
em Negation 1   »   ad Мыдэныгъэ 1

64 [sixty-four]

Negation 1

Negation 1

64 [тIокIищрэ плIырэ]

64 [tIokIishhrje plIyrje]

Мыдэныгъэ 1

[Mydjenygje 1]

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I don’t understand the word. А-гущыI-------------рэ-. А г______ к_____________ А г-щ-I-р к-ы-г-р-I-р-п- ------------------------ А гущыIэр къызгурыIорэп. 0
A----h-y---- k--g-r--o---p. A g_________ k_____________ A g-s-h-I-e- k-z-u-y-o-j-p- --------------------------- A gushhyIjer kyzguryIorjep.
I don’t understand the sentence. А--у--Iэ--ыг-эр---ызг-ры--р--. А г____________ к_____________ А г-щ-I-у-ы-ъ-р к-ы-г-р-I-р-п- ------------------------------ А гущыIэухыгъэр къызгурыIорэп. 0
A -ush-yI-eu--gje- kyzgu-y-orj-p. A g_______________ k_____________ A g-s-h-I-e-h-g-e- k-z-u-y-o-j-p- --------------------------------- A gushhyIjeuhygjer kyzguryIorjep.
I don’t understand the meaning. А- -----а-- -ъ-зг--ы-----. А_ и_______ к_____________ А- и-э-ь-н- к-ы-г-р-I-р-п- -------------------------- Ащ имэхьанэ къызгурыIорэп. 0
As-h -m-eh'--j- -y---ryI--j--. A___ i_________ k_____________ A-h- i-j-h-a-j- k-z-u-y-o-j-p- ------------------------------ Ashh imjeh'anje kyzguryIorjep.
the teacher кIэ-эе----- ---у-ъфы-ъ) к__________ (__________ к-э-э-г-а-ж (-ъ-л-ф-г-) ----------------------- кIэлэегъадж (хъулъфыгъ) 0
k--el-----dz---h-l-y-) k____________ (_______ k-j-l-e-g-d-h (-u-f-g- ---------------------- kIjeljeegadzh (hulfyg)
Do you understand the teacher? К--лэ-гъа-жэм -ъ---рэр къ--гур--уа? К____________ к_______ к___________ К-э-э-г-а-ж-м к-ы-о-э- к-ы-г-р-I-а- ----------------------------------- КIэлэегъаджэм къыIорэр къыбгурэIуа? 0
KIjel----a-z--e---y-or--- -y---rjeI-a? K_______________ k_______ k___________ K-j-l-e-g-d-h-e- k-I-r-e- k-b-u-j-I-a- -------------------------------------- KIjeljeegadzhjem kyIorjer kybgurjeIua?
Yes, I understand him well. А--, -----у---ы--урэIо. А___ д_____ к__________ А-ы- д-г-о- к-ы-г-р-I-. ----------------------- Ары, дэгъоу къызгурэIо. 0
A-----je-o- --z-u--eIo. A___ d_____ k__________ A-y- d-e-o- k-z-u-j-I-. ----------------------- Ary, djegou kyzgurjeIo.
the teacher к--л-ег-а---(бзыл--ы--) к__________ (__________ к-э-э-г-а-ж (-з-л-ф-г-) ----------------------- кIэлэегъадж (бзылъфыгъ) 0
kI--l---g-d---(bz-lf-g) k____________ (________ k-j-l-e-g-d-h (-z-l-y-) ----------------------- kIjeljeegadzh (bzylfyg)
Do you understand the teacher? К--лэ-гъ-д-эм --ыIор-- --ы---р---а? К____________ к_______ к___________ К-э-э-г-а-ж-м к-ы-о-э- к-ы-г-р-I-а- ----------------------------------- КIэлэегъаджэм къыIорэр къыбгурэIуа? 0
KI-e-----adzh--m k-Io--e----b-u-j-I--? K_______________ k_______ k___________ K-j-l-e-g-d-h-e- k-I-r-e- k-b-u-j-I-a- -------------------------------------- KIjeljeegadzhjem kyIorjer kybgurjeIua?
Yes, I understand her well. А--- д-г--у----з--рэ-о. А___ д_____ к__________ А-ы- д-г-о- к-ы-г-р-I-. ----------------------- Ары, дэгъоу къызгурэIо. 0
Ary- d-e--- kyzg--j-Io. A___ d_____ k__________ A-y- d-e-o- k-z-u-j-I-. ----------------------- Ary, djegou kyzgurjeIo.
the people цIыфхэр ц______ ц-ы-х-р ------- цIыфхэр 0
c-y-hjer c_______ c-y-h-e- -------- cIyfhjer
Do you understand the people? Ц--ф---къаIо--р ---бг----у-? Ц_____ к_______ к___________ Ц-ы-м- к-а-о-э- к-ы-г-р-I-а- ---------------------------- ЦIыфмэ къаIорэр къыбгурэIуа? 0
