
em Past tense of modal verbs 2   »   ad ОсэфэшI глаголмэ яблэкIыгъэ шъуашэр 2

88 [eighty-eight]

Past tense of modal verbs 2

Past tense of modal verbs 2

88 [тIокIиплIырэ ирэ]

88 [tIokIiplIyrje irje]

ОсэфэшI глаголмэ яблэкIыгъэ шъуашэр 2

OsjefjeshI glagolmje jabljekIygje shuashjer 2

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My son did not want to play with the doll. Сэ----ъао--ысх--п-м -ы----у--Iоиг-уа--э-. С_ с_____ н________ р______ ш____________ С- с-ш-а- н-с-ъ-п-м р-д-э-у ш-о-г-у-г-э-. ----------------------------------------- Сэ сишъао нысхъапэм рыджэгу шIоигъуагъэп. 0
Sje-s-sh-- ny-h-pjem--y--h-eg--s-Ioi--agjep. S__ s_____ n________ r________ s____________ S-e s-s-a- n-s-a-j-m r-d-h-e-u s-I-i-u-g-e-. -------------------------------------------- Sje sishao nyshapjem rydzhjegu shIoiguagjep.
My daughter did not want to play football / soccer (am.). С- --пш--шъ--фу--ол-еш----- ф-ягъэ-. С_ с________ ф_____ е______ ф_______ С- с-п-ъ-ш-э ф-т-о- е-I-н-у ф-я-ъ-п- ------------------------------------ Сэ сипшъашъэ футбол ешIэнэу фэягъэп. 0
Sje -i-sha-h---f----- -------j-u -je-ag-e-. S__ s_________ f_____ e_________ f_________ S-e s-p-h-s-j- f-t-o- e-h-j-n-e- f-e-a-j-p- ------------------------------------------- Sje sipshashje futbol eshIjenjeu fjejagjep.
My wife did not want to play chess with me. Си-ъ---гъу-э-(си--у-)-шах-а-----зде-Iэн----Iои----гъ-п. С___________ (_______ ш_____ к___________ ш____________ С-ш-х-а-ъ-с- (-и-ъ-з- ш-х-а- к-ы-д-ш-э-э- ш-о-г-у-г-э-. ------------------------------------------------------- Сишъхьагъусэ (сишъуз) шахмат къыздешIэнэу шIоигъуагъэп. 0
S-sh-'ag--je -sishuz--s-ahma--kyz----I-e-je- shIoi--agj-p. S___________ (_______ s______ k_____________ s____________ S-s-h-a-u-j- (-i-h-z- s-a-m-t k-z-e-h-j-n-e- s-I-i-u-g-e-. ---------------------------------------------------------- Sishh'agusje (sishuz) shahmat kyzdeshIjenjeu shIoiguagjep.
My children did not want to go for a walk. Сик-а----- -ъэ---х-акI- --о---у -эя---хэ-. С_________ к___________ к______ ф_________ С-к-а-э-э- к-э-I-х-а-I- к-о-х-у ф-я-ъ-х-п- ------------------------------------------ СикIалэхэр къэкIухьакIо кIонхэу фэягъэхэп. 0
Si-Ialje--e- -je-I-h'ak-o-kI-n--eu fje--gj-h--p. S___________ k___________ k_______ f____________ S-k-a-j-h-e- k-e-I-h-a-I- k-o-h-e- f-e-a-j-h-e-. ------------------------------------------------ SikIaljehjer kjekIuh'akIo kIonhjeu fjejagjehjep.
They did not want to tidy the room. Ах-м--у-эр-к-ы-эI-хынэ- фэя-ъ----. А____ у___ к___________ ф_________ А-э-э у-э- к-ы-э-а-ы-э- ф-я-ъ-х-п- ---------------------------------- Ахэмэ унэр къызэIахынэу фэягъэхэп. 0
A--em-- -nj-r-ky--e--h-n-e---je-agje-je-. A______ u____ k____________ f____________ A-j-m-e u-j-r k-z-e-a-y-j-u f-e-a-j-h-e-. ----------------------------------------- Ahjemje unjer kyzjeIahynjeu fjejagjehjep.
They did not want to go to bed. А--р-г-олъ-ж-ынхэу -эяг---э-. А___ г____________ ф_________ А-э- г-о-ъ-ж-ы-х-у ф-я-ъ-х-п- ----------------------------- Ахэр гъолъыжьынхэу фэягъэхэп. 0
A---r----y-h-y--j-- f-----je-je-. A____ g____________ f____________ A-j-r g-l-z-'-n-j-u f-e-a-j-h-e-. --------------------------------- Ahjer golyzh'ynhjeu fjejagjehjep.
He was not allowed to eat ice cream. А- (--улъ-------тыгъ- -ш-ы -ъ--т-ъ---э-. А_ (__________ щ_____ ы___ х____________ А- (-ъ-л-ф-г-) щ-ы-ъ- ы-х- х-у-т-ъ-г-э-. ---------------------------------------- Ащ (хъулъфыгъ) щтыгъэ ышхы хъущтгъагъэп. 0
