
em Adjectives 3   »   ar ‫الصفات 3‬

80 [eighty]

Adjectives 3

Adjectives 3



‫الصفات 3‬

alsafat 3

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She has a dog. ‫-د-ها ك--.‬ ‫_____ ك____ ‫-د-ه- ك-ب-‬ ------------ ‫لديها كلب.‬ 0
ld--a kalb-. l____ k_____ l-i-a k-l-a- ------------ ldiha kalba.
The dog is big. ‫--كل- كب-ر.‬ ‫_____ ك_____ ‫-ل-ل- ك-ي-.- ------------- ‫الكلب كبير.‬ 0
a--u-- -a-i---. a_____ k_______ a-k-l- k-b-r-n- --------------- alkulb kabiran.
She has a big dog. ‫--ي-ا كل------.‬ ‫_____ ك__ ك_____ ‫-د-ه- ك-ب ك-ي-.- ----------------- ‫لديها كلب كبير.‬ 0
l--------b kabir--. l____ k___ k_______ l-i-a k-l- k-b-r-n- ------------------- ldiha kalb kabiran.
She has a house. ‫إن-ا --ل- بي----‬ ‫____ ت___ ب_____ ‫-ن-ا ت-ل- ب-ت-ً-‬ ------------------ ‫إنها تملك بيتاً.‬ 0
'---ah- ---lik-----an. '______ t_____ b______ '-i-a-a t-m-i- b-t-a-. ---------------------- 'iinaha tamlik bytaan.
The house is small. ‫------صغ---‬ ‫_____ ص_____ ‫-ل-ي- ص-ي-.- ------------- ‫البيت صغير.‬ 0
a----- sa-h-r-. a_____ s_______ a-b-y- s-g-i-a- --------------- albayt saghira.
She has a small house. ‫إ-----م----يتا--ص-يرا-.‬ ‫____ ت___ ب___ ص______ ‫-ن-ا ت-ل- ب-ت-ً ص-ي-ا-.- ------------------------- ‫إنها تملك بيتاً صغيراً.‬ 0
'i--aha-ta-lik -ytaa----h-raa-. '______ t_____ b_____ s________ '-i-a-a t-m-i- b-t-a- s-h-r-a-. ------------------------------- 'iinaha tamlik bytaan sghyraan.
He is staying in a hotel. ‫-ن--يس-- -ي--ن-ق.‬ ‫___ ي___ ف_ ف_____ ‫-ن- ي-ك- ف- ف-د-.- ------------------- ‫إنه يسكن في فندق.‬ 0
'-ina- ---k-- -- fu-d-. '_____ y_____ f_ f_____ '-i-a- y-s-i- f- f-n-q- ----------------------- 'iinah yuskin fi fundq.
The hotel is cheap. ‫-لفن----خي-.‬ ‫______ ر_____ ‫-ل-ن-ق ر-ي-.- -------------- ‫الفندق رخيص.‬ 0
a---nd-q --khi-a. a_______ r_______ a-f-n-u- r-k-i-a- ----------------- alfunduq rakhisa.
He is staying in a cheap hotel. ‫-نه----- -- -ند-----ص.‬ ‫___ ي___ ف_ ف___ ر_____ ‫-ن- ي-ك- ف- ف-د- ر-ي-.- ------------------------ ‫إنه يسكن في فندق رخيص.‬ 0
'-inah yu--in -i f-nd---r---i-a-. '_____ y_____ f_ f_____ r________ '-i-a- y-s-i- f- f-n-u- r-k-i-a-. --------------------------------- 'iinah yuskin fi funduq rakhisan.
He has a car. ‫-----ملك-سيار--‬ ‫___ ي___ س______ ‫-ن- ي-ل- س-ا-ة-‬ ----------------- ‫إنه يملك سيارة.‬ 0
'-i-ah-y--l-k -i-----. '_____ y_____ s_______ '-i-a- y-m-i- s-a-a-a- ---------------------- 'iinah yamlik siarata.
The car is expensive. ‫ا----رة غالي--‬ ‫_______ غ______ ‫-ل-ي-ر- غ-ل-ة-‬ ---------------- ‫السيارة غالية.‬ 0
al-iyara- g-a-iat-. a________ g________ a-s-y-r-t g-a-i-t-. ------------------- alsiyarat ghaliata.
He has an expensive car. ‫-ن----لك -ي-ر- غالية.‬ ‫___ ي___ س____ غ______ ‫-ن- ي-ل- س-ا-ة غ-ل-ة-‬ ----------------------- ‫إنه يملك سيارة غالية.‬ 0
'---a- -a-lik-s-y-r-ta---ha-iat-. '_____ y_____ s________ g________ '-i-a- y-m-i- s-y-r-t-n g-a-i-t-. --------------------------------- 'iinah yamlik sayaratan ghaliata.
He reads a novel. ‫إ-ه---ر- -و----‬ ‫___ ي___ ر______ ‫-ن- ي-ر- ر-ا-ة-‬ ----------------- ‫إنه يقرأ رواية.‬ 0
