
em Past tense 2   »   ti ሕሉፍ 2

82 [eighty-two]

Past tense 2

Past tense 2

82 [ሰማንያንክልተን]

82 [semaniyanikiliteni]

ሕሉፍ 2

ḥilufi 2

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English (US) Tigrinya Play More
Did you have to call an ambulance? ግድ- -ዩ ---ላን--ክ---ዕ---- ? ግ__ ዲ_ ኣ_____ ክ____ ዘ__ ? ግ-ን ዲ- ኣ-ቡ-ን- ክ-ጽ-ዕ ዘ-ካ ? ------------------------- ግድን ዲዩ ኣምቡላንስ ክትጽውዕ ዘለካ ? 0
g-d--- d-y- -mib-l----i-k--it--iwi‘- zel--a-? g_____ d___ a__________ k___________ z_____ ? g-d-n- d-y- a-i-u-a-i-i k-t-t-’-w-‘- z-l-k- ? --------------------------------------------- gidini dīyu amibulanisi kitits’iwi‘i zeleka ?
Did you have to call the doctor? ግ----ደ ሓኪ- --ጽ-ዕ-ዘ--? ግ__ ሓ_ ሓ__ ክ____ ዘ___ ግ-ን ሓ- ሓ-ም ክ-ጽ-ዕ ዘ-ካ- --------------------- ግድን ሓደ ሓኪም ክትጽውዕ ዘለካ? 0
gi---i--̣ade ------- k--i---i-i-- -----a? g_____ ḥ___ ḥ_____ k___________ z______ g-d-n- h-a-e h-a-ī-i k-t-t-’-w-‘- z-l-k-? ----------------------------------------- gidini ḥade ḥakīmi kitits’iwi‘i zeleka?
Did you have to call the police? ግ-- ን-ሊስ-ክ-ጽ-- ? ግ__ ን___ ክ____ ? ግ-ን ን-ሊ- ክ-ጽ-ዕ ? ---------------- ግድን ንፖሊስ ክትጽውዕ ? 0
gid--- n--o-īsi -i-it-’i-----? g_____ n_______ k___________ ? g-d-n- n-p-l-s- k-t-t-’-w-‘- ? ------------------------------ gidini nipolīsi kitits’iwi‘i ?
Do you have the telephone number? I had it just now. እቲ--ጽ------ --ኩም---------- ኔሩ- ። እ_ ቁ__ ተ___ ኣ___ ዶ_ ክ__ ሕ_ ኔ__ ። እ- ቁ-ሪ ተ-ፎ- ኣ-ኩ- ዶ- ክ-ብ ሕ- ኔ-ኒ ። -------------------------------- እቲ ቁጽሪ ተለፎን ኣለኩም ዶ? ክሳብ ሕጂ ኔሩኒ ። 0
i-ī -’u-s-irī-t-l-fon- --e-um---o? --s--- ḥ--ī nēr----። i__ k________ t_______ a______ d__ k_____ ḥ___ n_____ ። i-ī k-u-s-i-ī t-l-f-n- a-e-u-i d-? k-s-b- h-i-ī n-r-n- ። -------------------------------------------------------- itī k’uts’irī telefoni alekumi do? kisabi ḥijī nērunī ።
Do you have the address? I had it just now. እቲ -ድ-- ---- -? -----ጂ--ሩ--። እ_ ኣ___ ኣ___ ዶ_ ክ__ ሕ_ ኔ__ ። እ- ኣ-ራ- ኣ-ኩ- ዶ- ክ-ብ ሕ- ኔ-ኒ ። ---------------------------- እቲ ኣድራሻ ኣለኩም ዶ? ክሳብ ሕጂ ኔሩኒ ። 0
it----ir---- ---k--i d-?-kis-bi----jī -ē-unī-። i__ a_______ a______ d__ k_____ ḥ___ n_____ ። i-ī a-i-a-h- a-e-u-i d-? k-s-b- h-i-ī n-r-n- ። ---------------------------------------------- itī adirasha alekumi do? kisabi ḥijī nērunī ።
Do you have the city map? I had it just now. እቲ--ላ---- ከተ- ኣ--- -?-ክ-- -ጂ-ኔ-ኒ ። እ_ ፕ__ ና_ ከ__ ኣ___ ዶ_ ክ__ ሕ_ ኔ__ ። እ- ፕ-ን ና- ከ-ማ ኣ-ኩ- ዶ- ክ-ብ ሕ- ኔ-ኒ ። ---------------------------------- እቲ ፕላን ናይ ከተማ ኣለኩም ዶ? ክሳብ ሕጂ ኔሩኒ ። 0
