
em Subordinate clauses: that 1   »   fa ‫جملات وابسته با "که" 1‬

91 [ninety-one]

Subordinate clauses: that 1

Subordinate clauses: that 1

‫91 [نود و یک]‬

91 [navad-o-yek]

‫جملات وابسته با "که" 1‬

‫jomalaat vaabasteh ba ke 1‬‬‬

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English (US) Persian Play More
Perhaps the weather will get better tomorrow. ‫--د- --ت----ً--وا-بهت- م-----.‬ ‫____ ا______ ه__ ب___ م______ ‫-ر-ا ا-ت-ا-ا- ه-ا ب-ت- م-‌-و-.- -------------------------------- ‫فردا احتمالاً هوا بهتر می‌شود.‬ 0
‫fa---a--h-e--a-aa- -a--a be--ar-----ha--d.‬‬‬ ‫______ e_________ h____ b_____ m____________ ‫-a-d-a e-t-m-a-a-ً h-v-a b-h-a- m---h-v-d-‬-‬ ---------------------------------------------- ‫fardaa ehtemaalaaً havaa behtar mi-shavad.‬‬‬
How do you know that? ‫ا--ک-ا این-م-ض-ع را--ی----ی--‬ ‫__ ک__ ا__ م____ ر_ م________ ‫-ز ک-ا ا-ن م-ض-ع ر- م-‌-ا-ی-؟- ------------------------------- ‫از کجا این موضوع را می‌دانید؟‬ 0
‫-- koj----- -o--o-----i----n-d--‬‬ ‫__ k____ i_ m____ r_ m____________ ‫-z k-j-a i- m-z-o r- m---a-n-d-‬-‬ ----------------------------------- ‫az kojaa in mozoo ra mi-daanid?‬‬‬
I hope that it gets better. ‫امید---م-که هو--ب-تر--شو-.‬ ‫________ ک_ ه__ ب___ ب_____ ‫-م-د-ا-م ک- ه-ا ب-ت- ب-و-.- ---------------------------- ‫امیدوارم که هوا بهتر بشود.‬ 0
‫-------a--ke --va- -ehta- --shav-d---‬ ‫_________ k_ h____ b_____ b___________ ‫-m-d-a-a- k- h-v-a b-h-a- b-s-a-a-.-‬- --------------------------------------- ‫omidvaram ke havaa behtar beshavad.‬‬‬
He will definitely come. ‫-و(م-د)-قط-ا--می‌آی--‬ ‫_______ ق___ م______ ‫-و-م-د- ق-ع-ً م-‌-ی-.- ----------------------- ‫او(مرد) قطعاً می‌آید.‬ 0
‫--(m-r-) --------mi-a-i---‬‬ ‫________ g_____ m__________ ‫-o-m-r-) g-a-a-ً m---e-d-‬-‬ ----------------------------- ‫oo(mord) ghataaً mi-aeid.‬‬‬
Are you sure? ‫-طم-----ت--‬ ‫_____ ه_____ ‫-ط-ئ- ه-ت-؟- ------------- ‫مطمئن هستی؟‬ 0
‫mot-ae---as--?-‬‬ ‫_______ h________ ‫-o-m-e- h-s-i-‬-‬ ------------------ ‫motmaen hasti?‬‬‬
I know that he’ll come. ‫من ---دان- که ---(م-د---ی‌آید.‬ ‫__ م_____ ک_ ا_ (____ م______ ‫-ن م-‌-ا-م ک- ا- (-ر-) م-‌-ی-.- -------------------------------- ‫من می‌دانم که او (مرد) می‌آید.‬ 0
‫m-n-m----an-- k--oo -mord- mi-a---.-‬‬ ‫___ m________ k_ o_ (_____ m__________ ‫-a- m---a-n-m k- o- (-o-d- m---e-d-‬-‬ --------------------------------------- ‫man mi-daanam ke oo (mord) mi-aeid.‬‬‬
He’ll definitely call. ‫ا- (---)--ط--- -ل-ن --‌کن--‬ ‫__ (____ ق___ ت___ م______ ‫-و (-ر-) ق-ع-ً ت-ف- م-‌-ن-.- ----------------------------- ‫او (مرد) قطعاً تلفن می‌کند.‬ 0
‫-o-(m--d--g---aaً-t-l---- mi-k--a--‬‬‬ ‫__ (_____ g_____ t______ m___________ ‫-o (-o-d- g-a-a-ً t-l-f-n m---o-a-.-‬- --------------------------------------- ‫oo (mord) ghataaً telefon mi-konad.‬‬‬
Really? ‫و-قع-ً؟‬ ‫_______ ‫-ا-ع-ً-‬ --------- ‫واقعاً؟‬ 0
