Че-а- док с- он не в-а-и.
Ч____ д__ с_ о_ н_ в_____
Ч-к-ј д-к с- о- н- в-а-и-
Чекај док се он не врати. 0 Čekaj-do-----o- ----rat-.Č____ d__ s_ o_ n_ v_____Č-k-j d-k s- o- n- v-a-i--------------------------Čekaj dok se on ne vrati.
After he had an accident, he could not work anymore.
Н---- шт--ј- и-ао-н-з-од-- он----- ни-е--о-------и-и.
Н____ ш__ ј_ и___ н_______ о_ в___ н___ м____ р______
Н-к-н ш-о ј- и-а- н-з-о-у- о- в-ш- н-ј- м-г-о р-д-т-.
Након што је имао незгоду, он више није могао радити. 0 N-k-n-š-- -- imao nezgo-u,--n --š----j--mog----a----.N____ š__ j_ i___ n_______ o_ v___ n___ m____ r______N-k-n š-o j- i-a- n-z-o-u- o- v-š- n-j- m-g-o r-d-t-.-----------------------------------------------------Nakon što je imao nezgodu, on više nije mogao raditi.
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After he had an accident, he could not work anymore.
Након што је имао незгоду, он више није могао радити.
Nakon što je imao nezgodu, on više nije mogao raditi.
После несчастного случая он больше не мог работать.
After he had lost his job, he went to America.
На--- -то--е --гу-ио-по--о,---иш-о -- у---е----.
Н____ ш__ ј_ и______ п_____ о_____ j_ у А_______
Н-к-н ш-о ј- и-г-б-о п-с-о- о-и-а- j- у А-е-и-у-
Након што је изгубио посао, отишао je у Америку. 0 N-ko--što-je i--u--o---s--- o-i-ao-je-- --e-iku.N____ š__ j_ i______ p_____ o_____ j_ u A_______N-k-n š-o j- i-g-b-o p-s-o- o-i-a- j- u A-e-i-u-------------------------------------------------Nakon što je izgubio posao, otišao je u Ameriku.
После того, как он потерял работу, он поехал в Америку.
After he went to America, he became rich.
Нак-н-што-је-о-и----у-А-ерику- он -е-обог--и-.
Н____ ш__ ј_ о_____ у А_______ о_ с_ о________
Н-к-н ш-о ј- о-и-а- у А-е-и-у- о- с- о-о-а-и-.
Након што је отишао у Америку, он се обогатио. 0 Na--n što-j--ot--a- u-Am-r-ku---n-se-ob-gatio.N____ š__ j_ o_____ u A_______ o_ s_ o________N-k-n š-o j- o-i-a- u A-e-i-u- o- s- o-o-a-i-.----------------------------------------------Nakon što je otišao u Ameriku, on se obogatio.
Foreign languages are becoming increasingly important today.
Many people are learning a foreign language.
There are, however, many interesting languages in the world.
Therefore, many people learn multiple languages at the same time.
It's typically not a problem if children grow up bilingual.
Their brain learns both languages automatically.
When they are older they know what belongs to which language.
Bilingual individuals know the typical features of both languages.
It's different with adults.
They cannot learn two languages simultaneously as easily.
Those who learn two languages at once should follow some rules.
First, it's important to compare both languages to each other.
Languages that belong to the same language family are often very similar.
That can lead to mixing them up.
Therefore, it makes sense to closely analyze both languages.
For example, you can make a list.
There you can record the similarities and differences.
This way the brain is forced to work with both languages intensively.
It can better remember what the particularities of the two languages are.
One should also choose separate colors and folders for each language.
That helps clearly separate the languages from each other.
If a person is learning dissimilar languages, it's different.
There is no danger of mixing up two very different languages.
In this case, there is danger in comparing the languages with one another!
It would be better to compare the languages with one's native language.
When the brain recognizes the contrast, it will learn more effectively.
It is also important that both languages are learned with equal intensity.
However, theoretically it doesn't matter to the brain how many languages it learns…