
em Negation 1   »   fa ‫منفی کردن 1‬

64 [sixty-four]

Negation 1

Negation 1

‫64 [شصت و چهار]‬

‫64 [shast va chahaar]‬‬‬

‫منفی کردن 1‬

‫manfi kardan 1‬‬‬

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I don’t understand the word. ‫م--ای- -----را-----فه-م-‬ ‫__ ا__ ک___ ر_ ن________ ‫-ن ا-ن ک-م- ر- ن-ی-ف-م-.- -------------------------- ‫من این کلمه را نمی‌فهمم.‬ 0
‫-an--- ------h -- n-----a-m----‬‬ ‫___ i_ k______ r_ n______________ ‫-a- i- k-l-m-h r- n-m---a-m-m-‬-‬ ---------------------------------- ‫man in kalameh ra nemi-fahmam.‬‬‬
I don’t understand the sentence. ‫-ن---- جم-- -ا-ن---فهم-.‬ ‫__ ا__ ج___ ر_ ن________ ‫-ن ا-ن ج-ل- ر- ن-ی-ف-م-.- -------------------------- ‫من این جمله را نمی‌فهمم.‬ 0
‫man-i- j---eh r- n--i--a-m-m---‬ ‫___ i_ j_____ r_ n______________ ‫-a- i- j-m-e- r- n-m---a-m-m-‬-‬ --------------------------------- ‫man in jomleh ra nemi-fahmam.‬‬‬
I don’t understand the meaning. ‫-ن -ع-ی آ--را-نمی‌فهمم-‬ ‫__ م___ آ_ ر_ ن________ ‫-ن م-ن- آ- ر- ن-ی-ف-م-.- ------------------------- ‫من معنی آن را نمی‌فهمم.‬ 0
‫ma--ma&a----n- a---ra-n-----ahm-m.‬-‬ ‫___ m_________ a__ r_ n______________ ‫-a- m-&-p-s-n- a-n r- n-m---a-m-m-‬-‬ -------------------------------------- ‫man ma'ni aan ra nemi-fahmam.‬‬‬
the teacher ‫معلم‬ ‫_____ ‫-ع-م- ------ ‫معلم‬ 0
‫-o&---s-ale---‬ ‫_______________ ‫-o-a-o-;-l-m-‬- ---------------- ‫mo'alem‬‬‬
Do you understand the teacher? ‫----مع-- را می--ه-ید-‬ ‫___ م___ ر_ م________ ‫-ر- م-ل- ر- م-‌-ه-ی-؟- ----------------------- ‫حرف معلم را می‌فهمید؟‬ 0
‫h-r- mo&apos---e--r-----fa-m--?‬‬‬ ‫____ m___________ r_ m____________ ‫-a-f m-&-p-s-a-e- r- m---a-m-d-‬-‬ ----------------------------------- ‫harf mo'alem ra mi-fahmid?‬‬‬
Yes, I understand him well. ‫بله، -ن --ف--و--مر-- را -وب -ی----م.‬ ‫____ م_ ح__ ا_ (____ ر_ خ__ م_______ ‫-ل-، م- ح-ف ا- (-ر-) ر- خ-ب م-‌-ه-م-‬ -------------------------------------- ‫بله، من حرف او (مرد) را خوب می‌فهمم.‬ 0
‫ba--h, m---har---------d- ---kh-o-------hm---‬‬‬ ‫______ m__ h___ o_ (_____ r_ k____ m____________ ‫-a-e-, m-n h-r- o- (-o-d- r- k-o-b m---a-m-m-‬-‬ ------------------------------------------------- ‫baleh, man harf oo (mord) ra khoob mi-fahmam.‬‬‬
the teacher ‫خان---ع--‬ ‫____ م____ ‫-ا-م م-ل-‬ ----------- ‫خانم معلم‬ 0
‫k-a------o&--os----m--‬ ‫_______ m______________ ‫-h-a-o- m-&-p-s-a-e-‬-‬ ------------------------ ‫khaanom mo'alem‬‬‬
Do you understand the teacher? ‫حر--خ-نم --لم ----ی‌----د-‬ ‫___ خ___ م___ ر_ م________ ‫-ر- خ-ن- م-ل- ر- م-‌-ه-ی-؟- ---------------------------- ‫حرف خانم معلم را می‌فهمید؟‬ 0
‫h--f--h-an---m-&a--s---e- r- mi-fa---d?-‬‬ ‫____ k______ m___________ r_ m____________ ‫-a-f k-a-n-m m-&-p-s-a-e- r- m---a-m-d-‬-‬ ------------------------------------------- ‫harf khaanom mo'alem ra mi-fahmid?‬‬‬
Yes, I understand her well. ‫بل-،-حرف-او (--)-را-م-‌----.‬ ‫____ ح__ ا_ (___ ر_ م_______ ‫-ل-، ح-ف ا- (-ن- ر- م-‌-ه-م-‬ ------------------------------ ‫بله، حرف او (زن) را می‌فهمم.‬ 0
‫---e-, harf--- (--n)-r- -i--ahma-.‬-‬ ‫______ h___ o_ (____ r_ m____________ ‫-a-e-, h-r- o- (-a-) r- m---a-m-m-‬-‬ -------------------------------------- ‫baleh, harf oo (zan) ra mi-fahmam.‬‬‬
the people ‫مر-م‬ ‫_____ ‫-ر-م- ------ ‫مردم‬ 0
‫m--d--‬‬‬ ‫_________ ‫-a-d-m-‬- ---------- ‫mardom‬‬‬
Do you understand the people? ‫--فهای---د--را-م-‌-ه--د-‬ ‫______ م___ ر_ م________ ‫-ر-ه-ی م-د- ر- م-‌-ه-ی-؟- -------------------------- ‫حرفهای مردم را می‌فهمید؟‬ 0
