
em Negation 2   »   el Άρνηση 2

65 [sixty-five]

Negation 2

Negation 2

65 [εξήντα πέντε]

65 [exḗnta pénte]

Άρνηση 2

Árnēsē 2

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Is the ring expensive? Το-δ-χ------ -ίν----κ-ι-ό; Τ_ δ________ ε____ α______ Τ- δ-χ-υ-ί-ι ε-ν-ι α-ρ-β-; -------------------------- Το δαχτυλίδι είναι ακριβό; 0
T- -a-h-y---- -í-a----ribó? T_ d_________ e____ a______ T- d-c-t-l-d- e-n-i a-r-b-? --------------------------- To dachtylídi eínai akribó?
No, it costs only one hundred Euros. Ό-ι- -ο-τ-ζ-ι--όνο -κ-τ- --ρώ. Ό___ κ_______ μ___ ε____ ε____ Ό-ι- κ-σ-ί-ε- μ-ν- ε-α-ό ε-ρ-. ------------------------------ Όχι, κοστίζει μόνο εκατό ευρώ. 0
Ó-h-- k-s-íz-i -ón- -ka-ó---rṓ. Ó____ k_______ m___ e____ e____ Ó-h-, k-s-í-e- m-n- e-a-ó e-r-. ------------------------------- Óchi, kostízei móno ekató eurṓ.
But I have only fifty. Ό--- έχω--ό-ο-----ντ-. Ό___ έ__ μ___ π_______ Ό-ω- έ-ω μ-ν- π-ν-ν-α- ---------------------- Όμως έχω μόνο πενήντα. 0
Ó-ō- échō-m--o---nḗn--. Ó___ é___ m___ p_______ Ó-ō- é-h- m-n- p-n-n-a- ----------------------- Ómōs échō móno penḗnta.
Are you finished? Ε--α- ήδ------μ---/ έτ--μη; Ε____ ή__ έ______ / έ______ Ε-σ-ι ή-η έ-ο-μ-ς / έ-ο-μ-; --------------------------- Είσαι ήδη έτοιμος / έτοιμη; 0
E-sa- ḗ---é-o-mo----é-o---? E____ ḗ__ é______ / é______ E-s-i ḗ-ē é-o-m-s / é-o-m-? --------------------------- Eísai ḗdē étoimos / étoimē?
No, not yet. Ό-- --όμ-. Ό__ α_____ Ό-ι α-ό-α- ---------- Όχι ακόμα. 0
Ó-hi -k---. Ó___ a_____ Ó-h- a-ó-a- ----------- Óchi akóma.
But I’ll be finished soon. Αλλά-σ-----ύ-λ-γ- θ- --μαι-----ι--ς - --ο----. Α___ σ_ π___ λ___ θ_ ε____ (_______ / έ_______ Α-λ- σ- π-λ- λ-γ- θ- ε-μ-ι (-τ-ι-ο- / έ-ο-μ-)- ---------------------------------------------- Αλλά σε πολύ λίγο θα είμαι (έτοιμος / έτοιμη). 0
All- se-------íg- -ha--í--i ---oim-s / éto--ē). A___ s_ p___ l___ t__ e____ (_______ / é_______ A-l- s- p-l- l-g- t-a e-m-i (-t-i-o- / é-o-m-)- ----------------------------------------------- Allá se polý lígo tha eímai (étoimos / étoimē).
Do you want some more soup? Θα --ελες-κ-ι -λ-η---ύπα; Θ_ ή_____ κ__ ά___ σ_____ Θ- ή-ε-ε- κ-ι ά-λ- σ-ύ-α- ------------------------- Θα ήθελες και άλλη σούπα; 0
T-a ḗt--le--ka--á--- ----a? T__ ḗ______ k__ á___ s_____ T-a ḗ-h-l-s k-i á-l- s-ú-a- --------------------------- Tha ḗtheles kai állē soúpa?
No, I don’t want anymore. Ό--,--ε--θ--ω ά-λη σούπα. Ό___ δ__ θ___ ά___ σ_____ Ό-ι- δ-ν θ-λ- ά-λ- σ-ύ-α- ------------------------- Όχι, δεν θέλω άλλη σούπα. 0
Óc--- --n---é-ō----- ---p-. Ó____ d__ t____ á___ s_____ Ó-h-, d-n t-é-ō á-l- s-ú-a- --------------------------- Óchi, den thélō állē soúpa.
But another ice cream. Αλλ---να π--ωτ-. Α___ έ__ π______ Α-λ- έ-α π-γ-τ-. ---------------- Αλλά ένα παγωτό. 0
A--á---a pag-tó. A___ é__ p______ A-l- é-a p-g-t-. ---------------- Allá éna pagōtó.
Have you lived here long? Μέν--- --ι-ό εδ-; Μ_____ κ____ ε___ Μ-ν-ι- κ-ι-ό ε-ώ- ----------------- Μένεις καιρό εδώ; 0
Mén----k--ró -dṓ? M_____ k____ e___ M-n-i- k-i-ó e-ṓ- ----------------- Méneis kairó edṓ?
No, only for a month. Όχι, μόνο --αν---ν-. Ό___ μ___ έ___ μ____ Ό-ι- μ-ν- έ-α- μ-ν-. -------------------- Όχι, μόνο έναν μήνα. 0
Ó---,---no---an---n-. Ó____ m___ é___ m____ Ó-h-, m-n- é-a- m-n-. --------------------- Óchi, móno énan mḗna.
But I already know a lot of people. Αλ-----ω ήδ---ολλο-----ωσ--ύ-. Α___ έ__ ή__ π______ γ________ Α-λ- έ-ω ή-η π-λ-ο-ς γ-ω-τ-ύ-. ------------------------------ Αλλά έχω ήδη πολλούς γνωστούς. 0
