
em Past tense of modal verbs 1   »   ti ሕሉፍ ናይ ሓገዝቲ ግስታት 1

87 [eighty-seven]

Past tense of modal verbs 1

Past tense of modal verbs 1

87 [ሰማንያንሸውዓተን]

87 [semaniyanishewi‘ateni]

ሕሉፍ ናይ ሓገዝቲ ግስታት 1

ḥilufi nayi ḥagezitī gisitati 1

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We had to water the flowers. ግድን-ነ-ን -----ት-ማ- ---በን ---። ግ__ ነ__ ዕ_____ ማ_ ክ____ ኔ___ ግ-ን ነ-ን ዕ-ባ-ታ- ማ- ክ-ህ-ን ኔ-ና- ---------------------------- ግድን ነተን ዕንባባታት ማይ ክንህበን ኔሪና። 0
gid-n--n-------i---ab-t-ti----i-k-n-h-be-i----īn-። g_____ n_____ ‘___________ m___ k_________ n______ g-d-n- n-t-n- ‘-n-b-b-t-t- m-y- k-n-h-b-n- n-r-n-። -------------------------------------------------- gidini neteni ‘inibabatati mayi kinihibeni nērīna።
We had to clean the apartment. ግድን ነቲ -ፍ--ኣፓር-መንት -ንሰ---ከ-ለ-ዕልዕ ኔ-ና። ግ__ ነ_ ክ__________ ከ____ ከ______ ኔ___ ግ-ን ነ- ክ-ሊ-ኣ-ር-መ-ት ከ-ሰ-ዖ ከ-ለ-ዕ-ዕ ኔ-ና- ------------------------------------- ግድን ነቲ ክፍሊ፣ኣፓርትመንት ከንሰርዖ ከነለዓዕልዕ ኔሪና። 0
gid--i-ne-ī-k----ī-apa--ti-e-it---e-------o ke---e-----i-i---r---። g_____ n___ k___________________ k_________ k_____________ n______ g-d-n- n-t- k-f-l-፣-p-r-t-m-n-t- k-n-s-r-‘- k-n-l-‘-‘-l-‘- n-r-n-። ------------------------------------------------------------------ gidini netī kifilī፣aparitimeniti keniseri‘o kenele‘a‘ili‘i nērīna።
We had to wash the dishes. እቲ -ቑ-(ፋ-----ማንካ፣--ዘ-)---ሓ-ቦ ኔሪ-። እ_ ኣ________ ማ___ ወ___ ክ____ ኔ___ እ- ኣ-ሑ-ፋ-ከ-፣ ማ-ካ- ወ-ተ- ክ-ሓ-ቦ ኔ-ና- --------------------------------- እቲ ኣቑሑ(ፋርከተ፣ ማንካ፣ ወዘተ) ክንሓጽቦ ኔሪና። 0
i-- a---u-----a-ik-te- ma--k-፣ weze--) k-nih--ts-i-- n-r-na። i__ a_______________ m______ w______ k___________ n______ i-ī a-̱-u-̣-(-a-i-e-e- m-n-k-፣ w-z-t-) k-n-h-a-s-i-o n-r-n-። ------------------------------------------------------------ itī aḵ’uḥu(farikete፣ manika፣ wezete) kiniḥats’ibo nērīna።
Did you have to pay the bill? ግ-ን--ዩ--ቲ ጸብጻብ ---ፍ-- ኔሩ-ም-? ግ__ ዲ_ እ_ ጸ___ ክ_____ ኔ___ ? ግ-ን ዲ- እ- ጸ-ጻ- ክ-ከ-ሉ- ኔ-ኩ- ? ---------------------------- ግድን ዲዩ እቲ ጸብጻብ ክትከፍሉዎ ኔሩኩም ? 0
g-di-i --y- i-ī ts-eb-t---b- k--i--fil-wo-nē--k-m- ? g_____ d___ i__ t___________ k___________ n_______ ? g-d-n- d-y- i-ī t-’-b-t-’-b- k-t-k-f-l-w- n-r-k-m- ? ---------------------------------------------------- gidini dīyu itī ts’ebits’abi kitikefiluwo nērukumi ?
Did you have to pay an entrance fee? ግድ- ዲ- መእተ- ---ፍሉ--ኔ-ኩ- ? ግ__ ዲ_ መ___ ክ_____ ኔ___ ? ግ-ን ዲ- መ-ተ- ክ-ከ-ሉ- ኔ-ኩ- ? ------------------------- ግድን ዲዩ መእተዊ ክትከፍሉዎ ኔሩኩም ? 0
gi--n---īy- m---t-wī ki-i------wo--ēru--mi-? g_____ d___ m_______ k___________ n_______ ? g-d-n- d-y- m-’-t-w- k-t-k-f-l-w- n-r-k-m- ? -------------------------------------------- gidini dīyu me’itewī kitikefiluwo nērukumi ?
Did you have to pay a fine? ግድ--ዲ--መ-ጻዕቲ-ክት--ሉ--ኔሩኩ--? ግ__ ዲ_ መ____ ክ_____ ኔ___ ? ግ-ን ዲ- መ-ጻ-ቲ ክ-ከ-ሉ- ኔ-ኩ- ? -------------------------- ግድን ዲዩ መቕጻዕቲ ክትከፍሉዎ ኔሩኩም ? 0
