
em To need – to want to   »   lv vajadzēt – gribēt

69 [sixty-nine]

To need – to want to

To need – to want to

69 [sešdesmit deviņi]

vajadzēt – gribēt

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English (US) Latvian Play More
I need a bed. Ma--va-ag-gul--. M__ v____ g_____ M-n v-j-g g-l-u- ---------------- Man vajag gultu. 0
I want to sleep. E--gribu gu---. E_ g____ g_____ E- g-i-u g-l-t- --------------- Es gribu gulēt. 0
Is there a bed here? V-- te -r-gul--? V__ t_ i_ g_____ V-i t- i- g-l-a- ---------------- Vai te ir gulta? 0
I need a lamp. Ma- v-j-g------. M__ v____ l_____ M-n v-j-g l-m-u- ---------------- Man vajag lampu. 0
I want to read. E--gri-u l---t. E_ g____ l_____ E- g-i-u l-s-t- --------------- Es gribu lasīt. 0
Is there a lamp here? V-i -e-i- l-mp-? V__ t_ i_ l_____ V-i t- i- l-m-a- ---------------- Vai te ir lampa? 0
I need a telephone. Ma---aj-g --l-fon-. M__ v____ t________ M-n v-j-g t-l-f-n-. ------------------- Man vajag telefonu. 0
I want to make a call. Es-g-i-u--i----n-t. E_ g____ p_________ E- g-i-u p-e-v-n-t- ------------------- Es gribu piezvanīt. 0
Is there a telephone here? V-- -- ---t-le--n-? V__ t_ i_ t________ V-i t- i- t-l-f-n-? ------------------- Vai te ir telefons? 0
I need a camera. M----aja---o---p--ātu. M__ v____ f___________ M-n v-j-g f-t-a-a-ā-u- ---------------------- Man vajag fotoaparātu. 0
I want to take photographs. Es--r-bu-fo-o--afēt. E_ g____ f__________ E- g-i-u f-t-g-a-ē-. -------------------- Es gribu fotografēt. 0
Is there a camera here? V---te ir----oap--āts? V__ t_ i_ f___________ V-i t- i- f-t-a-a-ā-s- ---------------------- Vai te ir fotoaparāts? 0
I need a computer. Ma- v-j-- d--or-. M__ v____ d______ M-n v-j-g d-t-r-. ----------------- Man vajag datoru. 0
I want to send an email. Es gr-bu--os-t-t ---a--a -ēs---i. E_ g____ n______ e______ v_______ E- g-i-u n-s-t-t e-p-s-a v-s-u-i- --------------------------------- Es gribu nosūtīt e-pasta vēstuli. 0
Is there a computer here? Vai--- i--dato--? V__ t_ i_ d______ V-i t- i- d-t-r-? ----------------- Vai te ir dators? 0
I need a pen. M-n -a----pi-dspal-u. M__ v____ p__________ M-n v-j-g p-l-s-a-v-. --------------------- Man vajag pildspalvu. 0
I want to write something. E--g-ib--k--t--o -z-ak---t. E_ g____ k___ k_ u_________ E- g-i-u k-u- k- u-r-k-t-t- --------------------------- Es gribu kaut ko uzrakstīt. 0
Is there a sheet of paper and a pen here? Vai-t- ir -ap--- --p--u--pi--spa--a? V__ t_ i_ p_____ l___ u_ p__________ V-i t- i- p-p-r- l-p- u- p-l-s-a-v-? ------------------------------------ Vai te ir papīra lapa un pildspalva? 0

Machine Translations

A person who wants to have texts translated has to pay a lot of money. Professional interpreters or translators are expensive. Despite this, it is becoming increasingly important to understand other languages. Computer scientists and computer linguists want to solve this problem. They have been working for some time now on the development of translation tools. Today, there are many different programs. But the quality of machine translations is typically not good. However, the programmers aren't at fault for that! Languages are very complex structures. Computers, on the other hand, are based on simple mathematical principles. Therefore, they can't always process languages correctly. A translation program must learn a language completely. In order for that to happen, experts have to teach it thousands of words and rules. That is practically impossible. It's easier to have a computer crunch numbers. It's good at that! A computer can calculate which combinations are common. It recognizes, for example, which words are often next to each other. For that, it has to be given texts in various languages. This way it learns what is typical for certain languages. This statistical method will improve automatic translations. However, computers cannot replace humans. No machine can imitate a human brain when it comes to language. So translators and interpreters will have work for a long time to come! In the future, simple texts could certainly be translated by computers. Songs, poetry and literature, on the other hand, need a living element. They thrive on the human feeling for language. And it's good that way…