
em Negation 1   »   kk Теріске шығару 1

64 [sixty-four]

Negation 1

Negation 1

64 [алпыс төрт]

64 [alpıs tört]

Теріске шығару 1

Teriske şığarw 1

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I don’t understand the word. Мен---- -өз-і--үсі---йм-н. М__ б__ с____ т___________ М-н б-л с-з-і т-с-н-е-м-н- -------------------------- Мен бұл сөзді түсінбеймін. 0
Men---- sözdi tü----ey-i-. M__ b__ s____ t___________ M-n b-l s-z-i t-s-n-e-m-n- -------------------------- Men bul sözdi tüsinbeymin.
I don’t understand the sentence. Ме- ----с-й-емд--т-------м-н. М__ б__ с_______ т___________ М-н б-л с-й-е-д- т-с-н-е-м-н- ----------------------------- Мен бұл сөйлемді түсінбеймін. 0
M-n b---s-yl---i t--i----min. M__ b__ s_______ t___________ M-n b-l s-y-e-d- t-s-n-e-m-n- ----------------------------- Men bul söylemdi tüsinbeymin.
I don’t understand the meaning. Ме--м-ғы-ас------і-бе-мін. М__ м________ т___________ М-н м-ғ-н-с-н т-с-н-е-м-н- -------------------------- Мен мағынасын түсінбеймін. 0
Me----ğı--sın t-sinb--m-n. M__ m________ t___________ M-n m-ğ-n-s-n t-s-n-e-m-n- -------------------------- Men mağınasın tüsinbeymin.
the teacher М-ғ-л-----ай М______ а___ М-ғ-л-м а-а- ------------ Мұғалім ағай 0
Mu------ağay M______ a___ M-ğ-l-m a-a- ------------ Muğalim ağay
Do you understand the teacher? С---мұға-ім аға-д- -үс-н--і--бе? С__ м______ а_____ т________ б__ С-з м-ғ-л-м а-а-д- т-с-н-с-з б-? -------------------------------- Сіз мұғалім ағайды түсінесіз бе? 0
S---muğal-------dı -ü-in--i- be? S__ m______ a_____ t________ b__ S-z m-ğ-l-m a-a-d- t-s-n-s-z b-? -------------------------------- Siz muğalim ağaydı tüsinesiz be?
Yes, I understand him well. Иә- ме---ны-ж-қ-- -үсі---. И__ м__ о__ ж____ т_______ И-, м-н о-ы ж-қ-ы т-с-н-м- -------------------------- Иә, мен оны жақсы түсінем. 0
Ï-- m-- --ı j--s- tü---em. Ï__ m__ o__ j____ t_______ Ï-, m-n o-ı j-q-ı t-s-n-m- -------------------------- Ïä, men onı jaqsı tüsinem.
the teacher м-ғ--і- а-ай м______ а___ м-ғ-л-м а-а- ------------ мұғалім апай 0
muğa--m --ay m______ a___ m-ğ-l-m a-a- ------------ muğalim apay
Do you understand the teacher? С-з м--а--м -----ы-тү---есі- -е? С__ м______ а_____ т________ б__ С-з м-ғ-л-м а-а-д- т-с-н-с-з б-? -------------------------------- Сіз мұғалім апайды түсінесіз бе? 0
S---m---lim--p-y-ı t-s---s-- b-? S__ m______ a_____ t________ b__ S-z m-ğ-l-m a-a-d- t-s-n-s-z b-? -------------------------------- Siz muğalim apaydı tüsinesiz be?
Yes, I understand her well. И-, м-н ------қс- т-с-н--. И__ м__ о__ ж____ т_______ И-, м-н о-ы ж-қ-ы т-с-н-м- -------------------------- Ия, мен оны жақсы түсінем. 0
Ï-a, -en o-ı ---sı-t-si--m. Ï___ m__ o__ j____ t_______ Ï-a- m-n o-ı j-q-ı t-s-n-m- --------------------------- Ïya, men onı jaqsı tüsinem.
the people А-а---р А______ А-а-д-р ------- Адамдар 0
Ad-md-r A______ A-a-d-r ------- Adamdar
Do you understand the people? С------м-а-ды---------з-бе? С__ а________ т________ б__ С-з а-а-д-р-ы т-с-н-с-з б-? --------------------------- Сіз адамдарды түсінесіз бе? 0
Siz -d--dar---t----e-iz -e? S__ a________ t________ b__ S-z a-a-d-r-ı t-s-n-s-z b-? --------------------------- Siz adamdardı tüsinesiz be?
