
em Past tense 4   »   kk Өткен шақ 4

84 [eighty-four]

Past tense 4

Past tense 4

84 [сексен төрт]

84 [seksen tört]

Өткен шақ 4

Ötken şaq 4

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English (US) Kazakh Play More
to read о-у о__ о-у --- оқу 0
oqw o__ o-w --- oqw
I read. Ме- оқыд-м. М__ о______ М-н о-ы-ы-. ----------- Мен оқыдым. 0
Men-o--dım. M__ o______ M-n o-ı-ı-. ----------- Men oqıdım.
I read the whole novel. Б-кіл-р-ман-- оқ---шық--м. Б____ р______ о___ ш______ Б-к-л р-м-н-ы о-ы- ш-қ-ы-. -------------------------- Бүкіл романды оқып шықтым. 0
B-ki- ----ndı-------ıqtım. B____ r______ o___ ş______ B-k-l r-m-n-ı o-ı- ş-q-ı-. -------------------------- Bükil romandı oqıp şıqtım.
to understand т----у т_____ т-с-н- ------ түсіну 0
t-s--w t_____ t-s-n- ------ tüsinw
I understood. Ме- т--і--і-. М__ т________ М-н т-с-н-і-. ------------- Мен түсіндім. 0
Me- --s-n-im. M__ t________ M-n t-s-n-i-. ------------- Men tüsindim.
I understood the whole text. М-- бүкіл ---ін-- тү-і-дім. М__ б____ м______ т________ М-н б-к-л м-т-н-і т-с-н-і-. --------------------------- Мен бүкіл мәтінді түсіндім. 0
Men---kil-m---n-i-t--ind--. M__ b____ m______ t________ M-n b-k-l m-t-n-i t-s-n-i-. --------------------------- Men bükil mätindi tüsindim.
to answer жа-ап--е-у ж____ б___ ж-у-п б-р- ---------- жауап беру 0
j--ap berw j____ b___ j-w-p b-r- ---------- jawap berw
I answered. Мен -а-а--бе---м. М__ ж____ б______ М-н ж-у-п б-р-і-. ----------------- Мен жауап бердім. 0
Men-jaw-- b---im. M__ j____ b______ M-n j-w-p b-r-i-. ----------------- Men jawap berdim.
I answered all the questions. Ме---а------ұр-ққ- жа--п ---д--. М__ б_____ с______ ж____ б______ М-н б-р-ы- с-р-қ-а ж-у-п б-р-і-. -------------------------------- Мен барлық сұраққа жауап бердім. 0
M-n-b-rlı- ---aq-----w-p-b-rdim. M__ b_____ s______ j____ b______ M-n b-r-ı- s-r-q-a j-w-p b-r-i-. -------------------------------- Men barlıq suraqqa jawap berdim.
I know that – I knew that. Мен м--ы--і--м-н – ----м----б-лді-. М__ м___ б______ – м__ м___ б______ М-н м-н- б-л-м-н – м-н м-н- б-л-і-. ----------------------------------- Мен мұны білемін – мен мұны білдім. 0
Men-m--ı--ilemin - m-n -u-ı-b--d-m. M__ m___ b______ – m__ m___ b______ M-n m-n- b-l-m-n – m-n m-n- b-l-i-. ----------------------------------- Men munı bilemin – men munı bildim.
I write that – I wrote that. Мен мұ-ы--а-ам-н - -е- м-н--жазд-м. М__ м___ ж______ – м__ м___ ж______ М-н м-н- ж-з-м-н – м-н м-н- ж-з-ы-. ----------------------------------- Мен мұны жазамын – мен мұны жаздым. 0
M-- ---ı---zamı--– -e- ---ı-j----m. M__ m___ j______ – m__ m___ j______ M-n m-n- j-z-m-n – m-n m-n- j-z-ı-. ----------------------------------- Men munı jazamın – men munı jazdım.
I hear that – I heard that. М-н мұны-ес--п--т----н-– -ен----- -стідім. М__ м___ е____ о______ – м__ м___ е_______ М-н м-н- е-т-п о-ы-м-н – м-н м-н- е-т-д-м- ------------------------------------------ Мен мұны естіп отырмын – мен мұны естідім. 0
M---m--ı -s-i---tır-ın – --n -u---e-t-dim. M__ m___ e____ o______ – m__ m___ e_______ M-n m-n- e-t-p o-ı-m-n – m-n m-n- e-t-d-m- ------------------------------------------ Men munı estip otırmın – men munı estidim.
I’ll get it – I got it. М-- -ұн----ып---л--і- – --- -ұны -------лд-м. М__ м___ а___ к______ – м__ м___ а___ к______ М-н м-н- а-ы- к-л-м-н – м-н м-н- а-ы- к-л-і-. --------------------------------------------- Мен мұны алып келемін – мен мұны алып келдім. 0
Me- m-nı al-- -----in --m-- m-n----ı- --ldi-. M__ m___ a___ k______ – m__ m___ a___ k______ M-n m-n- a-ı- k-l-m-n – m-n m-n- a-ı- k-l-i-. --------------------------------------------- Men munı alıp kelemin – men munı alıp keldim.
I’ll bring that – I brought that. Мен ---ы--к--- --тырм---– -е--м-ны---елд-м. М__ м___ ә____ ж_______ – м__ м___ ә_______ М-н м-н- ә-е-е ж-т-р-ы- – м-н м-н- ә-е-д-м- ------------------------------------------- Мен мұны әкеле жатырмын – мен мұны әкелдім. 0
