
em Possessive pronouns 2   »   kk Тәуелдік есімдігі 2

67 [sixty-seven]

Possessive pronouns 2

Possessive pronouns 2

67 [алпыс жеті]

67 [alpıs jeti]

Тәуелдік есімдігі 2

Täweldik esimdigi 2

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the glasses Кө-------к К_________ К-з-л-і-і- ---------- Көзілдірік 0
K--il----k K_________ K-z-l-i-i- ---------- Közildirik
He has forgotten his glasses. Ол--зін-ң көзі-ді--гі- -м-тып------. О_ ө_____ к___________ ұ_____ к_____ О- ө-і-і- к-з-л-і-і-і- ұ-ы-ы- к-т-і- ------------------------------------ Ол өзінің көзілдірігін ұмытып кетті. 0
O--ö----ñ közi--i--g-n u--tı- k---i. O_ ö_____ k___________ u_____ k_____ O- ö-i-i- k-z-l-i-i-i- u-ı-ı- k-t-i- ------------------------------------ Ol öziniñ közildirigin umıtıp ketti.
Where has he left his glasses? Оны- -өзілдірі-і---йд--е--н? О___ к__________ қ____ е____ О-ы- к-з-л-і-і-і қ-й-а е-е-? ---------------------------- Оның көзілдірігі қайда екен? 0
O--ñ -ö---d--i---q-y----ke-? O___ k__________ q____ e____ O-ı- k-z-l-i-i-i q-y-a e-e-? ---------------------------- Onıñ közildirigi qayda eken?
the clock с---т с____ с-ғ-т ----- сағат 0
s---t s____ s-ğ-t ----- sağat
His clock isn’t working. Оның-с-ғ--ы б--ы-ып-қ----. О___ с_____ б______ қ_____ О-ы- с-ғ-т- б-з-л-п қ-л-ы- -------------------------- Оның сағаты бұзылып қалды. 0
Onıñ sa---ı -uz--ı--q-ld-. O___ s_____ b______ q_____ O-ı- s-ğ-t- b-z-l-p q-l-ı- -------------------------- Onıñ sağatı buzılıp qaldı.
The clock hangs on the wall. С-ғ-- -абы----- ---ніп т-р. С____ қ________ і_____ т___ С-ғ-т қ-б-р-а-а і-і-і- т-р- --------------------------- Сағат қабырғада ілініп тұр. 0
Sağa---a-ır-ad-------p--ur. S____ q________ i_____ t___ S-ğ-t q-b-r-a-a i-i-i- t-r- --------------------------- Sağat qabırğada ilinip tur.
the passport т--құжат т_______ т-л-ұ-а- -------- төлқұжат 0
t--qu-at t_______ t-l-u-a- -------- tölqujat
He has lost his passport. О--төлқұжаты- жо-ал--п--л--. О_ т_________ ж_______ а____ О- т-л-ұ-а-ы- ж-ғ-л-ы- а-д-. ---------------------------- Ол төлқұжатын жоғалтып алды. 0
O--tö-qu---ın---ğal-ıp a--ı. O_ t_________ j_______ a____ O- t-l-u-a-ı- j-ğ-l-ı- a-d-. ---------------------------- Ol tölqujatın joğaltıp aldı.
Where is his passport then? Оның--ө-қ---ты -а--- екен? О___ т________ қ____ е____ О-ы- т-л-ұ-а-ы қ-й-а е-е-? -------------------------- Оның төлқұжаты қайда екен? 0
O-ı- t--qujatı-q-y---ek--? O___ t________ q____ e____ O-ı- t-l-u-a-ı q-y-a e-e-? -------------------------- Onıñ tölqujatı qayda eken?
they – their ол---– --де---ің о___ – ө________ о-а- – ө-д-р-н-ң ---------------- олар – өздерінің 0
ol-r --ö--e-i--ñ o___ – ö________ o-a- – ö-d-r-n-ñ ---------------- olar – özderiniñ
The children cannot find their parents. Ба---ар--з----н-- а-а--на-----аб- а-май----. Б______ ө________ а_________ т___ а____ ж___ Б-л-л-р ө-д-р-н-ң а-а-а-а-ы- т-б- а-м-й ж-р- -------------------------------------------- Балалар өздерінің ата-анасын таба алмай жүр. 0
B--a-----zd-ri-----t---n---n taba--lma- --r. B______ ö________ a_________ t___ a____ j___ B-l-l-r ö-d-r-n-ñ a-a-a-a-ı- t-b- a-m-y j-r- -------------------------------------------- Balalar özderiniñ ata-anasın taba almay jür.
Here come their parents! Ата--н--- әне-к-ле жа-----ой! А________ ә__ к___ ж____ ғ___ А-а-а-а-ы ә-е к-л- ж-т-р ғ-й- ----------------------------- Ата-анасы әне келе жатыр ғой! 0
At--a-a---ä-- --l- j--ı---o-! A________ ä__ k___ j____ ğ___ A-a-a-a-ı ä-e k-l- j-t-r ğ-y- ----------------------------- Ata-anası äne kele jatır ğoy!
you – your С---- С--д-ң С__ – С_____ С-з – С-з-і- ------------ Сіз – Сіздің 0
