
em Giving reasons 2   »   am ምክንያቶችን መስጠት 2

76 [seventy-six]

Giving reasons 2

Giving reasons 2

76 [ሰባ ስድስት]

76 [seba sidisiti]

ምክንያቶችን መስጠት 2

mikiniyati mak’irebi 2

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English (US) Amharic Play More
Why didn’t you come? ለ-- አ----ም--ሽ-? ለ__ አ______ ሽ__ ለ-ን አ-መ-ህ-/ ሽ-? --------------- ለምን አልመጣህም/ ሽም? 0
l-m--i ālimet’a---i----imi? l_____ ā____________ s_____ l-m-n- ā-i-e-’-h-m-/ s-i-i- --------------------------- lemini ālimet’ahimi/ shimi?
I was ill. አሞ- ---። አ__ ነ___ አ-ኝ ነ-ረ- -------- አሞኝ ነበረ። 0
ā-o--- ne-e--. ā_____ n______ ā-o-y- n-b-r-. -------------- āmonyi nebere.
I didn’t come because I was ill. ያ----- --ኝ --ነበ- ነ-። ያ_____ አ__ ስ____ ነ__ ያ-መ-ሁ- አ-ኝ ስ-ነ-ር ነ-። -------------------- ያልመጣሁት አሞኝ ስለነበር ነው። 0
ya-ime-’-hu-- -m--y- ---e---e-- n-w-. y____________ ā_____ s_________ n____ y-l-m-t-a-u-i ā-o-y- s-l-n-b-r- n-w-. ------------------------------------- yalimet’ahuti āmonyi sileneberi newi.
Why didn’t she come? እሷ ----አ--ጣ--? እ_ ለ__ አ______ እ- ለ-ን አ-መ-ች-? -------------- እሷ ለምን አልመጣችም? 0
i--a le--ni-āl--e-’achi--? i___ l_____ ā_____________ i-w- l-m-n- ā-i-e-’-c-i-i- -------------------------- iswa lemini ālimet’achimi?
She was tired. ደክ---ነበ-። ደ___ ነ___ ደ-ሟ- ነ-ረ- --------- ደክሟት ነበረ። 0
d--i-w-ti n-----. d________ n______ d-k-m-a-i n-b-r-. ----------------- dekimwati nebere.
She didn’t come because she was tired. ያ--ጣ---ደ--ት -ለ-በ- --። ያ_____ ደ___ ስ____ ነ__ ያ-መ-ች- ደ-ሟ- ስ-ነ-ር ነ-። --------------------- ያልመጣችው ደክሟት ስለነበር ነው። 0
yalim-t---h-w---ek--w-ti-si--n-beri ne--. y_____________ d________ s_________ n____ y-l-m-t-a-h-w- d-k-m-a-i s-l-n-b-r- n-w-. ----------------------------------------- yalimet’achiwi dekimwati sileneberi newi.
Why didn’t he come? እ- ለ-- አልመጣ-? እ_ ለ__ አ_____ እ- ለ-ን አ-መ-ም- ------------- እሱ ለምን አልመጣም? 0
i-- ---i-i -l----’---? i__ l_____ ā__________ i-u l-m-n- ā-i-e-’-m-? ---------------------- isu lemini ālimet’ami?
He wasn’t interested. ፍላጎ----ውም ፍ___ የ___ ፍ-ጎ- የ-ው- --------- ፍላጎት የለውም 0
fi--goti --l---mi f_______ y_______ f-l-g-t- y-l-w-m- ----------------- filagoti yelewimi
He didn’t come because he wasn’t interested. ፍ-ጎ- -ላ-ነበረ--አልመ--። ፍ___ ስ______ አ_____ ፍ-ጎ- ስ-ል-በ-ው አ-መ-ም- ------------------- ፍላጎት ስላልነበረው አልመጣም። 0
fi--g--i-si-a-in--ere-i-ālime--a-i. f_______ s_____________ ā__________ f-l-g-t- s-l-l-n-b-r-w- ā-i-e-’-m-. ----------------------------------- filagoti silalineberewi ālimet’ami.
Why didn’t you come? እና-----ን አል-ጣች--? እ___ ለ__ አ_______ እ-ን- ለ-ን አ-መ-ች-ም- ----------------- እናንተ ለምን አልመጣችሁም? 0
in--i-- l-m-n- āl-m--’a---humi? i______ l_____ ā_______________ i-a-i-e l-m-n- ā-i-e-’-c-i-u-i- ------------------------------- inanite lemini ālimet’achihumi?
Our car is damaged. መ--ች--ተ-ላ-ቶ --። መ____ ተ____ ነ__ መ-ና-ን ተ-ላ-ቶ ነ-። --------------- መኪናችን ተበላሽቶ ነው። 0
m--ī-a-hin- --b--as-i-o n-wi. m__________ t__________ n____ m-k-n-c-i-i t-b-l-s-i-o n-w-. ----------------------------- mekīnachini tebelashito newi.
We didn’t come because our car is damaged. ያልመጣ-- --ና----ለ-----ነ-። ያ_____ መ____ ስ_____ ነ__ ያ-መ-ነ- መ-ና-ን ስ-ተ-ላ- ነ-። ----------------------- ያልመጣነው መኪናችን ስለተበላሸ ነው። 0
y-l-m------w---e---ac---i -------e-as-e ---i. y____________ m__________ s____________ n____ y-l-m-t-a-e-i m-k-n-c-i-i s-l-t-b-l-s-e n-w-. --------------------------------------------- yalimet’anewi mekīnachini siletebelashe newi.
