
em Conjunctions 3   »   kk Жалғаулықтар 3

96 [ninety-six]

Conjunctions 3

Conjunctions 3

96 [тоқсан алты]

96 [toqsan altı]

Жалғаулықтар 3

Jalğawlıqtar 3

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I get up as soon as the alarm rings. М--,--я-қыш --ры-д-- -алысы-ен------м-н. М___ о_____ ш_______ с_________ т_______ М-н- о-т-ы- ш-р-л-а- с-л-с-м-н- т-р-м-н- ---------------------------------------- Мен, оятқыш шырылдай салысымен, тұрамын. 0
Men--o-----ş---rıl--y--alısı-e-,--ur-mın. M___ o______ ş_______ s_________ t_______ M-n- o-a-q-ş ş-r-l-a- s-l-s-m-n- t-r-m-n- ----------------------------------------- Men, oyatqış şırılday salısımen, turamın.
I become tired as soon as I have to study. Бір-----е-о-у-м --рек-бо--а,-----ш-рш-й---. Б__ н____ о____ к____ б_____ м__ ш_________ Б-р н-р-е о-у-м к-р-к б-л-а- м-н ш-р-а-м-н- ------------------------------------------- Бір нәрсе оқуым керек болса, мен шаршаймын. 0
B-r --r----qw-m ke-e--bol-a---e- -ar-a-mı-. B__ n____ o____ k____ b_____ m__ ş_________ B-r n-r-e o-w-m k-r-k b-l-a- m-n ş-r-a-m-n- ------------------------------------------- Bir närse oqwım kerek bolsa, men şarşaymın.
I will stop working as soon as I am 60. 6---- т--а сал----ен--жұмыс -стеуді----мы-. 6____ т___ с_________ ж____ і______ қ______ 6---а т-л- с-л-с-м-н- ж-м-с і-т-у-і қ-я-ы-. ------------------------------------------- 60-қа тола салысымен, жұмыс істеуді қоямын. 0
60--- tola----ısımen, -u-ı--iste--- q-ya-ın. 6____ t___ s_________ j____ i______ q_______ 6---a t-l- s-l-s-m-n- j-m-s i-t-w-i q-y-m-n- -------------------------------------------- 60-qa tola salısımen, jumıs istewdi qoyamın.
When will you call? С-з қашан--оң-рау ш-л-с--? С__ қ____ қ______ ш_______ С-з қ-ш-н қ-ң-р-у ш-л-с-з- -------------------------- Сіз қашан қоңырау шаласыз? 0
S-- qaş----o----- ş-l----? S__ q____ q______ ş_______ S-z q-ş-n q-ñ-r-w ş-l-s-z- -------------------------- Siz qaşan qoñıraw şalasız?
As soon as I have a moment. С-- -ақ---- -ола -а---ым--. С__ у______ б___ с_________ С-л у-қ-т-м б-л- с-л-с-м-н- --------------------------- Сәл уақытым бола салысымен. 0
S-- -a-ı-----o-- ---ısı--n. S__ w______ b___ s_________ S-l w-q-t-m b-l- s-l-s-m-n- --------------------------- Säl waqıtım bola salısımen.
He’ll call, as soon as he has a little time. Сә- -ақ--ы-бол- -а-ы-ы-ен,-ол-қо-ыра- ш---ды. С__ у_____ б___ с_________ о_ қ______ ш______ С-л у-қ-т- б-л- с-л-с-м-н- о- қ-ң-р-у ш-л-д-. --------------------------------------------- Сәл уақыты бола салысымен, ол қоңырау шалады. 0
Säl -a-ıtı-b--a-sa-ıs--en,-ol---ñ---w ş-la-ı. S__ w_____ b___ s_________ o_ q______ ş______ S-l w-q-t- b-l- s-l-s-m-n- o- q-ñ-r-w ş-l-d-. --------------------------------------------- Säl waqıtı bola salısımen, ol qoñıraw şaladı.
How long will you work? Сіз--анша уақ----ұмы- -сте--із? С__ қ____ у____ ж____ і________ С-з қ-н-а у-қ-т ж-м-с і-т-й-і-? ------------------------------- Сіз қанша уақыт жұмыс істейсіз? 0
S-------a w-qı--j---- ---ey-i-? S__ q____ w____ j____ i________ S-z q-n-a w-q-t j-m-s i-t-y-i-? ------------------------------- Siz qanşa waqıt jumıs isteysiz?