Si- - Sizdiñ S__ – S_____ S-z – S-z-i- ------------ Siz – Sizdiñ
How was your trip, Mr. Miller? М---е--мы-за- сіз--- -апа---ыз---ла- ---ды? М_____ м_____ с_____ с________ қ____ б_____ М-л-е- м-р-а- с-з-і- с-п-р-ң-з қ-л-й б-л-ы- ------------------------------------------- Мюллер мырза, сіздің сапарыңыз қалай болды? 0
M-u--er-m---a- s----ñ-sapar---z q---y b--d-? M______ m_____ s_____ s________ q____ b_____ M-u-l-r m-r-a- s-z-i- s-p-r-ñ-z q-l-y b-l-ı- -------------------------------------------- Myuller mırza, sizdiñ saparıñız qalay boldı?
Where is your wife, Mr. Miller? М----р-м-рз-,-сізд-- әй-л-ңіз-қ--да? М_____ м_____ с_____ ә_______ қ_____ М-л-е- м-р-а- с-з-і- ә-е-і-і- қ-й-а- ------------------------------------ Мюллер мырза, сіздің әйеліңіз қайда? 0
Myu-l-r -ır--,---z--ñ--y--iñiz q-y--? M______ m_____ s_____ ä_______ q_____ M-u-l-r m-r-a- s-z-i- ä-e-i-i- q-y-a- ------------------------------------- Myuller mırza, sizdiñ äyeliñiz qayda?
you – your С-з - -і-дің С__ – С_____ С-з – С-з-і- ------------ Сіз – Сіздің 0
S-- --Si-diñ S__ – S_____ S-z – S-z-i- ------------ Siz – Sizdiñ
How was your trip, Mrs. Smith? Шм------н-м---ізд-- с---рыңыз қа-ай б-л--? Ш____ х_____ с_____ с________ қ____ б_____ Ш-и-т х-н-м- с-з-і- с-п-р-ң-з қ-л-й б-л-ы- ------------------------------------------ Шмидт ханым, сіздің сапарыңыз қалай болды? 0
Ş-ï-t--anı-- -i-d-ñ-sa-a--ñ-- --lay-bol--? Ş____ x_____ s_____ s________ q____ b_____ Ş-ï-t x-n-m- s-z-i- s-p-r-ñ-z q-l-y b-l-ı- ------------------------------------------ Şmïdt xanım, sizdiñ saparıñız qalay boldı?
Where is your husband, Mrs. Smith? Ш-и-- -а-ым--с--д---к--е----з-қ-йд-? Ш____ х_____ с_____ к________ қ_____ Ш-и-т х-н-м- с-з-і- к-й-у-ң-з қ-й-а- ------------------------------------ Шмидт ханым, сіздің күйеуіңіз қайда? 0
Şmïdt-xan-m--s-z-----üy-wiñ-- -ayd-? Ş____ x_____ s_____ k________ q_____ Ş-ï-t x-n-m- s-z-i- k-y-w-ñ-z q-y-a- ------------------------------------ Şmïdt xanım, sizdiñ küyewiñiz qayda?

Genetic mutation makes speaking possible

Man is the only living creature on Earth that can speak. This distinguishes him from animals and plants. Of course animals and plants also communicate with each other. However, they do not speak a complex syllable language. But why can man speak? Certain physical features are needed in order to be able to speak. These physical features are only found in humans. However, that does not necessarily mean that man developed them. In evolutionary history, nothing happens without a reason. Somewhere along the line, man began to speak. We do not yet know when exactly that was. But something must have happened that gave man speech. Researchers believe that a genetic mutation was responsible. Anthropologists have compared the genetic material of various living beings. It is well known that a particular gene influences speech. People in which it is damaged have problems with speech. They can't express themselves well and have a hard time understanding words. This gene was examined in people, apes, and mice. It is very similar in humans and chimpanzees. Only two small differences can be identified. But these differences make their presence known in the brain. Together with other genes, they influence certain brain activities. Thus humans can speak, whereas apes cannot. However, the riddle of the human language is not yet solved. For the gene mutation alone is not enough to enable speech. Researchers implanted the human gene variant in mice. It didn't give them the ability to speak… But their squeaks made quite a racket!