A--- ---- --- p-ll--s gnō---ú-. A___ é___ ḗ__ p______ g________ A-l- é-h- ḗ-ē p-l-o-s g-ō-t-ú-. ------------------------------- Allá échō ḗdē polloús gnōstoús.
Are you driving home tomorrow? Πα--αύ--ο----τι; Π__ α____ σ_____ Π-ς α-ρ-ο σ-ί-ι- ---------------- Πας αύριο σπίτι; 0
Pas--úri- s-í--? P__ a____ s_____ P-s a-r-o s-í-i- ---------------- Pas aúrio spíti?
No, only on the weekend. Όχ-- τ- σαβ--το-ύρ----. Ό___ τ_ σ______________ Ό-ι- τ- σ-β-α-ο-ύ-ι-κ-. ----------------------- Όχι, το σαββατοκύριακο. 0
Ó-----t---a---tok-ri--o. Ó____ t_ s______________ Ó-h-, t- s-b-a-o-ý-i-k-. ------------------------ Óchi, to sabbatokýriako.
But I will be back on Sunday. Α--ά---- -υ-ι-κ--κι---ς-θα--π----έ-ω. Α___ τ__ Κ______ κ_____ θ_ ε_________ Α-λ- τ-ν Κ-ρ-α-ή κ-ό-α- θ- ε-ι-τ-έ-ω- ------------------------------------- Αλλά την Κυριακή κιόλας θα επιστρέψω. 0
A-lá -ē- -y--akḗ ----a- tha-e-i--r-psō. A___ t__ K______ k_____ t__ e__________ A-l- t-n K-r-a-ḗ k-ó-a- t-a e-i-t-é-s-. --------------------------------------- Allá tēn Kyriakḗ kiólas tha epistrépsō.
Is your daughter an adult? Έ--ι-ενηλ-κιω--ί-η-κόρ--σ-υ; Έ___ ε__________ η κ___ σ___ Έ-ε- ε-η-ι-ι-θ-ί η κ-ρ- σ-υ- ---------------------------- Έχει ενηλικιωθεί η κόρη σου; 0
É---i -nē-i--ō-h-í - kó-ē--o-? É____ e___________ ē k___ s___ É-h-i e-ē-i-i-t-e- ē k-r- s-u- ------------------------------ Échei enēlikiōtheí ē kórē sou?
No, she is only seventeen. Ό-----ί-αι--όλ-ς---κ-επ-ά. Ό___ ε____ μ____ δ________ Ό-ι- ε-ν-ι μ-λ-ς δ-κ-ε-τ-. -------------------------- Όχι, είναι μόλις δεκαεπτά. 0
Ó-h-, e--a---ó-is--ek-e-tá. Ó____ e____ m____ d________ Ó-h-, e-n-i m-l-s d-k-e-t-. --------------------------- Óchi, eínai mólis dekaeptá.
But she already has a boyfriend. Α--- --ει--δ- --λ-. Α___ έ___ ή__ φ____ Α-λ- έ-ε- ή-η φ-λ-. ------------------- Αλλά έχει ήδη φίλο. 0
Allá---h-i-ḗdē -h--o. A___ é____ ḗ__ p_____ A-l- é-h-i ḗ-ē p-í-o- --------------------- Allá échei ḗdē phílo.

What words tell us

Worldwide there are many millions of books. How many have been written up to now is unknown. A great deal of knowledge is stored in these books. If one were to read all of them, he would know a lot about life. Because books show us how our world changes. Each era has its own books. By reading them one can identify what is important to people. Unfortunately, no one can read every book. But modern technology can help analyze books. Using digitalization, books can be stored like data. After that, the contents can be analyzed. In this way, linguists see how our language has changed. It is even more interesting, however, to count the frequency of words. By doing so, the significance of certain things can be identified. Scientists studied more than 5 million books. These were books from the last five centuries. A total of 500 billion words were analyzed. The frequency of the words shows how people lived then and now. Ideas and trends are reflected in the language. The word men has lost some meaning, for example. It is used less frequently today than it was earlier. The frequency of the word women , on the other hand, has increased significantly. One can also see what we like to eat by looking at words. The word ice cream was very important in the fifties. After that, the words pizza and pasta became popular. The term sushi has been dominant for a few years now. There is good news for all language lovers… Our language gains more words every year!