I’ll work as long as I can. Ме-,-шам-м ----ен-е, ж-м-с----е---н. М___ ш____ к________ ж____ і________ М-н- ш-м-м к-л-е-ш-, ж-м-с і-т-й-і-. ------------------------------------ Мен, шамам келгенше, жұмыс істеймін. 0
Men,--am-- k--g-nşe,-j-m-- ist-----. M___ ş____ k________ j____ i________ M-n- ş-m-m k-l-e-ş-, j-m-s i-t-y-i-. ------------------------------------ Men, şamam kelgenşe, jumıs isteymin.
I’ll work as long as I am healthy. Д-н-м-с-у-бо--тұр-а-да,----ы- -сте- --рем-н. Д____ с__ б__ т________ ж____ і____ б_______ Д-н-м с-у б-п т-р-а-д-, ж-м-с і-т-й б-р-м-н- -------------------------------------------- Денім сау боп тұрғанда, жұмыс істей беремін. 0
D--im sa----- t---a---------s-ist---b-remin. D____ s__ b__ t________ j____ i____ b_______ D-n-m s-w b-p t-r-a-d-, j-m-s i-t-y b-r-m-n- -------------------------------------------- Denim saw bop turğanda, jumıs istey beremin.
He lies in bed instead of working. О- -ұ-ыс --т-уд-ң--рн-н--т-----е-жаты-. О_ ж____ і_______ о_____ т______ ж_____ О- ж-м-с і-т-у-і- о-н-н- т-с-к-е ж-т-р- --------------------------------------- Ол жұмыс істеудің орнына төсекте жатыр. 0
O- --mıs --t----ñ -----a ----kte j-tır. O_ j____ i_______ o_____ t______ j_____ O- j-m-s i-t-w-i- o-n-n- t-s-k-e j-t-r- --------------------------------------- Ol jumıs istewdiñ ornına tösekte jatır.
She reads the newspaper instead of cooking. Ол--а--қ әзі--е-д---о--ы-а г---- о-ып ---р. О_ т____ ә_________ о_____ г____ о___ о____ О- т-м-қ ә-і-л-у-і- о-н-н- г-з-т о-ы- о-ы-. ------------------------------------------- Ол тамақ әзірлеудің орнына газет оқып отыр. 0
O- ta--q----rl----ñ-ornı-a-g-z-- oq-p otı-. O_ t____ ä_________ o_____ g____ o___ o____ O- t-m-q ä-i-l-w-i- o-n-n- g-z-t o-ı- o-ı-. ------------------------------------------- Ol tamaq äzirlewdiñ ornına gazet oqıp otır.
He is at the bar instead of going home. Ол үй-- қа--у-ың--рн--- с--а-ан-да -т--. О_ ү___ қ_______ о_____ с_________ о____ О- ү-г- қ-й-у-ы- о-н-н- с-р-х-н-д- о-ы-. ---------------------------------------- Ол үйге қайтудың орнына сыраханада отыр. 0
Ol-üy-----y----- ornın- s-ra-a--d--o-ır. O_ ü___ q_______ o_____ s_________ o____ O- ü-g- q-y-w-ı- o-n-n- s-r-x-n-d- o-ı-. ---------------------------------------- Ol üyge qaytwdıñ ornına sıraxanada otır.
As far as I know, he lives here. Ме--- -і-уімш-, о- --ы--а тұрады. М____ б________ о_ о_____ т______ М-н-ң б-л-і-ш-, о- о-ы-д- т-р-д-. --------------------------------- Менің білуімше, ол осында тұрады. 0
Me-iñ -i--i--e,-ol os--d--t---dı. M____ b________ o_ o_____ t______ M-n-ñ b-l-i-ş-, o- o-ı-d- t-r-d-. --------------------------------- Meniñ bilwimşe, ol osında turadı.
As far as I know, his wife is ill. Ме-ің бі-уімш-- -ны- -й----н--қ--. М____ б________ о___ ә____ н______ М-н-ң б-л-і-ш-, о-ы- ә-е-і н-у-а-. ---------------------------------- Менің білуімше, оның әйелі науқас. 0
M---- -i--i--e---nıñ ä-e-i naw-as. M____ b________ o___ ä____ n______ M-n-ñ b-l-i-ş-, o-ı- ä-e-i n-w-a-. ---------------------------------- Meniñ bilwimşe, onıñ äyeli nawqas.
As far as I know, he is unemployed. Ме-і- біл--мше, -л-жұм---ыз. М____ б________ о_ ж________ М-н-ң б-л-і-ш-, о- ж-м-с-ы-. ---------------------------- Менің білуімше, ол жұмыссыз. 0
Me-iñ b-l-im-e--o--ju-ı-sı-. M____ b________ o_ j________ M-n-ñ b-l-i-ş-, o- j-m-s-ı-. ---------------------------- Meniñ bilwimşe, ol jumıssız.
