
em Subordinate clauses: that 2   »   be Даданыя сказы са што 2

92 [ninety-two]

Subordinate clauses: that 2

Subordinate clauses: that 2

92 [дзевяноста два]

92 [dzevyanosta dva]

Даданыя сказы са што 2

Dadanyya skazy sa shto 2

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English (US) Belarusian Play More
I’m angry that you snore. М-е-пр-кра, --о -ы-х-а-еш. М__ п______ ш__ т_ х______ М-е п-ы-р-, ш-о т- х-а-е-. -------------------------- Мне прыкра, што ты храпеш. 0
M-- p----a---hto ty -hrape-h. M__ p______ s___ t_ k________ M-e p-y-r-, s-t- t- k-r-p-s-. ----------------------------- Mne prykra, shto ty khrapesh.
I’m angry that you drink so much beer. Мн---р--ра- шт--ты -’е--шм-т ----. М__ п______ ш__ т_ п___ ш___ п____ М-е п-ы-р-, ш-о т- п-е- ш-а- п-в-. ---------------------------------- Мне прыкра, што ты п’еш шмат піва. 0
Mn- p--kr-- ---o t--p---- --m-- --v-. M__ p______ s___ t_ p____ s____ p____ M-e p-y-r-, s-t- t- p-e-h s-m-t p-v-. ------------------------------------- Mne prykra, shto ty p’esh shmat pіva.
I’m angry that you come so late. Мн- п-ы-р-, --- ты-п-ых--з-ш--а-------. М__ п______ ш__ т_ п________ т__ п_____ М-е п-ы-р-, ш-о т- п-ы-о-з-ш т-к п-з-а- --------------------------------------- Мне прыкра, што ты прыходзіш так позна. 0
Mne p--kra, --to-t--p--k-odzіs---ak -oz--. M__ p______ s___ t_ p__________ t__ p_____ M-e p-y-r-, s-t- t- p-y-h-d-і-h t-k p-z-a- ------------------------------------------ Mne prykra, shto ty prykhodzіsh tak pozna.
I think he needs a doctor. Я -у-а-, --о-я-у--атрэб-ы --ктар. Я д_____ ш__ я__ п_______ д______ Я д-м-ю- ш-о я-у п-т-э-н- д-к-а-. --------------------------------- Я думаю, што яму патрэбны доктар. 0
Y-----a--- sh-- y-m- ---r-b----o-t--. Y_ d______ s___ y___ p_______ d______ Y- d-m-y-, s-t- y-m- p-t-e-n- d-k-a-. ------------------------------------- Ya dumayu, shto yamu patrebny doktar.
I think he is ill. Я-думаю, шт--ён -во--. Я д_____ ш__ ё_ х_____ Я д-м-ю- ш-о ё- х-о-ы- ---------------------- Я думаю, што ён хворы. 0
Ya-du--------t--yon---vo-y. Y_ d______ s___ y__ k______ Y- d-m-y-, s-t- y-n k-v-r-. --------------------------- Ya dumayu, shto yon khvory.
I think he is sleeping now. Я--ум--,--т--ён----е- спі-ь. Я д_____ ш__ ё_ ц____ с_____ Я д-м-ю- ш-о ё- ц-п-р с-і-ь- ---------------------------- Я думаю, што ён цяпер спіць. 0
Ya duma--- shto y-n--s-a-e- -p--s-. Y_ d______ s___ y__ t______ s______ Y- d-m-y-, s-t- y-n t-y-p-r s-і-s-. ----------------------------------- Ya dumayu, shto yon tsyaper spіts’.
We hope that he marries our daughter. Мы--п--зя-м-я,-ш-- ё- ажэ-і-ца з---ша- дач---. М_ с__________ ш__ ё_ а_______ з н____ д______ М- с-а-з-ё-с-, ш-о ё- а-э-і-ц- з н-ш-й д-ч-о-. ---------------------------------------------- Мы спадзяёмся, што ён ажэніцца з нашай дачкой. 0
M- sp--zy-yom--a,-s--o-yon --h--і--t-- --na-h-y ---h-o-. M_ s_____________ s___ y__ a__________ z n_____ d_______ M- s-a-z-a-o-s-a- s-t- y-n a-h-n-t-t-a z n-s-a- d-c-k-y- -------------------------------------------------------- My spadzyayomsya, shto yon azhenіtstsa z nashay dachkoy.
