
em Conjunctions 1   »   ad Зэпххэр 1

94 [ninety-four]

Conjunctions 1

Conjunctions 1

94 [тIокIиплIырэ пшIыкIуплIырэ]

94 [tIokIiplIyrje pshIykIuplIyrje]

Зэпххэр 1

[Zjephhjer 1]

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Wait until the rain stops. Ощхыр --у-э еж. О____ т____ е__ О-х-р т-у-э е-. --------------- Ощхыр теуфэ еж. 0
Oshhh-- te---- ---. O______ t_____ e___ O-h-h-r t-u-j- e-h- ------------------- Oshhhyr teufje ezh.
Wait until I’m finished. Зык-э--гъ-х-аз-ры-- къысаж. З__________________ к______ З-к-э-э-ъ-х-а-ы-ы-э к-ы-а-. --------------------------- Зыкъэсэгъэхьазырыфэ къысаж. 0
Z----s---jeh-a-yr-f-e --saz-. Z____________________ k______ Z-k-e-j-g-e-'-z-r-f-e k-s-z-. ----------------------------- Zykjesjegjeh'azyryfje kysazh.
Wait until he comes back. К-э-I-ж---э еж. К__________ е__ К-э-I-ж-ы-э е-. --------------- КъэкIожьыфэ еж. 0
Kj--I--h-y-j- -zh. K____________ e___ K-e-I-z-'-f-e e-h- ------------------ KjekIozh'yfje ezh.
I’ll wait until my hair is dry. Сш--ь---огъушъ--ь-ф--с-жэ. С______ о___________ с____ С-ъ-ь-ц о-ъ-ш-ы-ь-ф- с-ж-. -------------------------- Сшъхьац огъушъыжьыфэ сежэ. 0
Sshh--c-o--s-y--'y--- s--hje. S______ o____________ s______ S-h-'-c o-u-h-z-'-f-e s-z-j-. ----------------------------- Sshh'ac ogushyzh'yfje sezhje.
I’ll wait until the film is over. Фил---- --е-хы-- с--э. Ф______ к_______ с____ Ф-л-м-р к-е-х-ф- с-ж-. ---------------------- Фильмэр къеухыфэ сежэ. 0
Fil'--er-k----f------hj-. F_______ k_______ s______ F-l-m-e- k-u-y-j- s-z-j-. ------------------------- Fil'mjer keuhyfje sezhje.
I’ll wait until the traffic light is green. Г---э-эф-р--цы--ок-э-з--ъ-зэ--е----------. Г_________ у________ з______________ с____ Г-о-э-э-ы- у-ы-ъ-к-э з-к-ы-э-л-х-у-э с-ж-. ------------------------------------------ Гъозэнэфыр уцышъокIэ зыкъызэблехъуфэ сежэ. 0
G-zje----y---c-s-o-Ij- --k-zjeb--h-fje -----e. G__________ u_________ z______________ s______ G-z-e-j-f-r u-y-h-k-j- z-k-z-e-l-h-f-e s-z-j-. ---------------------------------------------- Gozjenjefyr ucyshokIje zykyzjeblehufje sezhje.
When do you go on holiday? Сы--г-уа ---п-эфа--о--зе----э-? С_______ г__________ у_________ С-д-г-у- г-э-с-ф-к-о у-е-ь-р-р- ------------------------------- Сыдигъуа гъэпсэфакIо узежьэрэр? 0
S-dig-a--j--sj--akIo -z--h'-er-er? S______ g___________ u____________ S-d-g-a g-e-s-e-a-I- u-e-h-j-r-e-? ---------------------------------- Sydigua gjepsjefakIo uzezh'jerjer?
Before the summer holidays? Г-эм-ф-------у-хэр-к-э-ысх-з-? Г______ к_________ к__________ Г-э-э-э к-н-к-л-э- к-э-ы-х-з-? ------------------------------ Гъэмэфэ каникулхэр къэмысхэза? 0
Gj----f-- kan-----je--kjem--hj-z-? G________ k__________ k___________ G-e-j-f-e k-n-k-l-j-r k-e-y-h-e-a- ---------------------------------- Gjemjefje kanikulhjer kjemyshjeza?
Yes, before the summer holidays begin. Ары----эмэ---кан------м-я-ъэсы--о-. А___ г______ к_________ я__________ А-ы- г-э-э-э к-н-к-л-э- я-ъ-с-г-о-. ----------------------------------- Ары, гъэмэфэ каникулхэм якъэсыгъом. 0
