
em Questions – Past tense 2   »   he ‫שאלות – עבר 2‬

86 [eighty-six]

Questions – Past tense 2

Questions – Past tense 2

‫86 [שמונים ושש]‬

86 [shmonim w\'shesh]

‫שאלות – עבר 2‬

[she'elot – avar 2]

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Which tie did you wear? ‫א-זו-ע--בה--נבת?‬ ‫איזו עניבה ענבת?‬ ‫-י-ו ע-י-ה ע-ב-?- ------------------ ‫איזו עניבה ענבת?‬ 0
eyzo-an---- a-a---? eyzo anivah anavta? e-z- a-i-a- a-a-t-? ------------------- eyzo anivah anavta?
Which car did you buy? ‫איזו-מ----ת ---ת?‬ ‫איזו מכונית קנית?‬ ‫-י-ו מ-ו-י- ק-י-?- ------------------- ‫איזו מכונית קנית?‬ 0
eyzo ---h-----q--ita/--ni-? eyzo mekhonit qanita/qanit? e-z- m-k-o-i- q-n-t-/-a-i-? --------------------------- eyzo mekhonit qanita/qanit?
Which newspaper did you subscribe to? ‫ל------ית----ש-ת -י-ו-?‬ ‫לאיזה עיתון עשית מינוי?‬ ‫-א-ז- ע-ת-ן ע-י- מ-נ-י-‬ ------------------------- ‫לאיזה עיתון עשית מינוי?‬ 0
le'ey--h it-- a-s--a/as--- m--u-? le'eyzeh iton assita/assit minuy? l-'-y-e- i-o- a-s-t-/-s-i- m-n-y- --------------------------------- le'eyzeh iton assita/assit minuy?
Who did you see? ‫-ת -- ראית-‬ ‫את מי ראית?‬ ‫-ת מ- ר-י-?- ------------- ‫את מי ראית?‬ 0
et-mi----i-a-ra'i-? et mi ra'ita/ra'it? e- m- r-'-t-/-a-i-? ------------------- et mi ra'ita/ra'it?
Who did you meet? ‫-- מ- נ--ש--‬ ‫עם מי נפגשת?‬ ‫-ם מ- נ-ג-ת-‬ -------------- ‫עם מי נפגשת?‬ 0
i-----n----sht-/-----s--? im mi nifgashta/nifgasht? i- m- n-f-a-h-a-n-f-a-h-? ------------------------- im mi nifgashta/nifgasht?
Who did you recognize? ‫א---------?‬ ‫את מי הכרת?‬ ‫-ת מ- ה-ר-?- ------------- ‫את מי הכרת?‬ 0
et-mi-h-k--a---k--? et mi hikrta/hikrt? e- m- h-k-t-/-i-r-? ------------------- et mi hikrta/hikrt?
When did you get up? ‫מ-י -מ-?‬ ‫מתי קמת?‬ ‫-ת- ק-ת-‬ ---------- ‫מתי קמת?‬ 0
m------amt--q-m-? matay qamta/qamt? m-t-y q-m-a-q-m-? ----------------- matay qamta/qamt?
When did you start? ‫מ-----חלת?‬ ‫מתי התחלת?‬ ‫-ת- ה-ח-ת-‬ ------------ ‫מתי התחלת?‬ 0
matay hi---l--/hitxa-t? matay hitxalta/hitxalt? m-t-y h-t-a-t-/-i-x-l-? ----------------------- matay hitxalta/hitxalt?
When did you finish? ‫--י-הפס-ת?‬ ‫מתי הפסקת?‬ ‫-ת- ה-ס-ת-‬ ------------ ‫מתי הפסקת?‬ 0
m-t-y hi-----a/---sa--? matay hifsaqta/hifsaqt? m-t-y h-f-a-t-/-i-s-q-? ----------------------- matay hifsaqta/hifsaqt?
Why did you wake up? ‫מד-ע-ק-ת?‬ ‫מדוע קמת?‬ ‫-ד-ע ק-ת-‬ ----------- ‫מדוע קמת?‬ 0
m-du----a--a/q--t? madu'a qamta/qamt? m-d-'- q-m-a-q-m-? ------------------ madu'a qamta/qamt?
Why did you become a teacher? ‫מ------כת לה-ות -ו--?‬ ‫מדוע הפכת להיות מורה?‬ ‫-ד-ע ה-כ- ל-י-ת מ-ר-?- ----------------------- ‫מדוע הפכת להיות מורה?‬ 0
m---'- -----h-a-h-fa--t --hi-t ---e-/-orah? madu'a hafakhta/hafakht lihiot moreh/morah? m-d-'- h-f-k-t-/-a-a-h- l-h-o- m-r-h-m-r-h- ------------------------------------------- madu'a hafakhta/hafakht lihiot moreh/morah?
Why did you take a taxi? ‫מ--ע -קחת--ונית?‬ ‫מדוע לקחת מונית?‬ ‫-ד-ע ל-ח- מ-נ-ת-‬ ------------------ ‫מדוע לקחת מונית?‬ 0