We hope that he has a lot of money. Мы сп-д----с----то-ў яго шмат --о---. М_ с__________ ш__ ў я__ ш___ г______ М- с-а-з-ё-с-, ш-о ў я-о ш-а- г-о-а-. ------------------------------------- Мы спадзяёмся, што ў яго шмат грошай. 0
M--spadz----m-ya, ---o u-y--o---mat g-osh-y. M_ s_____________ s___ u y___ s____ g_______ M- s-a-z-a-o-s-a- s-t- u y-g- s-m-t g-o-h-y- -------------------------------------------- My spadzyayomsya, shto u yago shmat groshay.
We hope that he is a millionaire. М- с----я--ся,-ш-о -н м-------. М_ с__________ ш__ ё_ м________ М- с-а-з-ё-с-, ш-о ё- м-л-я-е-. ------------------------------- Мы спадзяёмся, што ён мільянер. 0
My-sp-dzy---ms-a- -h-o --n---l’y----. M_ s_____________ s___ y__ m_________ M- s-a-z-a-o-s-a- s-t- y-n m-l-y-n-r- ------------------------------------- My spadzyayomsya, shto yon mіl’yaner.
I heard that your wife had an accident. Я ч-ў - --ла,--т-------ж-н-- ----і-а---а-а-ыю. Я ч__ / ч____ ш__ т___ ж____ т______ ў а______ Я ч-ў / ч-л-, ш-о т-а- ж-н-а т-а-і-а ў а-а-ы-. ---------------------------------------------- Я чуў / чула, што твая жонка трапіла ў аварыю. 0
Ya-ch-- /--hu-a- s-t- ---y---------tra-іla----v-r-yu. Y_ c___ / c_____ s___ t____ z_____ t______ u a_______ Y- c-u- / c-u-a- s-t- t-a-a z-o-k- t-a-і-a u a-a-y-u- ----------------------------------------------------- Ya chuu / chula, shto tvaya zhonka trapіla u avaryyu.
I heard that she is in the hospital. Я-ч-ў /-чул-- --о яна -яжыц- у ба--ні-ы. Я ч__ / ч____ ш__ я__ л_____ у б________ Я ч-ў / ч-л-, ш-о я-а л-ж-ц- у б-л-н-ц-. ---------------------------------------- Я чуў / чула, што яна ляжыць у бальніцы. 0
Ya-ch-u----h-la- --to--a-- ly---y-s’---b-----tsy. Y_ c___ / c_____ s___ y___ l________ u b_________ Y- c-u- / c-u-a- s-t- y-n- l-a-h-t-’ u b-l-n-t-y- ------------------------------------------------- Ya chuu / chula, shto yana lyazhyts’ u bal’nіtsy.
I heard that your car is completely wrecked. Я-ч---- --л-, ш-о т--- -ў--ма-іль -алка--ра-б---. Я ч__ / ч____ ш__ т___ а_________ ц_____ р_______ Я ч-ў / ч-л-, ш-о т-о- а-т-м-б-л- ц-л-а- р-з-і-ы- ------------------------------------------------- Я чуў / чула, што твой аўтамабіль цалкам разбіты. 0
Y----uu - -h-l-- sht---voy -------іl’-------- r------. Y_ c___ / c_____ s___ t___ a_________ t______ r_______ Y- c-u- / c-u-a- s-t- t-o- a-t-m-b-l- t-a-k-m r-z-і-y- ------------------------------------------------------ Ya chuu / chula, shto tvoy autamabіl’ tsalkam razbіty.
I’m happy that you came. Я-ра-- / ----,--т--В- п--й--і. Я р___ / р____ ш__ В_ п_______ Я р-д- / р-д-, ш-о В- п-ы-ш-і- ------------------------------ Я рады / рада, што Вы прыйшлі. 0
Y---ad- - ----,-s-to--- -r----lі. Y_ r___ / r____ s___ V_ p________ Y- r-d- / r-d-, s-t- V- p-y-s-l-. --------------------------------- Ya rady / rada, shto Vy pryyshlі.
I’m happy that you are interested. Я -а-ы-/-р-д-,-што -ы----і-а-ле---. Я р___ / р____ ш__ В_ з____________ Я р-д- / р-д-, ш-о В- з-ц-к-ў-е-ы-. ----------------------------------- Я рады / рада, што Вы зацікаўленыя. 0
Ya ---- - --da---h-o--- zat-------n---. Y_ r___ / r____ s___ V_ z______________ Y- r-d- / r-d-, s-t- V- z-t-і-a-l-n-y-. --------------------------------------- Ya rady / rada, shto Vy zatsіkaulenyya.