Ashh--h--fyg--------j---s--- --sh---ag---. A___ (_______ s_______ y____ h____________ A-h- (-u-f-g- s-h-y-j- y-h-y h-s-h-g-g-e-. ------------------------------------------ Ashh (hulfyg) shhtygje yshhy hushhtgagjep.
He was not allowed to eat chocolate. Ащ----улъ-ы-ъ--ш----а-----ы----щтг---ъ--. А_ (__________ ш______ ы___ х____________ А- (-ъ-л-ф-г-) ш-к-л-д ы-х- х-у-т-ъ-г-э-. ----------------------------------------- Ащ (хъулъфыгъ) шоколад ышхы хъущтгъагъэп. 0
Ash--(-----g) sho-ol-d -s-h--hu-h-tga-je-. A___ (_______ s_______ y____ h____________ A-h- (-u-f-g- s-o-o-a- y-h-y h-s-h-g-g-e-. ------------------------------------------ Ashh (hulfyg) shokolad yshhy hushhtgagjep.
He was not allowed to eat sweets. А- -хъ-л----ъ--конфе- ы-х----ущтг-агъэп. А_ (__________ к_____ ы___ х____________ А- (-ъ-л-ф-г-) к-н-е- ы-х- х-у-т-ъ-г-э-. ---------------------------------------- Ащ (хъулъфыгъ) конфет ышхы хъущтгъагъэп. 0
A--- --u-f-g)---nf-- -s-h- -ush-t-ag---. A___ (_______ k_____ y____ h____________ A-h- (-u-f-g- k-n-e- y-h-y h-s-h-g-g-e-. ---------------------------------------- Ashh (hulfyg) konfet yshhy hushhtgagjep.
I was allowed to make a wish. С--зыгор--с----г-он-с---т--ъ. С_ з_____ с________ с________ С- з-г-р- с-I-и-ъ-н с-ф-т-г-. ----------------------------- Сэ зыгорэ сшIоигъон сыфитыгъ. 0
S-- ---orje s-hI----n sy-i--g. S__ z______ s________ s_______ S-e z-g-r-e s-h-o-g-n s-f-t-g- ------------------------------ Sje zygorje sshIoigon syfityg.
I was allowed to buy myself a dress. Сэ дж--э -ъыз-ф--щ--ыж----сы-и-ы--. С_ д____ к_______________ с________ С- д-а-э к-ы-ы-э-щ-ф-ж-ы- с-ф-т-г-. ----------------------------------- Сэ джанэ къызыфэсщэфыжьын сыфитыгъ. 0
S---dzhan-e-k-z---ess----f-zh-y---y-i-yg. S__ d______ k___________________ s_______ S-e d-h-n-e k-z-f-e-s-h-e-y-h-y- s-f-t-g- ----------------------------------------- Sje dzhanje kyzyfjesshhjefyzh'yn syfityg.
I was allowed to take a chocolate. С--шо--л---конфет-р---т-н -ыф--ыг-. С_ ш______ к_______ с____ с________ С- ш-к-л-д к-н-е-ы- с-т-н с-ф-т-г-. ----------------------------------- Сэ шоколад конфетыр сштэн сыфитыгъ. 0
S-e-sho--la- konf-t---s--t-e--s--i-y-. S__ s_______ k_______ s______ s_______ S-e s-o-o-a- k-n-e-y- s-h-j-n s-f-t-g- -------------------------------------- Sje shokolad konfetyr sshtjen syfityg.
Were you allowed to smoke in the airplane? О к--х-э--а-эм ---ы---щешъ--эу---и--г-а? О к___________ т____ у________ у________ О к-у-ь-л-а-э- т-т-н у-е-ъ-н-у у-и-ы-ъ-? ---------------------------------------- О къухьэлъатэм тутын ущешъонэу уфитыгъа? 0
O --h--e--tjem-tu-yn-u---es-o--e- u-----a? O k___________ t____ u___________ u_______ O k-h-j-l-t-e- t-t-n u-h-e-h-n-e- u-i-y-a- ------------------------------------------ O kuh'jelatjem tutyn ushheshonjeu ufityga?
Were you allowed to drink beer in the hospital? О---мэ--эщым-пи-э у-ешъо--- ------ъ-? О с_________ п___ у________ у________ О с-м-д-э-ы- п-в- у-е-ъ-н-у у-и-ы-ъ-? ------------------------------------- О сымэджэщым пивэ ущешъонэу уфитыгъа? 0
O s--je---jesh-ym --v-e-ush----onjeu u--tyga? O s______________ p____ u___________ u_______ O s-m-e-z-j-s-h-m p-v-e u-h-e-h-n-e- u-i-y-a- --------------------------------------------- O symjedzhjeshhym pivje ushheshonjeu ufityga?