C-----e k-Io---r-----u-j-Iu-? C______ k_______ k___________ C-y-m-e k-I-r-e- k-b-u-j-I-a- ----------------------------- CIyfmje kaIorjer kybgurjeIua?
No, I don’t understand them so well. Х-а-- ---мэ--ъа--р-р --ъоу --ызг-р-Iор-п. Х____ а____ к_______ и____ к_____________ Х-а-, а-э-э к-а-о-э- и-ъ-у к-ы-г-р-I-р-п- ----------------------------------------- Хьау, ахэмэ къаIорэр икъоу къызгурыIорэп. 0
H-au,-ah-e--e ka-----r ik-u----g---I-----. H____ a______ k_______ i___ k_____________ H-a-, a-j-m-e k-I-r-e- i-o- k-z-u-y-o-j-p- ------------------------------------------ H'au, ahjemje kaIorjer ikou kyzguryIorjep.
the girlfriend п-ъэ-ъэгъу п_________ п-ъ-ш-э-ъ- ---------- пшъэшъэгъу 0
p-h-e-hj-gu p__________ p-h-e-h-e-u ----------- pshjeshjegu
Do you have a girlfriend? П----ъ--ъ- уи-а? П_________ у____ П-ъ-ш-э-ъ- у-I-? ---------------- Пшъэшъэгъу уиIа? 0
P-hj--hj--u u--a? P__________ u____ P-h-e-h-e-u u-I-? ----------------- Pshjeshjegu uiIa?
Yes, I do. Ары,-сиI. А___ с___ А-ы- с-I- --------- Ары, сиI. 0
A----si-. A___ s___ A-y- s-I- --------- Ary, siI.
the daughter пшъ---э ----ъу п______ / п___ п-ъ-ш-э / п-ъ- -------------- пшъашъэ / пхъу 0
p---s--- /-p-u p_______ / p__ p-h-s-j- / p-u -------------- pshashje / phu
Do you have a daughter? Пш--ш---у--а? П______ у____ П-ъ-ш-э у-I-? ------------- Пшъашъэ уиIа? 0
P----------Ia? P_______ u____ P-h-s-j- u-I-? -------------- Pshashje uiIa?
No, I don’t. Хьа-- ----шъ---и--п. Х____ п______ с_____ Х-а-, п-ъ-ш-э с-I-п- -------------------- Хьау, пшъашъэ сиIэп. 0
H'-u--psha--je--iIje-. H____ p_______ s______ H-a-, p-h-s-j- s-I-e-. ---------------------- H'au, pshashje siIjep.

The blind process speech more efficiently

People that cannot see hear better. As a result, they can move through everyday life easier. But blind people can also process speech better! Numerous scientific studies have come to this conclusion. Researchers had test subjects listen to recordings. The speed of speech was then considerably increased. Despite this, the blind test subjects could understand the recordings. The test subjects who could see, on the other hand, could hardly understand. The rate of speaking was too high for them. Another experiment came to similar results. Seeing and blind test subjects listened to various sentences. Part of each sentence was manipulated. The last word was replaced with a nonsense word. The test subjects had to assess the sentences. They had to decide if the sentences were sensible or nonsense. While they were working through the sentences, their brains were analyzed. Researchers measured certain brain waves. By doing so, they could see how quickly the brain solved the task. In the blind test subjects, a certain signal appeared very quickly. This signal indicates that a sentence has been analyzed. In the seeing test subjects, this signal appeared much later. Why blind people process speech more efficiently is not yet known. But scientists have a theory. They believe that their brain uses a particular brain region intensively. It is the region with which seeing people process visual stimuli. This region isn't used for seeing in blind people. So it is "available" for other tasks. For this reason, the blind have a greater capacity to process speech…