'i-na--y---- r--ay-t-. '_____ y____ r________ '-i-a- y-q-a r-w-y-t-. ---------------------- 'iinah yaqra rawayata.
The novel is boring. ‫-لرواي- -م---‬ ‫_______ م_____ ‫-ل-و-ي- م-ل-.- --------------- ‫الرواية مملة.‬ 0
alraw--a- mu-lata. a________ m_______ a-r-w-y-t m-m-a-a- ------------------ alrawayat mumlata.
He is reading a boring novel. ‫إ-- ي-ر---واية ممل--‬ ‫___ ي___ ر____ م_____ ‫-ن- ي-ر- ر-ا-ة م-ل-.- ---------------------- ‫إنه يقرأ رواية مملة.‬ 0
'iina--yaqr----w--a-an-m--lat-. '_____ y____ r________ m_______ '-i-a- y-q-a r-w-y-t-n m-m-a-a- ------------------------------- 'iinah yaqra riwayatan mumlata.
She is watching a movie. ‫إنه- تش----فيلم--.‬ ‫____ ت____ ف______ ‫-ن-ا ت-ا-د ف-ل-ا-.- -------------------- ‫إنها تشاهد فيلماً.‬ 0
'--n-h- tusha--- -yl-a--. '______ t_______ f_______ '-i-a-a t-s-a-i- f-l-a-n- ------------------------- 'iinaha tushahid fylmaan.
The movie is exciting. ‫-ل---م------‬ ‫______ م_____ ‫-ل-ي-م م-و-.- -------------- ‫الفيلم مشوق.‬ 0
al-ay-am--u-ha-q. a_______ m_______ a-f-y-a- m-s-a-q- ----------------- alfaylam mushawq.
She is watching an exciting movie. ‫--ه- ت-----فيل------و-اً.‬ ‫____ ت____ ف____ م______ ‫-ن-ا ت-ا-د ف-ل-ا- م-و-ا-.- --------------------------- ‫إنها تشاهد فيلماً مشوقاً.‬ 0
'-i-a---tus-ahi--fy-m--n ---wq--n. '______ t_______ f______ m________ '-i-a-a t-s-a-i- f-l-a-n m-h-q-a-. ---------------------------------- 'iinaha tushahid fylmaan mshwqaan.

The language of academics

The language of academics is a language in itself. It is used for specialized discussions. It is also used in academic publications. Earlier, there were uniform academic languages. In the European region, Latin dominated academics for a long time. Today, on the other hand, English is the most significant academic language. Academic languages are a type of vernacular. They contain many specific terms. Their most significant features are standardization and formalization. Some say that academics speak incomprehensibly on purpose. When something is complicated, it seems more intelligent. However, academia often orients itself toward the truth. Therefore, it should use a neutral language. There is no place for rhetorical elements or flowery speech. However, there are many examples of excessively complicated language. And it appears that complicated language fascinates man! Studies prove that we trust more difficult languages. Test subjects had to answer a few questions. This involved choosing between several answers. Some answers were formulated simply, others in a very complicated way. Most test subjects chose the more complex answer. But this didn't make any sense! The test subjects were deceived by the language. Even though the content was absurd, they were impressed by the form. Writing in a complicated way is not always an art, however. One can learn how to pack simple content into complex language. To express difficult things easily, on the other hand, is not so simple. So sometimes the simple is really complex…