itī -i---- --yi-k--e-- a-ekumi-do?-kis-b----i----ērun--። i__ p_____ n___ k_____ a______ d__ k_____ ḥ___ n_____ ። i-ī p-l-n- n-y- k-t-m- a-e-u-i d-? k-s-b- h-i-ī n-r-n- ። -------------------------------------------------------- itī pilani nayi ketema alekumi do? kisabi ḥijī nērunī ።
Did he come on time? He could not come on time. ኣ--ሰዓ- -- --ኡ?--------መ-እ ኣ--ኣ-ን። ኣ_ ሰ__ ድ_ መ___ ኣ____ ክ___ ኣ______ ኣ- ሰ-ቱ ድ- መ-ኡ- ኣ-ሰ-ቱ ክ-ጽ- ኣ-ከ-ለ-። --------------------------------- ኣብ ሰዓቱ ድዩ መጺኡ? ኣብሰዓቱ ክመጽእ ኣይከኣለን። 0
a-- -e-at- d-yu -e-s’ī’-?-ab--e--t- k-m-t--i-- ----e’-l---። a__ s_____ d___ m________ a________ k_________ a___________ a-i s-‘-t- d-y- m-t-’-’-? a-i-e-a-u k-m-t-’-’- a-i-e-a-e-i- ----------------------------------------------------------- abi se‘atu diyu mets’ī’u? abise‘atu kimets’i’i ayike’aleni።
Did he find the way? He could not find the way. እ--መ-- ረ-ቡዎ--?--ሱ--ቲ--ገዲ--ረኽቦ ኣይከኣ--። እ_ መ__ ረ___ ዶ_ ን_ እ_ መ__ ክ___ ኣ______ እ- መ-ዲ ረ-ቡ- ዶ- ን- እ- መ-ዲ ክ-ኽ- ኣ-ከ-ለ-። ------------------------------------- እቲ መገዲ ረኺቡዎ ዶ? ንሱ እቲ መገዲ ክረኽቦ ኣይከኣለን። 0
i-ī m-ge-- reẖ-b--o do--n--- itī --gedī-kire-̱ib--a---e’-le--። i__ m_____ r_______ d__ n___ i__ m_____ k_______ a___________ i-ī m-g-d- r-h-ī-u-o d-? n-s- i-ī m-g-d- k-r-h-i-o a-i-e-a-e-i- --------------------------------------------------------------- itī megedī reẖībuwo do? nisu itī megedī kireẖibo ayike’aleni።
Did he understand you? He could not understand me. ንሱ ተረ------ንሱ ን-ይ ክ---- -ይከኣለ-። ን_ ተ____ ዶ___ ን__ ክ____ ኣ______ ን- ተ-ዲ-ካ ዶ-ን- ን-ይ ክ-ድ-ኒ ኣ-ከ-ለ-። ------------------------------- ንሱ ተረዲኡካ ዶ?ንሱ ንዓይ ክርድኣኒ ኣይከኣለን። 0
ni-- --red---k----?nisu-n--ay--ki---i-an- -y-k-’al--i። n___ t_________ d______ n_____ k_________ a___________ n-s- t-r-d-’-k- d-?-i-u n-‘-y- k-r-d-’-n- a-i-e-a-e-i- ------------------------------------------------------ nisu teredī’uka do?nisu ni‘ayi kiridi’anī ayike’aleni።
Why could you not come on time? ስለምንታይ---ዓ----መጽ---ይከ-ል-? ስ_____ ብ___ ክ____ ዘ______ ስ-ም-ታ- ብ-ዓ- ክ-መ-እ ዘ-ከ-ል-? ------------------------- ስለምንታይ ብሰዓቱ ክትመጽእ ዘይከኣልካ? 0
si-----i-a-- b--e‘a-u -it-m-ts’--i-zeyi---ali--? s___________ b_______ k___________ z____________ s-l-m-n-t-y- b-s-‘-t- k-t-m-t-’-’- z-y-k-’-l-k-? ------------------------------------------------ sileminitayi bise‘atu kitimets’i’i zeyike’alika?
Why could you not find the way? ስ-ም-ታ--መገዲ ክ-ረ-ቦ-ዘ-ከ-ልካ? ስ_____ መ__ ክ____ ዘ______ ስ-ም-ታ- መ-ዲ ክ-ረ-ቦ ዘ-ከ-ል-? ------------------------ ስለምንታይ መገዲ ክትረኽቦ ዘይከኣልካ? 0
