on multiple factors. When we learn it as small children, we typically learn it very well. Our speech center works most effectively in these years of life. How often we speak a language is also important. The more often we use it, the better we speak it. But researchers believe a person can never speak two languages equally well. One language is always the more important language. Experiments seem to confirm this hypothesis. Various people were tested in one study. Half of the test subjects spoke two languages fluently. Chinese was the native language and English the second. The other half of the subjects only spoke English as their native language. The test subjects had to solve simple tasks in English. While doing so, the activity of their brains was measured. And differences appeared in the brains of the test subjects! In the multilingual individuals, one region of the brain was especially active. The monolingual individuals, on the other hand, showed no activity in this region. Both groups solved the tasks equally fast and well. Despite this, the Chinese still translated everything into their native language…