gid----d--- ---̱--ts’---tī----i--f-l--o -ēruku-i ? g_____ d___ m____________ k___________ n_______ ? g-d-n- d-y- m-k-’-t-’-‘-t- k-t-k-f-l-w- n-r-k-m- ? -------------------------------------------------- gidini dīyu meḵ’its’a‘itī kitikefiluwo nērukumi ?
Who had to say goodbye? መን --ግ---ክሰና----ሩዎ-? መ_ ዩ ግ__ ክ____ ኔ__ ? መ- ዩ ግ-ን ክ-ና-ት ኔ-ዎ ? -------------------- መን ዩ ግድን ክሰናበት ኔሩዎ ? 0
m----y- -id-n---i--na-e---n-r--- ? m___ y_ g_____ k_________ n_____ ? m-n- y- g-d-n- k-s-n-b-t- n-r-w- ? ---------------------------------- meni yu gidini kisenabeti nēruwo ?
Who had to go home early? መን-ድዩ----ሙ --ዛ ክኸ---ኔ-ዎ? መ_ ድ_ ኣ___ ን__ ክ___ ኔ___ መ- ድ- ኣ-ዲ- ን-ዛ ክ-ይ- ኔ-ዎ- ------------------------ መን ድዩ ኣቐዲሙ ንገዛ ክኸይድ ኔሩዎ? 0
m-n--d--- --̱’edī-u -i--za--iẖ--id--n-ru--? m___ d___ a_______ n_____ k_______ n______ m-n- d-y- a-̱-e-ī-u n-g-z- k-h-e-i-i n-r-w-? -------------------------------------------- meni diyu aḵ’edīmu nigeza kiẖeyidi nēruwo?
Who had to take the train? መ--ግ-ን-ድዩ-ን--ር-ክ-ስ- --ዎ? መ_ ግ__ ድ_ ን___ ክ___ ኔ___ መ- ግ-ን ድ- ን-ቡ- ክ-ስ- ኔ-ዎ- ------------------------ መን ግድን ድዩ ንባቡር ክወስድ ኔሩዎ? 0
m-n--g-d-ni --y--n--a--ri --wes--i -ēr-wo? m___ g_____ d___ n_______ k_______ n______ m-n- g-d-n- d-y- n-b-b-r- k-w-s-d- n-r-w-? ------------------------------------------ meni gidini diyu nibaburi kiwesidi nēruwo?
We did not want to stay long. ነ---ክ-ጸ-ሕ-ኣይ---- ---። ነ__ ክ____ ኣ_____ ኔ___ ነ-ሕ ክ-ጸ-ሕ ኣ-ደ-ና- ኔ-ና- --------------------- ነዊሕ ክንጸንሕ ኣይደለናን ኔርና። 0
n--ī--i--in--s---i-̣- --id--en-ni--ērin-። n_____ k___________ a__________ n______ n-w-h-i k-n-t-’-n-h-i a-i-e-e-a-i n-r-n-። ----------------------------------------- newīḥi kinits’eniḥi ayidelenani nērina።
We did not want to drink anything. ዝ-- ክንሰ- -ይደ--ን ኔ-ና። ዝ__ ክ___ ኣ_____ ኔ___ ዝ-ነ ክ-ሰ- ኣ-ደ-ና- ኔ-ና- -------------------- ዝኾነ ክንሰቲ ኣይደለናን ኔርና። 0
zi-̱o-e ki-i-et--a----l-nani----in-። z_____ k_______ a__________ n______ z-h-o-e k-n-s-t- a-i-e-e-a-i n-r-n-። ------------------------------------ ziẖone kinisetī ayidelenani nērina።
We did not want to disturb you. ክን-ብ---ይ-ለናን ኔ-ና። ክ____ ኣ_____ ኔ___ ክ-ር-ሽ ኣ-ደ-ና- ኔ-ና- ----------------- ክንርብሽ ኣይደለናን ኔርና። 0
kini-ib---i-a-ide---an---ē-in-። k__________ a__________ n______ k-n-r-b-s-i a-i-e-e-a-i n-r-n-። ------------------------------- kiniribishi ayidelenani nērina።
I just wanted to make a call. ክ--ል-ደል--ኔረ። ክ___ ደ__ ኔ__ ክ-ው- ደ-የ ኔ-። ------------ ክደውል ደልየ ኔረ። 0
kidew--i deli-e -ēr-። k_______ d_____ n____ k-d-w-l- d-l-y- n-r-። --------------------- kidewili deliye nēre።
I just wanted to call a taxi. ታክ---------- ኔ-። ታ__ ክ___ ደ__ ኔ__ ታ-ሲ ክ-ል- ደ-የ ኔ-። ---------------- ታክሲ ክጠልብ ደልየ ኔረ። 0
t--isī-k--’-l--i-d-l-ye---re። t_____ k________ d_____ n____ t-k-s- k-t-e-i-i d-l-y- n-r-። ----------------------------- takisī kit’elibi deliye nēre።
Actually I wanted to drive home. ን----- ክኸይ--ደ-የ ኔ-። ን__ እ_ ክ___ ደ__ ኔ__ ን-ዛ እ- ክ-ይ- ደ-የ ኔ-። ------------------- ንገዛ እኮ ክኸይድ ደልየ ኔረ። 0
nige----ko k--̱e-----d----e--ē--። n_____ i__ k_______ d_____ n____ n-g-z- i-o k-h-e-i-i d-l-y- n-r-። --------------------------------- nigeza iko kiẖeyidi deliye nēre።