Why didn’t the people come? ለም--- -- ሰዎች ያ-መ--? ለ____ ነ_ ሰ__ ያ_____ ለ-ን-ን ነ- ሰ-ች ያ-መ-ት- ------------------- ለምንድን ነው ሰዎች ያልመጡት? 0
l--ini---- n-wi se-oc-i --l----’-ti? l_________ n___ s______ y___________ l-m-n-d-n- n-w- s-w-c-i y-l-m-t-u-i- ------------------------------------ leminidini newi sewochi yalimet’uti?
They missed the train. ባቡ- -መ-ጣቸው ባ__ አ_____ ባ-ር አ-ለ-ቸ- ---------- ባቡር አመለጣቸው 0
b-bur----e---’ac--wi b_____ ā____________ b-b-r- ā-e-e-’-c-e-i -------------------- baburi āmelet’achewi
They didn’t come because they missed the train. እ-- -ልመጡ---ቡር-አ--ጣ-- -ው-። እ__ ያ____ ባ__ አ_____ ነ_ ። እ-ሱ ያ-መ-ት ባ-ር አ-ል-ቸ- ነ- ። ------------------------- እነሱ ያልመጡት ባቡር አምልጣቸው ነው ። 0
ine-u-ya-ime--uti-b--uri-āmili-’a-h---------. i____ y__________ b_____ ā____________ n___ . i-e-u y-l-m-t-u-i b-b-r- ā-i-i-’-c-e-i n-w- . --------------------------------------------- inesu yalimet’uti baburi āmilit’achewi newi .
Why didn’t you come? ለ-ን -ልመ--ም----? ለ__ አ______ ሽ__ ለ-ን አ-መ-ህ-/ ሽ-? --------------- ለምን አልመጣህም/ ሽም? 0
l-mi-- ā---et’a---i/ -h---? l_____ ā____________ s_____ l-m-n- ā-i-e-’-h-m-/ s-i-i- --------------------------- lemini ālimet’ahimi/ shimi?
I was not allowed to. አል-ፈ---ኝም አ________ አ-ተ-ቀ-ል-ም --------- አልተፈቀደልኝም 0
ā----------eliny-mi ā__________________ ā-i-e-e-’-d-l-n-i-i ------------------- ālitefek’edelinyimi
I didn’t come because I was not allowed to. ያል---ት-ስ-ል-ፈ---ኝ -በረ። ያ_____ ስ________ ነ___ ያ-መ-ሁ- ስ-ል-ፈ-ደ-ኝ ነ-ረ- --------------------- ያልመጣሁት ስላልተፈቀደልኝ ነበረ። 0
yal--et’-h--i -il-l-te-ek-e-e--n-- ne--re. y____________ s___________________ n______ y-l-m-t-a-u-i s-l-l-t-f-k-e-e-i-y- n-b-r-. ------------------------------------------ yalimet’ahuti silalitefek’edelinyi nebere.

The indigenous languages of America

Many different languages are spoken in America. English is the main language in North America. Spanish and Portuguese dominate in South America. All of these languages came to America from Europe. Before colonization, other languages were spoken there. These languages are known as the indigenous languages of America. Until today, they haven't been explored substantially. The variety of these languages is enormous. It is estimated that there are about 60 language families in North America. In South America there could even be as many as 150. Additionally, there are many isolated languages. All of these languages are very different. They exhibit only a few common structures. Therefore, it is difficult to classify the languages. The reason for their differences lies in the history of America. America was colonized in several stages. The first people came to America over more than 10,000 years ago. Each population brought its language to the continent. The indigenous languages are most similar to Asian languages. The situation regarding America's ancient languages isn't the same everywhere. Many Native American languages are still in use in South America. Languages like Guarani or Quechua have millions of active speakers. By contrast, many languages in North America are almost extinct. The culture of the Native Americans of North America was long oppressed. In the process, their languages were lost. But interest in them has increased in the last few decades. There are many programs that aim to nurture and protect the languages. So they could have a future after all…