I’m happy that you want to buy the house. Я -ад- --р-д-- шт---- хочаце --п----д--. Я р___ / р____ ш__ В_ х_____ к_____ д___ Я р-д- / р-д-, ш-о В- х-ч-ц- к-п-ц- д-м- ---------------------------------------- Я рады / рада, што Вы хочаце купіць дом. 0
Y--r----- ------s--o V- -h---a-s---u-іts--do-. Y_ r___ / r____ s___ V_ k________ k______ d___ Y- r-d- / r-d-, s-t- V- k-o-h-t-e k-p-t-’ d-m- ---------------------------------------------- Ya rady / rada, shto Vy khochatse kupіts’ dom.
I’m afraid the last bus has already gone. Б---я----о -п--н- а---------- -’е--ў. Б_____ ш__ а_____ а______ у__ з______ Б-ю-я- ш-о а-о-н- а-т-б-с у-о з-е-а-. ------------------------------------- Баюся, што апошні аўтобус ужо з’ехаў. 0
B----y-, sh-- --o--n- -u----s-u-ho z’-k--u. B_______ s___ a______ a______ u___ z_______ B-y-s-a- s-t- a-o-h-і a-t-b-s u-h- z-e-h-u- ------------------------------------------- Bayusya, shto aposhnі autobus uzho z’ekhau.
I’m afraid we will have to take a taxi. Б--ся----- нам--па----іцца -зяць та---. Б_____ ш__ н__ с__________ ў____ т_____ Б-ю-я- ш-о н-м с-а-р-б-ц-а ў-я-ь т-к-і- --------------------------------------- Баюся, што нам спатрэбіцца ўзяць таксі. 0
Bay-sya, sh-o--a--sp-t----t-t-a-u-y-ts--taksі. B_______ s___ n__ s____________ u______ t_____ B-y-s-a- s-t- n-m s-a-r-b-t-t-a u-y-t-’ t-k-і- ---------------------------------------------- Bayusya, shto nam spatrebіtstsa uzyats’ taksі.
I’m afraid I have no more money. Б--ся,--т--ў-м--- - с-б-й-ням- г-о-ай. Б_____ ш__ ў м___ з с____ н___ г______ Б-ю-я- ш-о ў м-н- з с-б-й н-м- г-о-а-. -------------------------------------- Баюся, што ў мяне з сабой няма грошай. 0
B---sy-----to-u----n- z-s-b------ma--r--hay. B_______ s___ u m____ z s____ n____ g_______ B-y-s-a- s-t- u m-a-e z s-b-y n-a-a g-o-h-y- -------------------------------------------- Bayusya, shto u myane z saboy nyama groshay.

From gestures to speech

When we speak or listen, our brain has a lot to do. It has to process the linguistic signals. Gestures and symbols are linguistic signals too. They existed even before human speech. Some symbols are understood in all cultures. Others have to be learned. They can't be understood just by looking at them. Gestures and symbols are processed like speech. And they are processed in the same area of the brain! A new study has proven this. Researchers tested several test subjects. These test subjects had to view various video clips. While they were watching the clips, their brain activity was measured. In one group, the clips expressed various things. These occurred through movements, symbols and speech. The other test group watched different video clips. These videos were nonsense clips. Speech, gestures and symbols didn't exist. They had no meaning. In the measurements, the researchers saw what was processed where. They could compare the brain activity of the test subjects. Everything that had meaning was analyzed in the same area. The results of this experiment are very interesting. They show how our brain has learned language over time. At first, man communicated with gestures. Later he developed a language. The brain had to learn, therefore, to process speech like gestures. And evidently it simply updated the old version …