
em Asking questions 1   »   mk Поставување прашања 1

62 [sixty-two]

Asking questions 1

Asking questions 1

62 [шеесет и два]

62 [shyeyesyet i dva]

Поставување прашања 1

Postavoovaњye prashaњa 1

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English (US) Macedonian Play More
to learn учи у__ у-и --- учи 0
o--hi o____ o-c-i ----- oochi
Do the students learn a lot? Учат--и уч-н--и-е-м---у? У___ л_ у________ м_____ У-а- л- у-е-и-и-е м-о-у- ------------------------ Учат ли учениците многу? 0
O------li-o-c-y-n--zi----mnoguoo? O_____ l_ o_____________ m_______ O-c-a- l- o-c-y-n-t-i-y- m-o-u-o- --------------------------------- Oochat li oochyenitzitye mnoguoo?
No, they learn a little. Не,-тие уча- м--к-. Н__ т__ у___ м_____ Н-, т-е у-а- м-л-у- ------------------- Не, тие учат малку. 0
N-e, t-ye o--hat -a-k-o. N___ t___ o_____ m______ N-e- t-y- o-c-a- m-l-o-. ------------------------ Nye, tiye oochat malkoo.
to ask пр-ш-ва п______ п-а-у-а ------- прашува 0
p----o--a p________ p-a-h-o-a --------- prashoova
Do you often ask the teacher questions? Го--р---ват- л- --ст---а-тав-и---? Г_ п________ л_ ч____ н___________ Г- п-а-у-а-е л- ч-с-о н-с-а-н-к-т- ---------------------------------- Го прашувате ли често наставникот? 0
Guo-----ho--a--e--i-c-yest-----t-vn--o-? G__ p___________ l_ c______ n___________ G-o p-a-h-o-a-y- l- c-y-s-o n-s-a-n-k-t- ---------------------------------------- Guo prashoovatye li chyesto nastavnikot?
No, I don’t ask him questions often. Не,-јас -- -- пр-ш-в-- -ес--. Н__ ј__ н_ г_ п_______ ч_____ Н-, ј-с н- г- п-а-у-а- ч-с-о- ----------------------------- Не, јас не го прашувам често. 0
N-e--ј-s-n---gu- pra-hoov-- chy---o. N___ ј__ n__ g__ p_________ c_______ N-e- ј-s n-e g-o p-a-h-o-a- c-y-s-o- ------------------------------------ Nye, јas nye guo prashoovam chyesto.
to reply одг--а-а о_______ о-г-в-р- -------- одговара 0
od---va-a o________ o-g-o-a-a --------- odguovara
Please reply. Одго-о-ете м--а-. О_________ м_____ О-г-в-р-т- м-л-м- ----------------- Одговорете молам. 0
Odg-ovo-y------olam. O____________ m_____ O-g-o-o-y-t-e m-l-m- -------------------- Odguovoryetye molam.
I reply. Ј-- о-г-в--а-. Ј__ о_________ Ј-с о-г-в-р-м- -------------- Јас одговарам. 0
Јa---d---v----. Ј__ o__________ Ј-s o-g-o-a-a-. --------------- Јas odguovaram.
to work работи р_____ р-б-т- ------ работи 0
r-bo-i r_____ r-b-t- ------ raboti
Is he working right now? Раб-ти ли т-ј-сега? Р_____ л_ т__ с____ Р-б-т- л- т-ј с-г-? ------------------- Работи ли тој сега? 0
R---t- li-toј -ye--a? R_____ l_ t__ s______ R-b-t- l- t-ј s-e-u-? --------------------- Raboti li toј syegua?
Yes, he is working right now. Да, -ој -а-о-- --га. Д__ т__ р_____ с____ Д-, т-ј р-б-т- с-г-. -------------------- Да, тој работи сега. 0
Da,-toј ---o-i---e-u-. D__ t__ r_____ s______ D-, t-ј r-b-t- s-e-u-. ---------------------- Da, toј raboti syegua.
to come до--а д____ д-а-а ----- доаѓа 0
do--a d____ d-a-a ----- doaѓa
Are you coming? Ќ- д--де-е? Ќ_ д_______ Ќ- д-ј-е-е- ----------- Ќе дојдете? 0
K--- do-d-et--? K___ d_________ K-y- d-ј-y-t-e- --------------- Kjye doјdyetye?
Yes, we are coming soon. Д-- -- -ојд-м--------. Д__ ќ_ д______ в______ Д-, ќ- д-ј-е-е в-д-а-. ---------------------- Да, ќе дојдеме веднаш. 0
Da, ---e ---dye--e--ye---s-. D__ k___ d________ v________ D-, k-y- d-ј-y-m-e v-e-n-s-. ---------------------------- Da, kjye doјdyemye vyednash.
to live жи--е ж____ ж-в-е ----- живее 0
ʐiv---e ʐ______ ʐ-v-e-e ------- ʐivyeye
Do you live in Berlin? Ж--е--е ли во Берл-н? Ж______ л_ в_ Б______ Ж-в-е-е л- в- Б-р-и-? --------------------- Живеете ли во Берлин? 0
ʐ-----e--e li ----y-r--n? ʐ_________ l_ v_ B_______ ʐ-v-e-e-y- l- v- B-e-l-n- ------------------------- ʐivyeyetye li vo Byerlin?
Yes, I live in Berlin. Да, --с ж-веа---- Б-рлин. Д__ ј__ ж_____ в_ Б______ Д-, ј-с ж-в-а- в- Б-р-и-. ------------------------- Да, јас живеам во Берлин. 0
D-----s-ʐi---a---o-B---lin. D__ ј__ ʐ______ v_ B_______ D-, ј-s ʐ-v-e-m v- B-e-l-n- --------------------------- Da, јas ʐivyeam vo Byerlin.

He who wants to speak must write!

Learning foreign languages is not always easy. Language students often find speaking particularly difficult in the beginning. Many do not have the courage to say sentences in the new language. They are too afraid of making mistakes. For students like this, writing can be a solution. For he who wants to learn to speak well should write as much as possible! Writing helps us to adapt to a new language. There are many reasons for this. Writing is different to speaking. It is a much more complex process. When writing, we take more time to consider which words to use. In doing so, our brain works with the new language more intensively. We are also much more relaxed when writing. There is no one there waiting for an answer. So we slowly lose the fear of the language. Furthermore, writing promotes creativity. We feel freer and play with the new language more. Writing also allows us more time than speaking. And it supports our memory! But the biggest advantage of writing is the impersonal form. Meaning, we can closely examine the outcome of our wording. We see everything clearly in front of us. This way we can fix our mistakes ourselves and learn in the process. What you write in the new language is theoretically not important. What's important is formulating written sentences on a regular basis. If you want to practice you could look for a pen pal overseas. Then you should meet in person sometime. You will see: Speaking is now much easier!