
em Negation 1   »   ky Четке кагуу 1

64 [sixty-four]

Negation 1

Negation 1

64 [алтымыш төрт]

64 [altımış tört]

Четке кагуу 1

Çetke kaguu 1

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English (US) Kyrgyz Play More
I don’t understand the word. М-н---- с------үш--бөй -а-а-ы-. М__ б__ с____ т_______ ж_______ М-н б-л с-з-ү т-ш-н-ө- ж-т-м-н- ------------------------------- Мен бул сөздү түшүнбөй жатамын. 0
Men---l sö-d--tüş----y ja-a--n. M__ b__ s____ t_______ j_______ M-n b-l s-z-ü t-ş-n-ö- j-t-m-n- ------------------------------- Men bul sözdü tüşünböy jatamın.
I don’t understand the sentence. Ме-----лөм----үшүн-----атамы-. М__ с_______ т_______ ж_______ М-н с-й-ө-д- т-ш-н-ө- ж-т-м-н- ------------------------------ Мен сүйлөмдү түшүнбөй жатамын. 0
M----üy--m-- -üşü-bö----t----. M__ s_______ t_______ j_______ M-n s-y-ö-d- t-ş-n-ö- j-t-m-n- ------------------------------ Men süylömdü tüşünböy jatamın.
I don’t understand the meaning. Ме- --- -м-ени-б-----ерин -үш-нбөй--------. М__ б__ э_____ б_________ т_______ ж_______ М-н б-л э-н-н- б-л-и-е-и- т-ш-н-ө- ж-т-м-н- ------------------------------------------- Мен бул эмнени билдирерин түшүнбөй жатамын. 0
Me- b-- -m-e-i-b--dir--i--tüş-n--y--a-a-ın. M__ b__ e_____ b_________ t_______ j_______ M-n b-l e-n-n- b-l-i-e-i- t-ş-n-ö- j-t-m-n- ------------------------------------------- Men bul emneni bildirerin tüşünböy jatamın.
the teacher М-галим М______ М-г-л-м ------- Мугалим 0
M-ga--m M______ M-g-l-m ------- Mugalim
Do you understand the teacher? Му---имд- тү-ү--- ----сызб-? М________ т______ ж_________ М-г-л-м-и т-ш-н-п ж-т-с-з-ы- ---------------------------- Мугалимди түшүнүп жатасызбы? 0
Mu-al---i-tüşünüp----a-ız-ı? M________ t______ j_________ M-g-l-m-i t-ş-n-p j-t-s-z-ı- ---------------------------- Mugalimdi tüşünüp jatasızbı?
Yes, I understand him well. Оо-а----- -н-(э-кек) -а--ы-т--ү--- ж-там-н. О____ м__ а_________ ж____ т______ ж_______ О-б-, м-н а-ы-э-к-к- ж-к-ы т-ш-н-п ж-т-м-н- ------------------------------------------- Ооба, мен аны(эркек) жакшы түшүнүп жатамын. 0
Oo--,---n -----r-e-) j--ş- ---ü--p j--am--. O____ m__ a_________ j____ t______ j_______ O-b-, m-n a-ı-e-k-k- j-k-ı t-ş-n-p j-t-m-n- ------------------------------------------- Ooba, men anı(erkek) jakşı tüşünüp jatamın.
the teacher М---лим М______ М-г-л-м ------- Мугалим 0
Mug-lim M______ M-g-l-m ------- Mugalim
Do you understand the teacher? Му---имди -ү-ү-ү----тас-зб-? М________ т______ ж_________ М-г-л-м-и т-ш-н-п ж-т-с-з-ы- ---------------------------- Мугалимди түшүнүп жатасызбы? 0
M--al---i-tü-ün-p ja-a-ızb-? M________ t______ j_________ M-g-l-m-i t-ş-n-p j-t-s-z-ı- ---------------------------- Mugalimdi tüşünüp jatasızbı?
Yes, I understand her well. Ооба---ен-ан-(а-л- жак-- ---ү-ү--жата-ын. О____ м__ а_______ ж____ т______ ж_______ О-б-, м-н а-ы-а-л- ж-к-ы т-ш-н-п ж-т-м-н- ----------------------------------------- Ооба, мен аны(аял) жакшы түшүнүп жатамын. 0
O--a, m---an-----l) ja--ı ---ü-üp-j-t--ın. O____ m__ a________ j____ t______ j_______ O-b-, m-n a-ı-a-a-) j-k-ı t-ş-n-p j-t-m-n- ------------------------------------------ Ooba, men anı(ayal) jakşı tüşünüp jatamın.
the people А-а-дар А______ А-а-д-р ------- Адамдар 0
Ad--d-r A______ A-a-d-r ------- Adamdar
Do you understand the people? А--мдар----үш---п---та-ызбы? А________ т______ ж_________ А-а-д-р-ы т-ш-н-п ж-т-с-з-ы- ---------------------------- Адамдарды түшүнүп жатасызбы? 0