No, I don’t understand them so well. Ж----------ард---нш- ----ы -үс--б----н. Ж___ м__ о_____ о___ ж____ т___________ Ж-қ- м-н о-а-д- о-ш- ж-қ-ы т-с-н-е-м-н- --------------------------------------- Жоқ, мен оларды онша жақсы түсінбеймін. 0
J--- --n-o--r-- onş- j---ı --si--e-mi-. J___ m__ o_____ o___ j____ t___________ J-q- m-n o-a-d- o-ş- j-q-ı t-s-n-e-m-n- --------------------------------------- Joq, men olardı onşa jaqsı tüsinbeymin.
the girlfriend қ-рбы қ____ қ-р-ы ----- құрбы 0
qurbı q____ q-r-ı ----- qurbı
Do you have a girlfriend? Сізд---құ--ың---б-----? С_____ қ_______ б__ м__ С-з-і- қ-р-ы-ы- б-р м-? ----------------------- Сіздің құрбыңыз бар ма? 0
S--di-----bıñı--b-r -a? S_____ q_______ b__ m__ S-z-i- q-r-ı-ı- b-r m-? ----------------------- Sizdiñ qurbıñız bar ma?
Yes, I do. И-,-м-нің----б------. И__ м____ қ_____ б___ И-, м-н-ң қ-р-ы- б-р- --------------------- Иә, менің құрбым бар. 0
Ï---m--iñ----b---b-r. Ï__ m____ q_____ b___ Ï-, m-n-ñ q-r-ı- b-r- --------------------- Ïä, meniñ qurbım bar.
the daughter қыз қ__ қ-з --- қыз 0
qız q__ q-z --- qız
Do you have a daughter? Сіз--- қ-----з -а- м-? С_____ қ______ б__ м__ С-з-і- қ-з-ң-з б-р м-? ---------------------- Сіздің қызыңыз бар ма? 0
Si-d-ñ-qızı--z-ba- ma? S_____ q______ b__ m__ S-z-i- q-z-ñ-z b-r m-? ---------------------- Sizdiñ qızıñız bar ma?
No, I don’t. Жо-, мен-ң-қ--ы--жо-. Ж___ м____ қ____ ж___ Ж-қ- м-н-ң қ-з-м ж-қ- --------------------- Жоқ, менің қызым жоқ. 0
Joq, men-ñ---z-- j--. J___ m____ q____ j___ J-q- m-n-ñ q-z-m j-q- --------------------- Joq, meniñ qızım joq.

The blind process speech more efficiently

People that cannot see hear better. As a result, they can move through everyday life easier. But blind people can also process speech better! Numerous scientific studies have come to this conclusion. Researchers had test subjects listen to recordings. The speed of speech was then considerably increased. Despite this, the blind test subjects could understand the recordings. The test subjects who could see, on the other hand, could hardly understand. The rate of speaking was too high for them. Another experiment came to similar results. Seeing and blind test subjects listened to various sentences. Part of each sentence was manipulated. The last word was replaced with a nonsense word. The test subjects had to assess the sentences. They had to decide if the sentences were sensible or nonsense. While they were working through the sentences, their brains were analyzed. Researchers measured certain brain waves. By doing so, they could see how quickly the brain solved the task. In the blind test subjects, a certain signal appeared very quickly. This signal indicates that a sentence has been analyzed. In the seeing test subjects, this signal appeared much later. Why blind people process speech more efficiently is not yet known. But scientists have a theory. They believe that their brain uses a particular brain region intensively. It is the region with which seeing people process visual stimuli. This region isn't used for seeing in blind people. So it is "available" for other tasks. For this reason, the blind have a greater capacity to process speech…