
em Possessive pronouns 1   »   ad ЕхьылIэгъэ цIэпапкIэхэр 1

66 [sixty-six]

Possessive pronouns 1

Possessive pronouns 1

66 [тIокIищрэ хырэ]

66 [tIokIishhrje hyrje]

ЕхьылIэгъэ цIэпапкIэхэр 1

Eh'ylIjegje cIjepapkIjehjer 1

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I – my сэ-- -э--й с_ – с____ с- – с-с-й ---------- сэ – сэсый 0
s-- – s-es-j s__ – s_____ s-e – s-e-y- ------------ sje – sjesyj
I can’t find my key. С-I----ы--- --ъ-т--ьр--. С__________ з___________ С-I-н-I-б-э з-ъ-т-ж-р-п- ------------------------ СиIункIыбзэ згъотыжьрэп. 0
S----kI--zj- zg-tyz--r-ep. S___________ z____________ S-I-n-I-b-j- z-o-y-h-r-e-. -------------------------- SiIunkIybzje zgotyzh'rjep.
I can’t find my ticket. С----е---гъ-тыжьрэ-. С______ з___________ С-б-л-т з-ъ-т-ж-р-п- -------------------- Сибилет згъотыжьрэп. 0
S--i--- zgo-yzh-r--p. S______ z____________ S-b-l-t z-o-y-h-r-e-. --------------------- Sibilet zgotyzh'rjep.
you – your о-–---й о – о__ о – о-й ------- о – оуй 0
o-– -uj o – o__ o – o-j ------- o – ouj
Have you found your key? У--у--I-бзэ-----т---ы---? У__________ б____________ У-I-н-I-б-э б-ъ-т-ж-ы-ъ-? ------------------------- УиIункIыбзэ бгъотыжьыгъа? 0
U--un--y--je bgoty-h-yga? U___________ b___________ U-I-n-I-b-j- b-o-y-h-y-a- ------------------------- UiIunkIybzje bgotyzh'yga?
Have you found your ticket? У--и-е- ------ж-ы--а? У______ б____________ У-б-л-т б-ъ-т-ж-ы-ъ-? --------------------- Уибилет бгъотыжьыгъа? 0
U-bil-t-bg-tyz-'y-a? U______ b___________ U-b-l-t b-o-y-h-y-a- -------------------- Uibilet bgotyzh'yga?
he – his ар -хъ-лъ-ыг-)-–--щ-ий а_ (__________ – а_ и_ а- (-ъ-л-ф-г-) – а- и- ---------------------- ар (хъулъфыгъ) – ащ ий 0
ar --ulf--) - ---- -j a_ (_______ – a___ i_ a- (-u-f-g- – a-h- i- --------------------- ar (hulfyg) – ashh ij
Do you know where his key is? А--(х--л-фы-ъ)---у-к-ыб----ыдэщы-э--ош--? А_ (__________ и_________ з________ о____ А- (-ъ-л-ф-г-) и-у-к-ы-з- з-д-щ-I-р о-I-? ----------------------------------------- Ащ (хъулъфыгъ) иIункIыбзэ зыдэщыIэр ошIа? 0
As-h -hu---g) iIu-kI-b-je---d-eshhy-j-r------? A___ (_______ i__________ z____________ o_____ A-h- (-u-f-g- i-u-k-y-z-e z-d-e-h-y-j-r o-h-a- ---------------------------------------------- Ashh (hulfyg) iIunkIybzje zydjeshhyIjer oshIa?
Do you know where his ticket is? Ащ---ъу------------ет зыдэщыIэ- ошI-? А_ (__________ и_____ з________ о____ А- (-ъ-л-ф-г-) и-и-е- з-д-щ-I-р о-I-? ------------------------------------- Ащ (хъулъфыгъ) ибилет зыдэщыIэр ошIа? 0
As-h (-u----)--b---t -y-j---h--je- o--Ia? A___ (_______ i_____ z____________ o_____ A-h- (-u-f-g- i-i-e- z-d-e-h-y-j-r o-h-a- ----------------------------------------- Ashh (hulfyg) ibilet zydjeshhyIjer oshIa?
she – her а- -бз-л-ф-г---–-ащ--й а_ (__________ – а_ и_ а- (-з-л-ф-г-) – а- и- ---------------------- ар (бзылъфыгъ) – ащ ий 0
ar----y---g--- ash- -j a_ (________ – a___ i_ a- (-z-l-y-) – a-h- i- ---------------------- ar (bzylfyg) – ashh ij
Her money is gone. А- (----ъфы-ъ)--а--щ---- кI----ъэ-. А_ (__________ и________ к_________ А- (-з-л-ф-г-) и-х-щ-х-р к-о-ы-ъ-х- ----------------------------------- Ащ (бзылъфыгъ) иахъщэхэр кIодыгъэх. 0
A-h--(bzy-f-g)-i--s-hj-h--- kIody--e-. A___ (________ i___________ k_________ A-h- (-z-l-y-) i-h-h-j-h-e- k-o-y-j-h- -------------------------------------- Ashh (bzylfyg) iahshhjehjer kIodygjeh.