Ad--d--dı------ü--ja-a--z-ı? A________ t______ j_________ A-a-d-r-ı t-ş-n-p j-t-s-z-ı- ---------------------------- Adamdardı tüşünüp jatasızbı?
No, I don’t understand them so well. Жо-, мен-а-а--- жакшы--ү--------а-а--н. Ж___ м__ а_____ ж____ т_______ ж_______ Ж-к- м-н а-а-д- ж-к-ы т-ш-н-ө- ж-т-м-н- --------------------------------------- Жок, мен аларды жакшы түшүнбөй жатамын. 0
Jok,--en -l-rd--j--ş- -ü--nb-- ----mı-. J___ m__ a_____ j____ t_______ j_______ J-k- m-n a-a-d- j-k-ı t-ş-n-ö- j-t-m-n- --------------------------------------- Jok, men alardı jakşı tüşünböy jatamın.
the girlfriend С---ө-кө--кыз С________ к__ С-й-ө-к-н к-з ------------- Сүйлөшкөн кыз 0
Süyl-------ız S________ k__ S-y-ö-k-n k-z ------------- Süylöşkön kız
Do you have a girlfriend? С-йл-ш-өн кы-ы--з --р-ы? С________ к______ б_____ С-й-ө-к-н к-з-ң-з б-р-ы- ------------------------ Сүйлөшкөн кызыңыз барбы? 0
S-y-öşk-- --z-ŋız --r-ı? S________ k______ b_____ S-y-ö-k-n k-z-ŋ-z b-r-ı- ------------------------ Süylöşkön kızıŋız barbı?
Yes, I do. Ооб-,---------р-ө-б-р. О____ м____ б____ б___ О-б-, м-н-е б-р-ө б-р- ---------------------- Ооба, менде бирөө бар. 0
O--a,-men-e -i--ö --r. O____ m____ b____ b___ O-b-, m-n-e b-r-ö b-r- ---------------------- Ooba, mende biröö bar.
the daughter к--ы к___ к-з- ---- кызы 0
k-zı k___ k-z- ---- kızı
Do you have a daughter? Сиз-ин -ы--ң-з б--б-? С_____ к______ б_____ С-з-и- к-з-ң-з б-р-ы- --------------------- Сиздин кызыңыз барбы? 0
Siz-in --zıŋı- ba---? S_____ k______ b_____ S-z-i- k-z-ŋ-z b-r-ı- --------------------- Sizdin kızıŋız barbı?
No, I don’t. Жок, ---де ---. Ж___ м____ ж___ Ж-к- м-н-е ж-к- --------------- Жок, менде жок. 0
Jo-------e-jo-. J___ m____ j___ J-k- m-n-e j-k- --------------- Jok, mende jok.

The blind process speech more efficiently

People that cannot see hear better. As a result, they can move through everyday life easier. But blind people can also process speech better! Numerous scientific studies have come to this conclusion. Researchers had test subjects listen to recordings. The speed of speech was then considerably increased. Despite this, the blind test subjects could understand the recordings. The test subjects who could see, on the other hand, could hardly understand. The rate of speaking was too high for them. Another experiment came to similar results. Seeing and blind test subjects listened to various sentences. Part of each sentence was manipulated. The last word was replaced with a nonsense word. The test subjects had to assess the sentences. They had to decide if the sentences were sensible or nonsense. While they were working through the sentences, their brains were analyzed. Researchers measured certain brain waves. By doing so, they could see how quickly the brain solved the task. In the blind test subjects, a certain signal appeared very quickly. This signal indicates that a sentence has been analyzed. In the seeing test subjects, this signal appeared much later. Why blind people process speech more efficiently is not yet known. But scientists have a theory. They believe that their brain uses a particular brain region intensively. It is the region with which seeing people process visual stimuli. This region isn't used for seeing in blind people. So it is "available" for other tasks. For this reason, the blind have a greater capacity to process speech…