mad--- la-ax-a--a-a-t-m-n-t? madu'a laqaxta/laqaxt monit? m-d-'- l-q-x-a-l-q-x- m-n-t- ---------------------------- madu'a laqaxta/laqaxt monit?
Where did you come from? ‫מ-יכ- ---ת?‬ ‫מהיכן הגעת?‬ ‫-ה-כ- ה-ע-?- ------------- ‫מהיכן הגעת?‬ 0
me-eykhan higa--a-h--a'-? meheykhan higa'ta/higa't? m-h-y-h-n h-g-'-a-h-g-'-? ------------------------- meheykhan higa'ta/higa't?
Where did you go? ‫ל--כן -לכ-?‬ ‫להיכן הלכת?‬ ‫-ה-כ- ה-כ-?- ------------- ‫להיכן הלכת?‬ 0
le--y-han ---a-h--/-a--kh-? leheykhan halakhta/halakht? l-h-y-h-n h-l-k-t-/-a-a-h-? --------------------------- leheykhan halakhta/halakht?
Where were you? ‫---ן -יי-?‬ ‫היכן היית?‬ ‫-י-ן ה-י-?- ------------ ‫היכן היית?‬ 0
he----n --i--/h-i-? heykhan haita/hait? h-y-h-n h-i-a-h-i-? ------------------- heykhan haita/hait?
Who did you help? ‫למ- -ז---‬ ‫למי עזרת?‬ ‫-מ- ע-ר-?- ----------- ‫למי עזרת?‬ 0
lem--a-a-ta-az--t? lemi azarta/azart? l-m- a-a-t-/-z-r-? ------------------ lemi azarta/azart?
Who did you write to? ‫ל------ת?‬ ‫למי כתבת?‬ ‫-מ- כ-ב-?- ----------- ‫למי כתבת?‬ 0
l----ka-----/-ata--? lemi katavta/katavt? l-m- k-t-v-a-k-t-v-? -------------------- lemi katavta/katavt?
Who did you reply to? ‫למי---ית?‬ ‫למי ענית?‬ ‫-מ- ע-י-?- ----------- ‫למי ענית?‬ 0
l-mi ani-----i-? lemi anita/anit? l-m- a-i-a-a-i-? ---------------- lemi anita/anit?

Bilingualism improves hearing

People who speak two languages hear better. They can distinguish between different sounds more accurately. An American study has come to this conclusion. Researchers tested several teenagers. Part of the test subjects grew up bilingual. These teenagers spoke English and Spanish. The other part of the subjects only spoke English. The young people had to listen to a particular syllable. It was the syllable "da". It didn't belong to either of the languages. The syllable was played for the test subjects using headphones. At the same time, their brain activity was measured with electrodes. After this test the teenagers had to listen to the syllable again. This time, however, they could hear many disruptive sounds as well. There were various voices saying meaningless sentences. The bilingual individuals reacted very strongly to the syllable. Their brain showed a lot of activity. They could identify the syllable exactly, with and without the disruptive sounds. The monolingual individuals were not successful. Their hearing was not as good as the bilingual test subjects. The result of the experiment surprised researchers. Until then it was only known that musicians have an especially good ear. But it appears that bilingualism also trains the ear. People that are bilingual are constantly confronted with different sounds. Therefore, their brain must develop new abilities. It learns how to distinguish different linguistic stimuli. Researchers are now testing how language skills affect the brain. Maybe hearing can still benefit when a person learns languages later in life…