A--, -j-m-e--e-kan--u-h-em j-k-e----m. A___ g________ k__________ j__________ A-y- g-e-j-f-e k-n-k-l-j-m j-k-e-y-o-. -------------------------------------- Ary, gjemjefje kanikulhjem jakjesygom.
Repair the roof before the winter begins. КI-м---- --э--с--- у-а-ъхь-р гъ-цэ-I-жь. К_______ к________ у________ г__________ К-ы-а-э- к-э-ы-з-, у-а-ъ-ь-р г-э-э-I-ж-. ---------------------------------------- КIымафэр къэмысзэ, унашъхьэр гъэцэкIэжь. 0
K--m-f--r--------j-- unas--'-------cj-k-j-z-'. K________ k_________ u_________ g_____________ K-y-a-j-r k-e-y-z-e- u-a-h-'-e- g-e-j-k-j-z-'- ---------------------------------------------- KIymafjer kjemyszje, unashh'jer gjecjekIjezh'.
Wash your hands before you sit at the table. I-нэм-уп--I-с-ь-------------I-хэр т-ь-к-ых. I____ у____________ ы_____ п_____ т________ I-н-м у-э-I-с-ь-н-м ы-э-I- п-э-э- т-ь-к-ы-. ------------------------------------------- Iанэм упэтIысхьаным ыпэкIэ пIэхэр тхьакIых. 0
Ian-e- -p-etIysh-an-----j-k-je-p--eh-e--th---I-h. I_____ u_____________ y_______ p_______ t________ I-n-e- u-j-t-y-h-a-y- y-j-k-j- p-j-h-e- t-'-k-y-. ------------------------------------------------- Ianjem upjetIysh'anym ypjekIje pIjehjer th'akIyh.
Close the window before you go out. У-э- уи-I-н -ъ-м-,-шъ--а-гъупч--р-ф-шI. У___ у_____ х_____ ш_____________ ф____ У-э- у-к-ы- х-у-э- ш-х-а-г-у-ч-э- ф-ш-. --------------------------------------- Унэм уикIын хъумэ, шъхьангъупчъэр фэшI. 0
U---- u----- hu--e- sh---n-u-chj-r-f----I. U____ u_____ h_____ s_____________ f______ U-j-m u-k-y- h-m-e- s-h-a-g-p-h-e- f-e-h-. ------------------------------------------ Unjem uikIyn humje, shh'angupchjer fjeshI.
When will you come home? Сыд-гъо-у--м -къ-хьа-ьыщта? С______ у___ у_____________ С-д-г-о у-э- у-ъ-х-а-ь-щ-а- --------------------------- Сыдигъо унэм укъихьажьыщта? 0
S----o u-j----k-h'a---y--ht-? S_____ u____ u_______________ S-d-g- u-j-m u-i-'-z-'-s-h-a- ----------------------------- Sydigo unjem ukih'azh'yshhta?
After class? Е-жэ--у--ы---? Е_______ ы____ Е-ж-г-у- ы-ж-? -------------- Еджэгъум ыужа? 0
Edz-je--- -uz--? E________ y_____ E-z-j-g-m y-z-a- ---------------- Edzhjegum yuzha?
Yes, after the class is over. А----е-жэ-----къы-ы-ыух---. А___ е_______ к____________ А-ы- е-ж-г-у- к-ы-ы-ы-х-I-. --------------------------- Ары, еджэгъур къызысыухкIэ. 0
A-y,-edzhje--- --zy-y-hk-je. A___ e________ k____________ A-y- e-z-j-g-r k-z-s-u-k-j-. ---------------------------- Ary, edzhjegur kyzysyuhkIje.
After he had an accident, he could not work anymore. ТхьамыкI--ъо----- -щ -оф ы---н ыл-э-Iы-ьы----ъэ-. Т____________ ы__ а_ I__ ы____ ы_________________ Т-ь-м-к-а-ъ-м ы-ж а- I-ф ы-I-н ы-ъ-к-ы-ь-щ-ы-ъ-п- ------------------------------------------------- ТхьамыкIагъом ыуж ащ Iоф ышIэн ылъэкIыжьыщтыгъэп. 0
Th--my-Ia--m-yuzh ash--Iof ysh-je- yl-e-I-zh'---hty-j-p. T___________ y___ a___ I__ y______ y____________________ T-'-m-k-a-o- y-z- a-h- I-f y-h-j-n y-j-k-y-h-y-h-t-g-e-. -------------------------------------------------------- Th'amykIagom yuzh ashh Iof yshIjen yljekIyzh'yshhtygjep.