silem-n-tayi ------ -i---eẖi-o-z---ke’--ika? s___________ m_____ k_________ z____________ s-l-m-n-t-y- m-g-d- k-t-r-h-i-o z-y-k-’-l-k-? --------------------------------------------- sileminitayi megedī kitireẖibo zeyike’alika?
Why could you not understand him? ስ-ምንታ- --- ክትር-- --ከ-ልካ? ስ_____ ን__ ክ____ ዘ______ ስ-ም-ታ- ን-ኡ ክ-ር-ኦ ዘ-ከ-ል-? ------------------------ ስለምንታይ ንዕኡ ክትርድኦ ዘይከኣልካ? 0
s-l-min-ta-- -i-i’u ----ridi-o z----e----k-? s___________ n_____ k_________ z____________ s-l-m-n-t-y- n-‘-’- k-t-r-d-’- z-y-k-’-l-k-? -------------------------------------------- sileminitayi ni‘i’u kitiridi’o zeyike’alika?
I could not come on time because there were no buses. ቡ- -ለዘ-ነ-ረ -ብ-ዓተይ-ክ----ኣ-ከ-ል--። ቡ_ ስ______ ኣ_____ ክ___ ኣ_______ ቡ- ስ-ዘ-ነ-ረ ኣ-ሰ-ተ- ክ-ጽ- ኣ-ከ-ል-ን- ------------------------------- ቡስ ስለዘይነብረ ኣብሰዓተይ ክመጽእ ኣይከኣልኩን። 0
bus--s-----y-n--ire -b-s-‘----i -imet-’i’- a-i-e-----un-። b___ s_____________ a__________ k_________ a_____________ b-s- s-l-z-y-n-b-r- a-i-e-a-e-i k-m-t-’-’- a-i-e-a-i-u-i- --------------------------------------------------------- busi silezeyinebire abise‘ateyi kimets’i’i ayike’alikuni።
I could not find the way because I had no city map. ፕ-ን----ከ---ስ-ዘይነ--ኒመ-ዲ ክ--ብ ኣ-ከኣ-ኩን። ፕ__ ና_ ከ__ ስ__________ ክ___ ኣ_______ ፕ-ን ና- ከ-ማ ስ-ዘ-ነ-ረ-መ-ዲ ክ-ክ- ኣ-ከ-ል-ን- ------------------------------------ ፕላን ናይ ከተማ ስለዘይነበረኒመገዲ ክረክብ ኣይከኣልኩን። 0
p----i n-y--k--e-a s--eze--n----e--m--edī k---k--i-ay---’-li-u--። p_____ n___ k_____ s_____________________ k_______ a_____________ p-l-n- n-y- k-t-m- s-l-z-y-n-b-r-n-m-g-d- k-r-k-b- a-i-e-a-i-u-i- ----------------------------------------------------------------- pilani nayi ketema silezeyineberenīmegedī kirekibi ayike’alikuni።
I could not understand him because the music was so loud. ሙዚ--ዓው-------ዝ------ኡ-ክር----ይከኣል-- ። ሙ__ ዓ_ ኢ_ ስ_ ዝ___ ን__ ክ___ ኣ______ ። ሙ-ቃ ዓ- ኢ- ስ- ዝ-በ- ን-ኡ ክ-ድ- ኣ-ከ-ል-ን ። ------------------------------------ ሙዚቃ ዓው ኢሉ ስለ ዝነበረ ንዕኡ ክርድኦ ኣይከኣልኩን ። 0
m-z--’- --w---l- --le zi-e--r- --‘i-u k----i-o--yik-’-lik----። m______ ‘___ ī__ s___ z_______ n_____ k_______ a____________ ። m-z-k-a ‘-w- ī-u s-l- z-n-b-r- n-‘-’- k-r-d-’- a-i-e-a-i-u-i ። -------------------------------------------------------------- muzīk’a ‘awi īlu sile zinebere ni‘i’u kiridi’o ayike’alikuni ።
I had to take a taxi. ሓ--ታክ- -ወስ---ሩ-። ሓ_ ታ__ ክ___ ኔ___ ሓ- ታ-ሲ ክ-ስ- ኔ-ኒ- ---------------- ሓደ ታክሲ ክወስድ ኔሩኒ። 0
h-ad--tak-sī --w-sid- nē----። ḥ___ t_____ k_______ n______ h-a-e t-k-s- k-w-s-d- n-r-n-። ----------------------------- ḥade takisī kiwesidi nērunī።
