
em Conjunctions 2   »   ti መስተጻምር 2

95 [ninety-five]

Conjunctions 2

Conjunctions 2

95 [ተስዓንሓሙሽተን]

95 [tesi‘aniḥamushiteni]

መስተጻምር 2

mesitets’amiri 2

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Since when is she no longer working? ካብ-መ-ስ-ኣ--ዛ--ዘ-ትሰ--? ካ_ መ__ ኣ____ ዘ______ ካ- መ-ስ ኣ-ሒ-ያ ዘ-ት-ር-? -------------------- ካብ መዓስ ኣትሒዛያ ዘይትሰርሕ? 0
k-b---e‘a-- --ih---aya zey-----r-ḥ-? k___ m_____ a________ z____________ k-b- m-‘-s- a-i-̣-z-y- z-y-t-s-r-h-i- ------------------------------------- kabi me‘asi atiḥīzaya zeyitiseriḥi?
Since her marriage? ካብ መርዓ-? ካ_ መ____ ካ- መ-ዓ-? -------- ካብ መርዓኣ? 0
k-b--me-----a? k___ m________ k-b- m-r-‘-’-? -------------- kabi meri‘a’a?
Yes, she is no longer working since she got married. እ--ካብ -መ--- --ሒ--ኣ-ት-ር-- ----ላ። እ_ ካ_ ተ____ ኣ___ ኣ______ እ_ ዘ__ እ- ካ- ተ-ር-ው ኣ-ሒ- ኣ-ት-ር-ን እ- ዘ-። ------------------------------- እወ ካብ ተመርዓው ኣትሒዛ ኣይትሰርሕን እያ ዘላ። 0
i-e ka-i--e-e---aw- -ti-̣ī---ayit-se--ḥi-i-i-a---l-። i__ k___ t_________ a______ a____________ i__ z____ i-e k-b- t-m-r-‘-w- a-i-̣-z- a-i-i-e-i-̣-n- i-a z-l-። ----------------------------------------------------- iwe kabi temeri‘awi atiḥīza ayitiseriḥini iya zela።
Since she got married, she’s no longer working. ካ- -መርዓ- -ት-ዛ--ይት--ሕን-እያ ዘላ። ካ_ ተ____ ኣ___ ኣ______ እ_ ዘ__ ካ- ተ-ር-ው ኣ-ሒ- ኣ-ት-ር-ን እ- ዘ-። ---------------------------- ካብ ተመርዓው ኣትሒዛ ኣይትሰርሕን እያ ዘላ። 0
kab- t-meri‘aw--at-h---- ay-t-s--ih-i-i iya---la። k___ t_________ a______ a____________ i__ z____ k-b- t-m-r-‘-w- a-i-̣-z- a-i-i-e-i-̣-n- i-a z-l-። ------------------------------------------------- kabi temeri‘awi atiḥīza ayitiseriḥini iya zela።
Since they have met each other, they are happy. ካ- ---- ኣ--ዞ--ሕ-ሳ--እ-ም። ካ_ ዝ___ ኣ____ ሕ___ እ___ ካ- ዝ-ል- ኣ-ሒ-ም ሕ-ሳ- እ-ም- ----------------------- ካብ ዝፋልጡ ኣትሒዞም ሕጉሳት እዮም። 0
ka-i----al---u--tiḥīzo-- ḥ-gusa-i -----። k___ z________ a________ ḥ_______ i_____ k-b- z-f-l-t-u a-i-̣-z-m- h-i-u-a-i i-o-i- ------------------------------------------ kabi zifalit’u atiḥīzomi ḥigusati iyomi።
Since they have had children, they rarely go out. ደቒ ካ- ----ም -ዙሕ ኣይ--- ---። ደ_ ካ_ ዝ____ ብ__ ኣ____ እ___ ደ- ካ- ዝ-ል-ም ብ-ሕ ኣ-ወ-ን እ-ም- -------------------------- ደቒ ካብ ዝህልዎም ብዙሕ ኣይወጹን እዮም። 0
d-ḵ-ī---b--z----iwom- -i--h----y-w--s’--- -yo--። d____ k___ z_________ b_____ a__________ i_____ d-k-’- k-b- z-h-l-w-m- b-z-h-i a-i-e-s-u-i i-o-i- ------------------------------------------------- deḵ’ī kabi zihiliwomi bizuḥi ayiwets’uni iyomi።
When does she call? መዓ- ----ደ---? መ__ ድ_ ት_____ መ-ስ ድ- ት-ዋ-ል- ------------- መዓስ ድያ ትደዋወል? 0
me---- --y- -------el-? m_____ d___ t__________ m-‘-s- d-y- t-d-w-w-l-? ----------------------- me‘asi diya tidewaweli?
When driving? ኣብ-ጉዕዞ? ኣ_ ጉ___ ኣ- ጉ-ዞ- ------- ኣብ ጉዕዞ? 0
a----u----? a__ g______ a-i g-‘-z-? ----------- abi gu‘izo?
Yes, when she is driving. እወ፣ መ-ና--ት--- --። እ__ መ__ ክ____ ከ__ እ-፣ መ-ና ክ-ዝ-ር ከ-። ----------------- እወ፣ መኪና ክትዝውር ከላ። 0