‫va--h--n----‬ ‫____________ ‫-a-g-e-n-?-‬- -------------- ‫vaagheanً?‬‬‬
I believe that he’ll call. ‫م--ف-ر-م-‌کن---- -و -م--) ت--ن--ی‌کند.‬ ‫__ ف__ م____ ک_ ا_ (____ ت___ م______ ‫-ن ف-ر م-‌-ن- ک- ا- (-ر-) ت-ف- م-‌-ن-.- ---------------------------------------- ‫من فکر می‌کنم که او (مرد) تلفن می‌کند.‬ 0
‫-a- -ekr-m-----a- ke--o--m-r-) -e-e-on-mi---n-d-‬-‬ ‫___ f___ m_______ k_ o_ (_____ t______ m___________ ‫-a- f-k- m---o-a- k- o- (-o-d- t-l-f-n m---o-a-.-‬- ---------------------------------------------------- ‫man fekr mi-konam ke oo (mord) telefon mi-konad.‬‬‬
The wine is definitely old. ‫این-شر-- حت-ا- --ی-ی-اس-.‬ ‫___ ش___ ح___ ق_________ ‫-ی- ش-ا- ح-م-ً ق-ی-ی-ا-ت-‬ --------------------------- ‫این شراب حتماً قدیمی‌است.‬ 0
‫---s---a-b h-t-a-ً-----i---a--.‬-‬ ‫__ s______ h_____ g______________ ‫-n s-a-a-b h-t-a-ً g-a-i-i-a-t-‬-‬ ----------------------------------- ‫in sharaab hatmanً ghadimi-ast.‬‬‬
Do you know that for sure? ‫------ شما -ق--اً-م-‌-ان--؟‬ ‫___ ر_ ش__ د____ م________ ‫-ی- ر- ش-ا د-ی-ا- م-‌-ا-ی-؟- ----------------------------- ‫این را شما دقیقاً می‌دانید؟‬ 0
‫in ------m-a -ag--g-a---mi-da--id-‬‬‬ ‫__ r_ s_____ d________ m____________ ‫-n r- s-o-a- d-g-i-h-n- m---a-n-d-‬-‬ -------------------------------------- ‫in ra shomaa daghighanً mi-daanid?‬‬‬
I think that he is old. ‫-ن احت--ل------م که ---ب ق---ی‌ب-ش--‬ ‫__ ا_____ م____ ک_ ش___ ق__________ ‫-ن ا-ت-ا- م-‌-ه- ک- ش-ا- ق-ی-ی-ب-ش-.- -------------------------------------- ‫من احتمال می‌دهم که شراب قدیمی‌باشد.‬ 0
‫m-n-ehtem--l-m---aha- -- s-a-aab--h-------a---a---‬‬ ‫___ e_______ m_______ k_ s______ g__________________ ‫-a- e-t-m-a- m---a-a- k- s-a-a-b g-a-i-i-b-a-h-d-‬-‬ ----------------------------------------------------- ‫man ehtemaal mi-daham ke sharaab ghadimi-baashad.‬‬‬
Our boss is good-looking. ‫رئیس-م- -و- تیپ-ا--.‬ ‫____ م_ خ__ ت__ ا____ ‫-ئ-س م- خ-ش ت-پ ا-ت-‬ ---------------------- ‫رئیس ما خوش تیپ است.‬ 0
‫ra-s-m- --os--t-p ---.‬-‬ ‫____ m_ k____ t__ a______ ‫-a-s m- k-o-h t-p a-t-‬-‬ -------------------------- ‫rais ma khosh tip ast.‬‬‬
Do you think so? ‫--- ش-- -ین است-‬ ‫___ ش__ ا__ ا____ ‫-ظ- ش-ا ا-ن ا-ت-‬ ------------------ ‫نظر شما این است؟‬ 0
‫--z-r-s---a- in---t--‬‬ ‫_____ s_____ i_ a______ ‫-a-a- s-o-a- i- a-t-‬-‬ ------------------------ ‫nazar shomaa in ast?‬‬‬
I find him very handsome. ‫ب--ن-ر -- او -یلی--وش-تیپ-است.‬ ‫__ ن__ م_ ا_ خ___ خ__ ت__ ا____ ‫-ه ن-ر م- ا- خ-ل- خ-ش ت-پ ا-ت-‬ -------------------------------- ‫به نظر من او خیلی خوش تیپ است.‬ 0
‫be---z----an--o k-e--i-khos- --p--s----‬ ‫__ n____ m__ o_ k_____ k____ t__ a______ ‫-e n-z-r m-n o- k-e-l- k-o-h t-p a-t-‬-‬ ----------------------------------------- ‫be nazar man oo kheili khosh tip ast.‬‬‬
The boss definitely has a girlfriend. ‫--یس حت--ً-یک دو-----تر -ار--‬ ‫____ ح___ ی_ د___ د___ د_____ ‫-ئ-س ح-م-ً ی- د-س- د-ت- د-ر-.- ------------------------------- ‫رئیس حتماً یک دوست دختر دارد.‬ 0