I had to buy a city map. ሓ- ----ናይ -ተ- ---እ ---። ሓ_ ፕ__ ና_ ከ__ ክ___ ኔ___ ሓ- ፕ-ን ና- ከ-ማ ክ-ዝ- ኔ-ኒ- ----------------------- ሓደ ፕላን ናይ ከተማ ክገዝእ ኔሩኒ። 0
h-----p-lan---a----ete-- k--e---- n-ru-ī። ḥ___ p_____ n___ k_____ k_______ n______ h-a-e p-l-n- n-y- k-t-m- k-g-z-’- n-r-n-። ----------------------------------------- ḥade pilani nayi ketema kigezi’i nērunī።
I had to switch off the radio. እ--ሬድ- ከጥፍ- ኔ-ኒ። እ_ ሬ__ ከ___ ኔ___ እ- ሬ-ዮ ከ-ፍ- ኔ-ኒ- ---------------- እቲ ሬድዮ ከጥፍኦ ኔሩኒ። 0
itī-r-diyo k-------o-nēru-ī። i__ r_____ k________ n______ i-ī r-d-y- k-t-i-i-o n-r-n-። ---------------------------- itī rēdiyo ket’ifi’o nērunī።

Learn foreign languages better overseas!

Adults do not learn languages as easily as children. Their brain is completely developed. Therefore, it can't establish new networks as easily anymore. But one can still learn a language very well as an adult! In order to do so, one must travel to the country where the language is spoken. A foreign language is learned especially effectively overseas. Anyone who has ever taken a language holiday knows this. One learns a new language better in its natural environment. A new study has just come to an interesting conclusion. It shows that a person learns a new language differently overseas as well! The brain can process the foreign language like the native language. Researchers have long believed that there are different learning processes. Now an experiment seems to have proven that. A group of test subjects had to learn a fictional language. Part of the test subjects went to regular lessons. The other part learned in a simulated overseas situation. These test subjects had to orient themselves in the foreign setting. Everyone with whom they had contact spoke the new language. The test subjects of this group were therefore not typical language students. They belonged to an unfamiliar community of speakers. This way they were forced to get help quickly with the new language. After a while the test subjects were tested. Both groups demonstrated an equally good knowledge of the new language. But their brains processed the foreign language differently! Those that learned "overseas" showed striking brain activities. Their brain processed the foreign grammar like their own language. The same mechanisms were identified in native speakers. A language holiday is the nicest and most effective form of learning!