After he had lost his job, he went to America. Iофш-энын--э---ъ---н-м- ар -х--л-----)-А-ери-эм кI-ж---ъ-. I____________ к________ а_ (__________ А_______ к_________ I-ф-I-н-н-ъ-у к-ы-э-э-, а- (-ъ-л-ф-г-) А-е-и-э- к-о-ь-г-э- ---------------------------------------------------------- IофшIэнынчъэу къызэнэм, ар (хъулъфыгъ) Америкэм кIожьыгъэ. 0
I-f-hI-en---hje- ---je-je----- --ulfyg- -me--kj-m---ozh--gje. I_______________ k_________ a_ (_______ A________ k__________ I-f-h-j-n-n-h-e- k-z-e-j-m- a- (-u-f-g- A-e-i-j-m k-o-h-y-j-. ------------------------------------------------------------- IofshIjenynchjeu kyzjenjem, ar (hulfyg) Amerikjem kIozh'ygje.
After he went to America, he became rich. Аме-и----зэ-Iо----- а- (-ъ--ъ---ъ)---и--ъ-гъэ. А_______ з_________ а_ (__________ б__ х______ А-е-и-э- з-к-о-ь-м- а- (-ъ-л-ф-г-) б-и х-у-ъ-. ---------------------------------------------- Америкэм зэкIожьым, ар (хъулъфыгъ) баи хъугъэ. 0
A--ri--em -j-k--z-'----ar---u--y------ -ug-e. A________ z___________ a_ (_______ b__ h_____ A-e-i-j-m z-e-I-z-'-m- a- (-u-f-g- b-i h-g-e- --------------------------------------------- Amerikjem zjekIozh'ym, ar (hulfyg) bai hugje.

How to learn two languages at once

Foreign languages are becoming increasingly important today. Many people are learning a foreign language. There are, however, many interesting languages in the world. Therefore, many people learn multiple languages at the same time. It's typically not a problem if children grow up bilingual. Their brain learns both languages automatically. When they are older they know what belongs to which language. Bilingual individuals know the typical features of both languages. It's different with adults. They cannot learn two languages simultaneously as easily. Those who learn two languages at once should follow some rules. First, it's important to compare both languages to each other. Languages that belong to the same language family are often very similar. That can lead to mixing them up. Therefore, it makes sense to closely analyze both languages. For example, you can make a list. There you can record the similarities and differences. This way the brain is forced to work with both languages intensively. It can better remember what the particularities of the two languages are. One should also choose separate colors and folders for each language. That helps clearly separate the languages from each other. If a person is learning dissimilar languages, it's different. There is no danger of mixing up two very different languages. In this case, there is danger in comparing the languages with one another! It would be better to compare the languages with one's native language. When the brain recognizes the contrast, it will learn more effectively. It is also important that both languages are learned with equal intensity. However, theoretically it doesn't matter to the brain how many languages it learns…