Adjectives 2 » Mbiemrat 2
English (US)
- AR Arabic
- DE German
- EN English (US)
- EN English (UK)
- ES Spanish
- FR French
- IT Italian
- JA Japanese
- PT Portuguese (PT)
- PT Portuguese (BR)
- ZH Chinese (Simplified)
- AD Adyghe
- AF Afrikaans
- AM Amharic
- BE Belarusian
- BG Bulgarian
- BN Bengali
- BS Bosnian
- CA Catalan
- CS Czech
- DA Danish
- EL Greek
- EO Esperanto
- ET Estonian
- FA Persian
- FI Finnish
- HE Hebrew
- HI Hindi
- HR Croatian
- HU Hungarian
- HY Armenian
- ID Indonesian
- KA Georgian
- KK Kazakh
- KN Kannada
- KO Korean
- KU Kurdish (Kurmanji)
- KY Kyrgyz
- LT Lithuanian
- LV Latvian
- MK Macedonian
- MR Marathi
- NL Dutch
- NN Nynorsk
- NO Norwegian
- PA Punjabi
- PL Polish
- RO Romanian
- RU Russian
- SK Slovak
- SL Slovenian
- SR Serbian
- SV Swedish
- TA Tamil
- TE Telugu
- TH Thai
- TI Tigrinya
- TL Tagalog
- TR Turkish
- UK Ukrainian
- UR Urdu
- VI Vietnamese
- AR Arabic
- DE German
- EN English (UK)
- ES Spanish
- FR French
- IT Italian
- JA Japanese
- PT Portuguese (PT)
- PT Portuguese (BR)
- ZH Chinese (Simplified)
- AD Adyghe
- AF Afrikaans
- AM Amharic
- BE Belarusian
- BG Bulgarian
- BN Bengali
- BS Bosnian
- CA Catalan
- CS Czech
- DA Danish
- EL Greek
- EO Esperanto
- ET Estonian
- FA Persian
- FI Finnish
- HE Hebrew
- HI Hindi
- HR Croatian
- HU Hungarian
- HY Armenian
- ID Indonesian
- KA Georgian
- KK Kazakh
- KN Kannada
- KO Korean
- KU Kurdish (Kurmanji)
- KY Kyrgyz
- LT Lithuanian
- LV Latvian
- MK Macedonian
- MR Marathi
- NL Dutch
- NN Nynorsk
- NO Norwegian
- PA Punjabi
- PL Polish
- RO Romanian
- RU Russian
- SK Slovak
- SL Slovenian
- SQ Albanian
- SR Serbian
- SV Swedish
- TA Tamil
- TE Telugu
- TH Thai
- TI Tigrinya
- TL Tagalog
- TR Turkish
- UK Ukrainian
- UR Urdu
- VI Vietnamese
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001 - People 002 - Family Members 003 - Getting to know others 004 - At school 005 - Countries and Languages 006 - Reading and writing 007 - Numbers 008 - The time 009 - Days of the week 010 - Yesterday – today – tomorrow 011 - Months 012 - Beverages 013 - Activities 014 - Colors 015 - Fruits and food 016 - Seasons and Weather 017 - Around the house 018 - House cleaning 019 - In the kitchen 020 - Small Talk 1 021 - Small Talk 2 022 - Small Talk 3 023 - Learning foreign languages 024 - Appointment 025 - In the city026 - In nature 027 - In the hotel – Arrival 028 - In the hotel – Complaints 029 - At the restaurant 1 030 - At the restaurant 2 031 - At the restaurant 3 032 - At the restaurant 4 033 - At the train station 034 - On the train 035 - At the airport 036 - Public transportation 037 - En route 038 - In the taxi 039 - Car breakdown 040 - Asking for directions 041 - Where is ... ? 042 - City tour 043 - At the zoo 044 - Going out in the evening 045 - At the cinema 046 - In the discotheque 047 - Preparing a trip 048 - Vacation activities 049 - Sports 050 - In the swimming pool051 - Running errands 052 - In the department store 053 - Shops 054 - Shopping 055 - Working 056 - Feelings 057 - At the doctor 058 - Parts of the body 059 - At the post office 060 - At the bank 061 - Ordinal numbers 062 - Asking questions 1 063 - Asking questions 2 064 - Negation 1 065 - Negation 2 066 - Possessive pronouns 1 067 - Possessive pronouns 2 068 - Big – small 069 - To need – to want to 070 - To like something 071 - To want something 072 - To have to do something / must 073 - To be allowed to 074 - Asking for something 075 - Giving reasons076 - Giving reasons 2 077 - Giving reasons 3 078 - Adjectives 1 079 - Adjectives 2 080 - Adjectives 3 081 - Past tense 1 082 - Past tense 2 083 - Past tense 3 084 - Past tense 4 085 - Questions – Past tense 1 086 - Questions – Past tense 2 087 - Past tense of modal verbs 1 088 - Past tense of modal verbs 2 089 - Imperative 1 090 - Imperative 2 091 - Subordinate clauses: that 1 092 - Subordinate clauses: that 2 093 - Subordinate clauses: if 094 - Conjunctions 1 095 - Conjunctions 2 096 - Conjunctions 3 097 - Conjunctions 098 - Double connectors 099 - Genitive 100 - Adverbs
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79 [seventy-nine]
Adjectives 2
79 [shtatёdhjetёenёntё]
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