And her credit card is also gone. И-ред-- к-рти--ыIэ-. И______ к____ щ_____ И-р-д-т к-р-и щ-I-п- -------------------- Икредит карти щыIэп. 0
Ik-e-i----r-- -h--Ij--. I______ k____ s________ I-r-d-t k-r-i s-h-I-e-. ----------------------- Ikredit karti shhyIjep.
we – our тэ --тэ--й т_ – т____ т- – т-т-й ---------- тэ – тэтый 0
tj--- ----yj t__ – t_____ t-e – t-e-y- ------------ tje – tjetyj
Our grandfather is ill. Тит----- --ма--. Т_______ с______ Т-т-т-ж- с-м-д-. ---------------- Титэтэжъ сымадж. 0
T---etj--- --m-d-h. T_________ s_______ T-t-e-j-z- s-m-d-h- ------------------- Titjetjezh symadzh.
Our grandmother is healthy. Тин-нэ -са---ау. Т_____ п________ Т-н-н- п-а---а-. ---------------- Тинанэ псау-тау. 0
Tin--j- --au--au. T______ p________ T-n-n-e p-a---a-. ----------------- Tinanje psau-tau.
you – your ш-- –--ъ-ш-уй ш__ – ш______ ш-о – ш-о-ъ-й ------------- шъо – шъошъуй 0
s-o - ---s--j s__ – s______ s-o – s-o-h-j ------------- sho – shoshuj
Children, where is your father? К--л----кI----,--ъу-т--т-д- --I? К______________ ш_____ т___ щ___ К-э-э-I-к-у-э-, ш-у-т- т-д- щ-I- -------------------------------- КIэлэцIыкIухэр, шъуятэ тыдэ щыI? 0
K-jel-ecIykIu-j--, sh-j--je ty--- -hh--? K_________________ s_______ t____ s_____ K-j-l-e-I-k-u-j-r- s-u-a-j- t-d-e s-h-I- ---------------------------------------- KIjeljecIykIuhjer, shujatje tydje shhyI?
Children, where is your mother? К---э-Iы--у-э-,---у-нэ -ы-э--ы-? К______________ ш_____ т___ щ___ К-э-э-I-к-у-э-, ш-у-н- т-д- щ-I- -------------------------------- КIэлэцIыкIухэр, шъуянэ тыдэ щыI? 0
KI-e--ec-yk-u----- shuj------ydje s--y-? K_________________ s_______ t____ s_____ K-j-l-e-I-k-u-j-r- s-u-a-j- t-d-e s-h-I- ---------------------------------------- KIjeljecIykIuhjer, shujanje tydje shhyI?

Creative Language

Today, creativity is an important feature. Everyone wants to be creative. Because creative people are considered intelligent. Our language should be creative as well. Previously, people tried to speak as correctly as possible. Today a person should speak as creatively as possible. Advertising and new media are examples of this. They demonstrate how one can play with language. For the last 50 years the significance of creativity has increased greatly. Even research is concerned with the phenomenon. Psychologists, educators and philosophers examine creative processes. Creativity is defined as the ability to create something new. So a creative speaker produces new linguistic forms. They could be words or grammatical structures. By studying creative language, linguists can identify how language changes. But not everyone understands new linguistic elements. In order to understand creative language, you need knowledge. One must know how language functions. And one must be familiar with the world in which the speakers live. Only then can one understand what they want to say. Teenage slang is an example of this. Kids and young people are always inventing new terms. Adults often do not understand these words. Now, dictionaries have been published that explain teenage slang. But they are usually already outdated after just one generation! However, creative language can be learned. Trainers offer several courses in it. The most important rule is always: activate your inner voice!