‫--rfh-a-- -ar-o- ---mi--ah---?‬-‬ ‫_________ m_____ r_ m____________ ‫-a-f-a-y- m-r-o- r- m---a-m-d-‬-‬ ---------------------------------- ‫harfhaaye mardom ra mi-fahmid?‬‬‬
No, I don’t understand them so well. ‫-ه- ------ آنها-ر--ز--- خ-ب نم---ه---‬ ‫___ ح_____ آ___ ر_ ز___ خ__ ن________ ‫-ه- ح-ف-ا- آ-ه- ر- ز-ا- خ-ب ن-ی-ف-م-.- --------------------------------------- ‫نه، حرفهای آنها را زیاد خوب نمی‌فهمم.‬ 0
‫-e---harfha----a-nh----a-z--ad-khoo--n-mi-f--m-----‬ ‫____ h________ a_____ r_ z____ k____ n______________ ‫-e-, h-r-h-a-e a-n-a- r- z-y-d k-o-b n-m---a-m-m-‬-‬ ----------------------------------------------------- ‫neh, harfhaaye aanhaa ra ziyad khoob nemi-fahmam.‬‬‬
the girlfriend ‫-و---دخ--‬ ‫____ د____ ‫-و-ت د-ت-‬ ----------- ‫دوست دختر‬ 0
‫d-o---d----a--‬‬ ‫_____ d_________ ‫-o-s- d-k-t-r-‬- ----------------- ‫doost dokhtar‬‬‬
Do you have a girlfriend? ‫د-ست -خت- -ا-ی--‬ ‫____ د___ د______ ‫-و-ت د-ت- د-ر-د-‬ ------------------ ‫دوست دختر دارید؟‬ 0
‫d-o-t d-khtar-d-ari----‬ ‫_____ d______ d_________ ‫-o-s- d-k-t-r d-a-i-?-‬- ------------------------- ‫doost dokhtar daarid?‬‬‬
Yes, I do. ‫بل-،--ارم.‬ ‫____ د_____ ‫-ل-، د-ر-.- ------------ ‫بله، دارم.‬ 0
‫-ale---d----m---‬ ‫______ d_________ ‫-a-e-, d-a-a-.-‬- ------------------ ‫baleh, daaram.‬‬‬
the daughter ‫---ر ---ز-د)‬ ‫____ (_______ ‫-خ-ر (-ر-ن-)- -------------- ‫دختر (فرزند)‬ 0
‫d-k---r-(f--z--d)‬‬‬ ‫_______ (___________ ‫-o-h-a- (-a-z-n-)-‬- --------------------- ‫dokhtar (farzand)‬‬‬
Do you have a daughter? ‫ش-ا -خت----ر--؟‬ ‫___ د___ د______ ‫-م- د-ت- د-ر-د-‬ ----------------- ‫شما دختر دارید؟‬ 0
‫-h---- d--ht-- daarid-‬-‬ ‫______ d______ d_________ ‫-h-m-a d-k-t-r d-a-i-?-‬- -------------------------- ‫shomaa dokhtar daarid?‬‬‬
No, I don’t. ‫-ه، -د-ر-.‬ ‫___ ن______ ‫-ه- ن-ا-م-‬ ------------ ‫نه، ندارم.‬ 0
‫-e-,---da--am-‬-‬ ‫____ n___________ ‫-e-, n-d-a-a-.-‬- ------------------ ‫neh, nadaaram.‬‬‬

The blind process speech more efficiently

People that cannot see hear better. As a result, they can move through everyday life easier. But blind people can also process speech better! Numerous scientific studies have come to this conclusion. Researchers had test subjects listen to recordings. The speed of speech was then considerably increased. Despite this, the blind test subjects could understand the recordings. The test subjects who could see, on the other hand, could hardly understand. The rate of speaking was too high for them. Another experiment came to similar results. Seeing and blind test subjects listened to various sentences. Part of each sentence was manipulated. The last word was replaced with a nonsense word. The test subjects had to assess the sentences. They had to decide if the sentences were sensible or nonsense. While they were working through the sentences, their brains were analyzed. Researchers measured certain brain waves. By doing so, they could see how quickly the brain solved the task. In the blind test subjects, a certain signal appeared very quickly. This signal indicates that a sentence has been analyzed. In the seeing test subjects, this signal appeared much later. Why blind people process speech more efficiently is not yet known. But scientists have a theory. They believe that their brain uses a particular brain region intensively. It is the region with which seeing people process visual stimuli. This region isn't used for seeing in blind people. So it is "available" for other tasks. For this reason, the blind have a greater capacity to process speech…