iwe፣-me-īna--itizi---i-k-la። i___ m_____ k_________ k____ i-e- m-k-n- k-t-z-w-r- k-l-። ---------------------------- iwe፣ mekīna kitiziwiri kela።
She calls while she drives. መኪ------ር-ከላ ት-ዋ-ል --። መ__ ክ____ ከ_ ት____ እ__ መ-ና ክ-ዝ-ር ከ- ት-ዋ-ል እ-። ---------------------- መኪና ክትዝውር ከላ ትደዋወል እያ። 0
m--īna-ki-iz--i-- -ela--i-ew--eli iya። m_____ k_________ k___ t_________ i___ m-k-n- k-t-z-w-r- k-l- t-d-w-w-l- i-a- -------------------------------------- mekīna kitiziwiri kela tidewaweli iya።
She watches TV while she irons. ከተስታር- ከላ---ቪ-ን--ርኢ-እያ። ከ_____ ከ_ ተ____ ት__ እ__ ከ-ስ-ር- ከ- ተ-ቪ-ን ት-ኢ እ-። ----------------------- ከተስታርር ከላ ተለቪዥን ትርኢ እያ። 0
ke-esi------ --la televī-hini------ī-iy-። k___________ k___ t__________ t_____ i___ k-t-s-t-r-r- k-l- t-l-v-z-i-i t-r-’- i-a- ----------------------------------------- ketesitariri kela televīzhini tiri’ī iya።
She listens to music while she does her work. ዕ- ክ---ሕ--ላ--ዚ---ስም-። ዕ_ ክ____ ከ_ ሙ__ ት____ ዕ- ክ-ሰ-ሕ ከ- ሙ-ቃ ት-ም-። --------------------- ዕዮ ክትሰርሕ ከላ ሙዚቃ ትስምዕ። 0
‘--o----is--i--i--el--muzīk’- --sim-‘-። ‘___ k_________ k___ m______ t________ ‘-y- k-t-s-r-h-i k-l- m-z-k-a t-s-m-‘-። --------------------------------------- ‘iyo kitiseriḥi kela muzīk’a tisimi‘i።
I can’t see anything when I don’t have glasses. መነ----ን- ደኣ ------ዋላ-ሓን- ኣ--ኢን--የ፣ ። መ___ እ__ ደ_ ዘ____ ዋ_ ሓ__ ኣ____ እ__ ። መ-ጽ- እ-ተ ደ- ዘ-ብ-ይ ዋ- ሓ-ቲ ኣ-ር-ን እ-፣ ። ------------------------------------ መነጽር እንተ ደኣ ዘይብለይ ዋላ ሓንቲ ኣይርኢን እየ፣ ። 0
me-ets’-r------e--e’a -e--b-ley------ ḥ-n--ī-ayi-i’-n- i--- ። m_________ i____ d___ z_________ w___ ḥ_____ a________ i___ ። m-n-t-’-r- i-i-e d-’- z-y-b-l-y- w-l- h-a-i-ī a-i-i-ī-i i-e- ። -------------------------------------------------------------- menets’iri inite de’a zeyibileyi wala ḥanitī ayiri’īni iye፣ ።
I can’t understand anything when the music is so loud. ሙ-- ክን-- ---እን-----ላ-ሓ-ቲ ኣይ-ድ-- -ዩ--። ሙ__ ክ___ ዓ_ እ____ ዋ_ ሓ__ ኣ_____ እ__ ። ሙ-ቃ ክ-ድ- ዓ- እ-ተ-ሉ ዋ- ሓ-ቲ ኣ-ር-እ- እ-፣ ። ------------------------------------- ሙዚቃ ክንድቲ ዓው እንተኢሉ ዋላ ሓንቲ ኣይርድእን እዩ፣ ። 0
muz--’-----i-it--‘a-i -nite-īlu w--- --an--- -yiridi’--- iyu፣-። m______ k_______ ‘___ i________ w___ ḥ_____ a__________ i___ ። m-z-k-a k-n-d-t- ‘-w- i-i-e-ī-u w-l- h-a-i-ī a-i-i-i-i-i i-u- ። --------------------------------------------------------------- muzīk’a kiniditī ‘awi inite’īlu wala ḥanitī ayiridi’ini iyu፣ ።
I can’t smell anything when I have a cold. ሰ-ል እን--ዙ- ዋላ ሓ- ኣይሽ-ትን-እየ፣-። ሰ__ እ_____ ዋ_ ሓ_ ኣ_____ እ__ ። ሰ-ል እ-ተ-ዙ- ዋ- ሓ- ኣ-ሽ-ት- እ-፣ ። ----------------------------- ሰዓል እንተሒዙኒ ዋላ ሓደ ኣይሽትትን እየ፣ ። 0
s--a-- ---t--̣ī-u-- ---- ----e ay-----iti---i-e--። s_____ i__________ w___ ḥ___ a___________ i___ ። s-‘-l- i-i-e-̣-z-n- w-l- h-a-e a-i-h-t-t-n- i-e- ። -------------------------------------------------- se‘ali initeḥīzunī wala ḥade ayishititini iye፣ ።
We’ll take a taxi if it rains. ማይ-እንተ----ታክሲ ----- ኢ----። ማ_ እ_____ ታ__ ክ____ ኢ_ ፣ ። ማ- እ-ተ-ሪ- ታ-ሲ ክ-ወ-ድ ኢ- ፣ ። -------------------------- ማይ እንተሃሪሙ ታክሲ ክንወስድ ኢና ፣ ። 0