M-- mun- äke-- j----m-n - -e----n- --el--m. M__ m___ ä____ j_______ – m__ m___ ä_______ M-n m-n- ä-e-e j-t-r-ı- – m-n m-n- ä-e-d-m- ------------------------------------------- Men munı äkele jatırmın – men munı äkeldim.
I’ll buy that – I bought that. Ме- -ұ-- -а-ып -лам---- --- -ұн- -аты- ---ым. М__ м___ с____ а_____ – м__ м___ с____ а_____ М-н м-н- с-т-п а-а-ы- – м-н м-н- с-т-п а-д-м- --------------------------------------------- Мен мұны сатып аламын – мен мұны сатып алдым. 0
Men m-nı -at-- -l--ı- – me--m--ı s---- al--m. M__ m___ s____ a_____ – m__ m___ s____ a_____ M-n m-n- s-t-p a-a-ı- – m-n m-n- s-t-p a-d-m- --------------------------------------------- Men munı satıp alamın – men munı satıp aldım.
I expect that – I expected that. М-н--с-ны-к-т-- -ү-мі----м-- ос--- ------. М__ о____ к____ ж_____ – м__ о____ к______ М-н о-ы-ы к-т-п ж-р-і- – м-н о-ы-ы к-т-і-. ------------------------------------------ Мен осыны күтіп жүрмін – мен осыны күттім. 0
M-n o---- --t-p--ür-in----en-o---ı-k-t-i-. M__ o____ k____ j_____ – m__ o____ k______ M-n o-ı-ı k-t-p j-r-i- – m-n o-ı-ı k-t-i-. ------------------------------------------ Men osını kütip jürmin – men osını küttim.
I’ll explain that – I explained that. М-н --н--т-----і-е-ін-------мұны түс-нд-р---. М__ м___ т___________ – м__ м___ т___________ М-н м-н- т-с-н-і-е-і- – м-н м-н- т-с-н-і-д-м- --------------------------------------------- Мен мұны түсіндіремін – мен мұны түсіндірдім. 0
M-n-m-nı-t---nd-remin----en-munı -üsind---im. M__ m___ t___________ – m__ m___ t___________ M-n m-n- t-s-n-i-e-i- – m-n m-n- t-s-n-i-d-m- --------------------------------------------- Men munı tüsindiremin – men munı tüsindirdim.
I know that – I knew that. Мен-мұн----л-мін--м-н --н- -і-дім. М__ м___ б______ -___ м___ б______ М-н м-н- б-л-м-н --е- м-н- б-л-і-. ---------------------------------- Мен мұны білемін -мен мұны білдім. 0
M-n --n--b---m-n---e- munı ---dim. M__ m___ b______ -___ m___ b______ M-n m-n- b-l-m-n --e- m-n- b-l-i-. ---------------------------------- Men munı bilemin -men munı bildim.

Negative words aren't translated into the native language

When reading, multilinguals translate subconsciously into their native language. This happens automatically; that is, the readers do it without realizing. It could be said that the brain functions like a simultaneous translator. But it doesn't translate everything! One study has shown that the brain has a built-in filter. This filter decides what gets translated. And it appears that the filter ignores certain words. Negative words aren't translated into the native language. Researchers selected native speakers of Chinese for their experiment. All test subjects spoke English as their second language. The test subjects had to rate various English words. These words had different emotional content. There were positive, negative and neutral terms. While the test subjects read the words, their brains were examined. That is, the researchers measured the electrical brain activity. In doing so, they could see how the brain worked. Certain signals are generated during the translation of words. They indicate that the brain is active. However, the test subjects showed no activity with the negative words. Only the positive or neutral terms were translated. Researchers don't yet know why this is. Theoretically, the brain has to process all words the same. It could be, however, that the filter quickly examines each word. It is analyzed while still being read in the second language. If a word is negative, the memory is blocked. In other words, it can't think of the word in the native language. People can react very sensitively to words. Perhaps the brain wants to protect them from emotional shock…