
em To be allowed to   »   sr нешто смети

73 [seventy-three]

To be allowed to

To be allowed to

73 [седамдесет и три]

73 [sedamdeset i tri]

нешто смети

nešto smeti

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Are you already allowed to drive? См-ш-ли-в-ћ--о---и -уто? С___ л_ в__ в_____ а____ С-е- л- в-ћ в-з-т- а-т-? ------------------------ Смеш ли већ возити ауто? 0
Sm----i -eć------i a---? S___ l_ v__ v_____ a____ S-e- l- v-c- v-z-t- a-t-? ------------------------- Smeš li već voziti auto?
Are you already allowed to drink alcohol? Смеш ----ећ п--и ---ох--? С___ л_ в__ п___ а_______ С-е- л- в-ћ п-т- а-к-х-л- ------------------------- Смеш ли већ пити алкохол? 0
S--- l- --ć---t- a-k--o-? S___ l_ v__ p___ a_______ S-e- l- v-c- p-t- a-k-h-l- -------------------------- Smeš li već piti alkohol?
Are you already allowed to travel abroad alone? Сме--л- већ --м -уто---и - -н-с---нс--о? С___ л_ в__ с__ п_______ у и____________ С-е- л- в-ћ с-м п-т-в-т- у и-о-т-а-с-в-? ---------------------------------------- Смеш ли већ сам путовати у иностранство? 0
Sme- li-v--́ sam -uto-a---u-in-s----st-o? S___ l_ v__ s__ p_______ u i____________ S-e- l- v-c- s-m p-t-v-t- u i-o-t-a-s-v-? ----------------------------------------- Smeš li već sam putovati u inostranstvo?
may / to be allowed сме-и с____ с-е-и ----- смети 0
s--ti s____ s-e-i ----- smeti
May we smoke here? С---о-ли о-----уш-ти? С____ л_ о___ п______ С-е-о л- о-д- п-ш-т-? --------------------- Смемо ли овде пушити? 0
S---- l--ovd- --šiti? S____ l_ o___ p______ S-e-o l- o-d- p-š-t-? --------------------- Smemo li ovde pušiti?
Is smoking allowed here? С---ли с-----е пу-ит-? С__ л_ с_ о___ п______ С-е л- с- о-д- п-ш-т-? ---------------------- Сме ли се овде пушити? 0
S----- -- o-d------t-? S__ l_ s_ o___ p______ S-e l- s- o-d- p-š-t-? ---------------------- Sme li se ovde pušiti?
May one pay by credit card? См- ли се ---ти-- --е---н-- ка--и-ом? С__ л_ с_ п______ к________ к________ С-е л- с- п-а-и-и к-е-и-н-м к-р-и-о-? ------------------------------------- Сме ли се платити кредитном картицом? 0
S-- li -e-pla-it- k---itn-----r-i---? S__ l_ s_ p______ k________ k________ S-e l- s- p-a-i-i k-e-i-n-m k-r-i-o-? ------------------------------------- Sme li se platiti kreditnom karticom?
May one pay by cheque / check (am.)? С-- л- се пл-ти-и ----м? С__ л_ с_ п______ ч_____ С-е л- с- п-а-и-и ч-к-м- ------------------------ Сме ли се платити чеком? 0
S----i-----la---i č-ko-? S__ l_ s_ p______ č_____ S-e l- s- p-a-i-i č-k-m- ------------------------ Sme li se platiti čekom?
May one only pay in cash? См--л- ---п-атит---------т--и--м? С__ л_ с_ п______ с___ г_________ С-е л- с- п-а-и-и с-м- г-т-в-н-м- --------------------------------- Сме ли се платити само готовином? 0
S-e l---e--l---t-----o--o---i-o-? S__ l_ s_ p______ s___ g_________ S-e l- s- p-a-i-i s-m- g-t-v-n-m- --------------------------------- Sme li se platiti samo gotovinom?
May I just make a call? С-ем-л-----ефон---ти? С___ л_ т____________ С-е- л- т-л-ф-н-р-т-? --------------------- Смем ли телефонирати? 0
S--m ---te--f-n-r-ti? S___ l_ t____________ S-e- l- t-l-f-n-r-t-? --------------------- Smem li telefonirati?
May I just ask something? С--- ли----то---та-и? С___ л_ н____ п______ С-е- л- н-ш-о п-т-т-? --------------------- Смем ли нешто питати? 0
Sm-m-li n-što -ita-i? S___ l_ n____ p______ S-e- l- n-š-o p-t-t-? --------------------- Smem li nešto pitati?
May I just say something? С--м-л- -ешт--р--и? С___ л_ н____ р____ С-е- л- н-ш-о р-ћ-? ------------------- Смем ли нешто рећи? 0
Sme--l--------r---i? S___ l_ n____ r____ S-e- l- n-š-o r-c-i- -------------------- Smem li nešto reći?