‫ra-----tmanً-ye--d-o-t--okhta--d--r--‬‬‬ ‫____ h_____ y__ d____ d______ d________ ‫-a-s h-t-a-ً y-k d-o-t d-k-t-r d-a-d-‬-‬ ----------------------------------------- ‫rais hatmanً yek doost dokhtar daard.‬‬‬
Do you really think so? ‫-ا-عا- چن-ن فک-ی --‌--ید-‬ ‫_____ چ___ ف___ م_______ ‫-ا-ع-ً چ-ی- ف-ر- م-‌-ن-د-‬ --------------------------- ‫واقعاً چنین فکری می‌کنید؟‬ 0
‫-aa--ea----h-ni- ------m--k----?--‬ ‫________ c_____ f____ m___________ ‫-a-g-e-n- c-e-i- f-k-i m---o-i-?-‬- ------------------------------------ ‫vaagheanً chenin fekri mi-konid?‬‬‬
It is very possible that he has a girlfriend. ‫---- -ح--ال-دار- -ه-ا---وس- --ت- د-ش-ه-ب-ش--‬ ‫____ ا_____ د___ ک_ ا_ د___ د___ د____ ب_____ ‫-ی-ی ا-ت-ا- د-ر- ک- ا- د-س- د-ت- د-ش-ه ب-ش-.- ---------------------------------------------- ‫خیلی احتمال دارد که او دوست دختر داشته باشد.‬ 0
‫--e--i-e-te-------a-d--- oo-do-s-----h-ar daa-h----baash--.‬‬‬ ‫______ e_______ d____ k_ o_ d____ d______ d_______ b__________ ‫-h-i-i e-t-m-a- d-a-d k- o- d-o-t d-k-t-r d-a-h-e- b-a-h-d-‬-‬ --------------------------------------------------------------- ‫kheili ehtemaal daard ke oo doost dokhtar daashteh baashad.‬‬‬

The Spanish language

The Spanish language belongs to the world languages. It is the native language of more than 380 million people. Additionally, there are many people who speak it as their second language. That makes Spanish one of the most significant languages on the planet. It is also the largest of all the Romance languages. Spanish speakers call their language español or castellano . The term castellano reveals the origin of the Spanish language. It developed from the vernacular spoken in the Castille region. Most Spaniards spoke castellano as early as the 16th century. Today the terms español and castellano are used interchangeably. But they can also have a political dimension. Spanish was dispersed by conquests and colonization. Spanish is also spoken in West Africa and in the Philippines. But the most Spanish-speaking people live in America. In Central and South America, Spanish is the dominant language. However, the number of Spanish-speaking people is also increasing in the USA. About 50 million people in the USA speak Spanish. That's more than in Spain! The Spanish in America is different from European Spanish. The differences are found in the vocabulary and grammar more than anything else. In America, for example, a different past tense form is used. There are also many differences in vocabulary. Some words are only used in America, others only in Spain. But Spanish isn't even uniform in America. There are many different varieties of American Spanish. After English, Spanish is the most learned foreign language worldwide. And it can be learned relatively quickly. What are you waiting for? - ¡Vamos!