I thought you wanted to call your wife. ሰ-ይት--ክ-ድውልላ ዝደለ- መሲሉኒ ። ሰ____ ክ_____ ዝ___ መ___ ። ሰ-ይ-ኻ ክ-ድ-ል- ዝ-ለ- መ-ሉ- ። ------------------------ ሰበይትኻ ክትድውልላ ዝደለኻ መሲሉኒ ። 0
seb--itih-- kiti-iwi--l- z-del--̱--me---un- ። s_________ k___________ z_______ m_______ ። s-b-y-t-h-a k-t-d-w-l-l- z-d-l-h-a m-s-l-n- ። --------------------------------------------- sebeyitiẖa kitidiwilila zideleẖa mesīlunī ።
I thought you wanted to call information. ን--- ----ታ-ኣ- ተ-ፎ----ትድ-ለሎም -ደ-ኻ--ሲሉኒ ነ--። ን___ -_______ ተ____ ክ______ ዝ___ መ___ ነ___ ን-ፍ- --በ-ታ-ኣ- ተ-ፎ-) ክ-ድ-ለ-ም ዝ-ል- መ-ሉ- ነ-ሩ- ------------------------------------------ ንክፍሊ -ሓበሬታ(ኣብ ተለፎን) ክትድውለሎም ዝደልኻ መሲሉኒ ነይሩ። 0
n----i----h---erē----b--t-l-foni) k-tidi-i--lom---i---i-̱--m---l-n- -eyi--። n_______ -____________ t________ k_____________ z_______ m_______ n______ n-k-f-l- --̣-b-r-t-(-b- t-l-f-n-) k-t-d-w-l-l-m- z-d-l-h-a m-s-l-n- n-y-r-። --------------------------------------------------------------------------- nikifilī -ḥaberēta(abi telefoni) kitidiwilelomi zideliẖa mesīlunī neyiru።
I thought you wanted to order a pizza. ፒሳ--ትጠ-ብ ዝ-ልኻ-መ-ሉ-----። ፒ_ ክ____ ዝ___ መ___ ነ___ ፒ- ክ-ጠ-ብ ዝ-ል- መ-ሉ- ነ-ሩ- ----------------------- ፒሳ ክትጠልብ ዝደልኻ መሲሉኒ ነይሩ። 0
p--- ki-i-’-li-i--idel-h-- m-s--unī n-yiru። p___ k__________ z_______ m_______ n______ p-s- k-t-t-e-i-i z-d-l-h-a m-s-l-n- n-y-r-። ------------------------------------------- pīsa kitit’elibi zideliẖa mesīlunī neyiru።

Big letters, big feelings

Advertising uses a lot of pictures. Pictures awaken our particular interests. We look at them longer and more intently than letters. As a result, we remember advertisements with pictures better. Pictures also produce strong emotional reactions. The brain recognizes pictures very quickly. It knows immediately what can be seen in the picture. Letters function differently than pictures. They are abstract characters. Therefore, our brain reacts slower to letters. First, it must understand the meaning of the word. One might say the characters must be translated by the language part of the brain. But emotions can be produced using letters too. The text just needs to be very large. Studies show that big letters have a big effect as well. Large letters aren't just more noticeable than small letters. They also produce a stronger emotional reaction. This is true for positive as well as negative feelings. The size of things has always been important to mankind. Man must react quickly to danger. And when something is large, it's usually already quite close! So it's understandable that large pictures produce strong reactions then. Less clear is how we react to large letters. Letters aren't actually a signal for the brain. Despite this, it shows greater activity when it sees large letters. This result is very interesting to scientists. It shows how important letters have become for us. Our brain has somehow learned how to react to writing…