mayi initeh--īmu-----sī ki--we-id- -n----። m___ i__________ t_____ k_________ ī__ ፣ ። m-y- i-i-e-a-ī-u t-k-s- k-n-w-s-d- ī-a ፣ ። ------------------------------------------ mayi initeharīmu takisī kiniwesidi īna ፣ ።
We’ll travel around the world if we win the lottery. ሎ-ሪ እ----ዓዊት- ና--ምል---ዓ-ም--ክ-ገ-ሽ ---። ሎ__ እ__ ተ____ ና_ ም___ ዓ__ ን_____ ኢ_ ። ሎ-ሪ እ-ተ ተ-ዊ-ና ና- ም-እ- ዓ-ም ን-ን-ይ- ኢ- ። ------------------------------------- ሎቶሪ እንተ ተዓዊትና ናብ ምልእቲ ዓለም ንክንገይሽ ኢና ። 0
lot-rī i-i-e-te‘-w-tin---abi m-li’i-ī-‘------n--i--geyi-hi-----። l_____ i____ t_________ n___ m_______ ‘_____ n____________ ī__ ። l-t-r- i-i-e t-‘-w-t-n- n-b- m-l-’-t- ‘-l-m- n-k-n-g-y-s-i ī-a ። ---------------------------------------------------------------- lotorī inite te‘awītina nabi mili’itī ‘alemi nikinigeyishi īna ።
We’ll start eating if he doesn’t come soon. ሕ- እ-ተ-ይመጺኡ ፣ም--ዕ-ክ------- ። ሕ_ እ_______ ፣____ ክ____ ኢ_ ። ሕ- እ-ተ-ይ-ጺ- ፣-ብ-ዕ ክ-ጅ-ር ኢ- ። ---------------------------- ሕጂ እንተዘይመጺኡ ፣ምብላዕ ክንጅምር ኢና ። 0
h--jī in--e--y-m-----’- --i-il--i ---ij-m--- --- ። ḥ___ i________________ ፣________ k_________ ī__ ። h-i-ī i-i-e-e-i-e-s-ī-u ፣-i-i-a-i k-n-j-m-r- ī-a ። -------------------------------------------------- ḥijī initezeyimets’ī’u ፣mibila‘i kinijimiri īna ።

The languages of the European Union

Today the European Union consists of more than 25 countries. In the future, even more countries will belong to the EU. A new country usually means a new language as well. Currently, more than 20 different languages are spoken in the EU. All languages in the European Union are equal. This variety of languages is fascinating. But it can lead to problems as well. Skeptics believe that the many languages are an obstacle for the EU. They hinder efficient collaboration. Many think, therefore, that there should be a common language. All countries should be able to communicate with this language. But it's not that easy. No language can be named the one official language. The other countries would feel disadvantaged. And there isn't a truly neutral language in Europe… An artificial language such as Esperanto wouldn't work either. Because the culture of a country is always reflected in the language. Therefore, no country wants to relinquish its language. The countries see a part of their identity in their language. Language policy is an important item on the EU's agenda. There is even a commissioner for multilingualism. The EU has the most translators and interpreters worldwide. Around 3,500 people work to make an agreement possible. Nevertheless, not all documents can always be translated. That would take too much time and cost too much money. Most documents are only translated into a few languages. The many languages are one of the biggest challenges of the EU. Europe should unite, without losing its many identities!