
em Past tense 3   »   fi Menneisyysmuoto 3

83 [eighty-three]

Past tense 3

Past tense 3

83 [kahdeksankymmentäkolme]

Menneisyysmuoto 3

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to make a call p--ua ---e-i--s-a p____ p__________ p-h-a p-h-l-m-s-a ----------------- puhua puhelimessa 0
I made a call. M-n- -le------nu- --h-l--es-a. M___ o___ p______ p___________ M-n- o-e- p-h-n-t p-h-l-m-s-a- ------------------------------ Minä olen puhunut puhelimessa. 0
I was talking on the phone all the time. M-n--ole- puhun-- -u----m-s-- --ko----n. M___ o___ p______ p__________ k___ a____ M-n- o-e- p-h-n-t p-h-l-m-s-a k-k- a-a-. ---------------------------------------- Minä olen puhunut puhelimessa koko ajan. 0
to ask ky--ä k____ k-s-ä ----- kysyä 0
I asked. M-nä o--n-kys-n--. M___ o___ k_______ M-n- o-e- k-s-n-t- ------------------ Minä olen kysynyt. 0
I always asked. Mi-- -le- --na---s-nyt. M___ o___ a___ k_______ M-n- o-e- a-n- k-s-n-t- ----------------------- Minä olen aina kysynyt. 0
to narrate ke-t-a k_____ k-r-o- ------ kertoa 0
I narrated. M-n- o-en k----n--. M___ o___ k________ M-n- o-e- k-r-o-u-. ------------------- Minä olen kertonut. 0
I narrated the whole story. M----o--- ke--o-ut -o-o-ta--n-n. M___ o___ k_______ k___ t_______ M-n- o-e- k-r-o-u- k-k- t-r-n-n- -------------------------------- Minä olen kertonut koko tarinan. 0
to study o-p-a o____ o-p-a ----- oppia 0
I studied. Mi-ä -l-n op--nut. M___ o___ o_______ M-n- o-e- o-p-n-t- ------------------ Minä olen oppinut. 0
I studied the whole evening. M--ä-------ppin-- k--o-i--an. M___ o___ o______ k___ i_____ M-n- o-e- o-p-n-t k-k- i-l-n- ----------------------------- Minä olen oppinut koko illan. 0
to work t---ken--l-ä t___________ t-ö-k-n-e-l- ------------ työskennellä 0
I worked. M-nä o--n-----k---e----. M___ o___ t_____________ M-n- o-e- t-ö-k-n-e-l-t- ------------------------ Minä olen työskennellyt. 0
I worked all day long. M--ä o-e----ö-------lyt--o-- p-iv--. M___ o___ t____________ k___ p______ M-n- o-e- t-ö-k-n-e-l-t k-k- p-i-ä-. ------------------------------------ Minä olen työskennellyt koko päivän. 0
to eat syö-ä s____ s-ö-ä ----- syödä 0
I ate. Mi-- ole- ----yt. M___ o___ s______ M-n- o-e- s-ö-y-. ----------------- Minä olen syönyt. 0
I ate all the food. M-nä --e--syö--t-koko ruo--. M___ o___ s_____ k___ r_____ M-n- o-e- s-ö-y- k-k- r-o-n- ---------------------------- Minä olen syönyt koko ruoan. 0

The history of linguistics

Languages have always fascinated mankind. The history of linguistics is therefore very long. Linguistics is the systematic study of language. Even thousands of years ago people contemplated language. In doing so, different cultures developed different systems. As a result, different descriptions of languages emerged. Today's linguistics are based on ancient theories more than anything else. Many traditions were established in Greece in particular. The oldest known work about language comes from India, however. It was written 3,000 years ago by the grammarian Sakatayana. In ancient times, philosophers like Plato busied themselves with languages. Later, Roman authors developed their theories further. Arabians, too, developed their own traditions in the 8th century. Even then, their works show precise descriptions of the Arabian language. In modern times, man particularly wanted to research where language comes from. Scholars were especially interested in the history of language. In the 18th century, people started to compare languages with each other. They wanted to understand how languages develop. Later they concentrated on languages as a system. The question of how languages function was the focal point. Today, a great number of schools of thought exist within linguistics. Many new disciplines have developed since the fifties. These were in part strongly influenced by other sciences. Examples are psycholinguistics or intercultural communication. The newer linguistic schools of thought are very specialized. One example of this is feminist linguistics. So the history of linguistics continues… As long as there are languages, man will contemplate them!