He is not allowed to sleep in the park. Он не см- спава-и-у--а--у. О_ н_ с__ с______ у п_____ О- н- с-е с-а-а-и у п-р-у- -------------------------- Он не сме спавати у парку. 0
O--ne --- s-av-ti-- pa---. O_ n_ s__ s______ u p_____ O- n- s-e s-a-a-i u p-r-u- -------------------------- On ne sme spavati u parku.
He is not allowed to sleep in the car. О--не-сме---ав--и --аут-. О_ н_ с__ с______ у а____ О- н- с-е с-а-а-и у а-т-. ------------------------- Он не сме спавати у ауту. 0
On-n- s---s---at- u-autu. O_ n_ s__ s______ u a____ O- n- s-e s-a-a-i u a-t-. ------------------------- On ne sme spavati u autu.
He is not allowed to sleep at the train station. Он-н---м--сп-в-т--н--ж-л-з--ч--- -----ци. О_ н_ с__ с______ н_ ж__________ с_______ О- н- с-е с-а-а-и н- ж-л-з-и-к-ј с-а-и-и- ----------------------------------------- Он не сме спавати на железничкој станици. 0
On n- sme-s-ava-i--- že-e-n-č--- s-an-c-. O_ n_ s__ s______ n_ ž__________ s_______ O- n- s-e s-a-a-i n- ž-l-z-i-k-j s-a-i-i- ----------------------------------------- On ne sme spavati na železničkoj stanici.
May we take a seat? С-ем---- ---т-? С____ л_ с_____ С-е-о л- с-с-и- --------------- Смемо ли сести? 0
Smem--l- -es--? S____ l_ s_____ S-e-o l- s-s-i- --------------- Smemo li sesti?
May we have the menu? С--м- -и-д-би---је---н--? С____ л_ д_____ ј________ С-е-о л- д-б-т- ј-л-в-и-? ------------------------- Смемо ли добити јеловник? 0
Sm-mo-l- -ob--- -el-vni-? S____ l_ d_____ j________ S-e-o l- d-b-t- j-l-v-i-? ------------------------- Smemo li dobiti jelovnik?
May we pay separately? Мо-ем---и -ла-и-- одв-----? М_____ л_ п______ о________ М-ж-м- л- п-а-и-и о-в-ј-н-? --------------------------- Можемо ли платити одвојено? 0
Mo---- li--la---- o-voj-no? M_____ l_ p______ o________ M-ž-m- l- p-a-i-i o-v-j-n-? --------------------------- Možemo li platiti odvojeno?

How the brain learns new words

When we learn new vocabulary, our brain stores new content. Learning only works with constant repetition. How well our brain stores words is dependent on multiple factors. But the most important thing is that we review vocabulary on a regular basis. Only words that we use or write often get stored. It could be said that these words are archived like images. This principle of learning is also true in apes. Apes can learn to "read" words, if they see them often enough. Although they don't understand the words, they recognize them by their form. In order to speak a language fluently, we need many words. For that, the vocabulary must be well organized. Because our memory functions like an archive. In order to find a word quickly, it must know where to search. Therefore it's better to learn words in a particular context. Then our brain will always be able to open the correct "file". But even that which we have learned well can be forgotten. In this case, the knowledge moves from the active into the passive memory. By forgetting, we free ourselves of knowledge we don't need. This is how our brain makes room for new and more important things. Therefore, it is important that we activate our knowledge on a regular basis. But that which is in the passive memory isn't lost forever. When we see a forgotten word, we remember it again. We learn that which we've learned before more quickly the second time. He who wants to expand his vocabulary must also expand his hobbies. Because each of us has certain interests. Therefore, we typically busy ourselves with the same things. But a language consists of many different semantic fields. A person interested in politics should also read sports papers sometime!