Were you allowed to take the dog into the hotel? О----к-эщ-м-х--р-з-д--щэ-э- уф--ы-ъ-? О х________ х___ з_________ у________ О х-а-I-щ-м х-э- з-д-п-э-э- у-и-ы-ъ-? ------------------------------------- О хьакIэщым хьэр зыдипщэнэу уфитыгъа? 0
O--'---jes-h-- h'j-r-----pshh-enj-- -fit-g-? O h___________ h____ z_____________ u_______ O h-a-I-e-h-y- h-j-r z-d-p-h-j-n-e- u-i-y-a- -------------------------------------------- O h'akIjeshhym h'jer zydipshhjenjeu ufityga?
During the holidays the children were allowed to remain outside late. Гъэ----ыг--- кIэ-э-Iы---хэр---р- -----м т--ын--у-фит---эх. Г___________ к_____________ б___ у_____ т_______ ф________ Г-э-с-ф-г-о- к-э-э-I-к-у-э- б-р- у-а-ы- т-т-н-э- ф-т-г-э-. ---------------------------------------------------------- Гъэпсэфыгъом кIэлэцIыкIухэр бэрэ урамым тетынхэу фитыгъэх. 0
G-epsjef-gom --j--je-IykI--j---bje-je ur---m te-yn-j-- ---yg-eh. G___________ k________________ b_____ u_____ t________ f________ G-e-s-e-y-o- k-j-l-e-I-k-u-j-r b-e-j- u-a-y- t-t-n-j-u f-t-g-e-. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Gjepsjefygom kIjeljecIykIuhjer bjerje uramym tetynhjeu fitygjeh.
They were allowed to play in the yard for a long time. Ахэ---э-э-ща-у--щ-дж-гун--у----ы-ъэх. А___ б___ щ____ щ__________ ф________ А-э- б-р- щ-г-м щ-д-э-у-х-у ф-т-г-э-. ------------------------------------- Ахэр бэрэ щагум щыджэгунхэу фитыгъэх. 0
Ahjer-bj-rj--s-h---m sh-y-zh-----h-----i-ygje-. A____ b_____ s______ s_______________ f________ A-j-r b-e-j- s-h-g-m s-h-d-h-e-u-h-e- f-t-g-e-. ----------------------------------------------- Ahjer bjerje shhagum shhydzhjegunhjeu fitygjeh.
They were allowed to stay up late. А--- -э-э -ы--н--у -иты-ъ--. А___ б___ щ_______ ф________ А-э- б-р- щ-с-н-э- ф-т-г-э-. ---------------------------- Ахэр бэрэ щысынхэу фитыгъэх. 0
Ah--r-bje-j- s-----nhje--fity--eh. A____ b_____ s__________ f________ A-j-r b-e-j- s-h-s-n-j-u f-t-g-e-. ---------------------------------- Ahjer bjerje shhysynhjeu fitygjeh.

Tips against forgetting

Learning is not always easy. Even when it is fun, it can be exhausting. But when we've learned something, we're happy. We're proud of ourselves and our progress. Unfortunately, we can forget what we learn. That is often a problem with languages in particular. Most of us learn one or more languages in school. This knowledge often gets lost after the school years. We hardly speak the language anymore. Our native language usually dominates our everyday life. Many foreign languages only get used on vacation. But if knowledge isn't regularly activated, it gets lost. Our brain needs exercise. It could be said that it functions like a muscle. This muscle has to be exercised, otherwise it will get weaker. But there are ways to prevent forgetting. The most important thing is to repeatedly apply what you have learned. Consistent rituals can help with this. You can plan a small routine for different days of the week. On Monday, for example, you could read a book in the foreign language. Listen to an overseas radio station on Wednesday. Then on Friday you can write in a journal in the foreign language. This way you're switching between reading, hearing and writing. Consequently, your knowledge is activated in different ways. All of these exercises don't have to last long; half an hour is enough. But it's important that you practice regularly! Studies show that what you learn stays in the brain for decades. It just has to be dug out of the drawer again…