I overslept; otherwise I’d have been on time. Мен -й----- қ--ы-пы-,-ә-тп-се-уақ-ы---к--е--едім. М__ ұ______ қ________ ә______ у______ к____ е____ М-н ұ-ы-т-п қ-л-п-ы-, ә-т-е-е у-қ-ы-ы к-л-р е-і-. ------------------------------------------------- Мен ұйықтап қалыппын, әйтпесе уақтылы келер едім. 0
M-n---ıqt-- ---ıpp-n- -y----e--a-t--ı -eler-edi-. M__ u______ q________ ä______ w______ k____ e____ M-n u-ı-t-p q-l-p-ı-, ä-t-e-e w-q-ı-ı k-l-r e-i-. ------------------------------------------------- Men uyıqtap qalıppın, äytpese waqtılı keler edim.
I missed the bus; otherwise I’d have been on time. Мен-авт---ст- өт--з---ал-----ә---есе--а--ы-ы -еле--е--м. М__ а________ ө______ а_____ ә______ у______ к____ е____ М-н а-т-б-с-ы ө-к-з-п а-д-м- ә-т-е-е у-қ-ы-ы к-л-р е-і-. -------------------------------------------------------- Мен автобусты өткізіп алдым, әйтпесе уақтылы келер едім. 0
M---av---wst--ö------ --d--- -y-pe-- w--tıl- --ler edi-. M__ a________ ö______ a_____ ä______ w______ k____ e____ M-n a-t-b-s-ı ö-k-z-p a-d-m- ä-t-e-e w-q-ı-ı k-l-r e-i-. -------------------------------------------------------- Men avtobwstı ötkizip aldım, äytpese waqtılı keler edim.
I didn’t find the way / I got lost; otherwise I’d have been on time. М-н ж--д- --ппа--м- әйтп-се у--тыл--бо-ар ---м. М__ ж____ т________ ә______ у______ б____ е____ М-н ж-л-ы т-п-а-ы-, ә-т-е-е у-қ-ы-ы б-л-р е-і-. ----------------------------------------------- Мен жолды таппадым, әйтпесе уақтылы болар едім. 0
Men-jo-dı ----ad-m- -y-pe----aqt----bo----ed--. M__ j____ t________ ä______ w______ b____ e____ M-n j-l-ı t-p-a-ı-, ä-t-e-e w-q-ı-ı b-l-r e-i-. ----------------------------------------------- Men joldı tappadım, äytpese waqtılı bolar edim.

Language and math

Thinking and speech go together. They influence one another. Linguistic structures influence the structures of our thinking. In some languages, for example, there are no words for numbers. The speakers do not understand the concept of numbers. So math and language also go together in some way. Grammatical and mathematical structures are often similar. Some researchers believe that they are also processed similarly. They believe that the speech center is also responsible for math. It can help the brain to perform calculations. Recent studies are coming to another conclusion, however. They show that our brain processes math without speech. Researchers studied three men. The brains of these test subjects were injured. As a result, the speech center was also damaged. The men had big problems with speaking. They could no longer formulate simple sentences. They couldn't understand words either. After the speech test the men had to solve math problems. A few of these mathematical puzzles were very complex. Even so, the test subjects could solve them! The results of this study are very interesting. They show that math is not encoded with words. It's possible that language and math have the same basis. Both are processed from the same center. But math doesn't have to be translated into speech first. Perhaps language and math develop together too... Then when the brain has finished developing, they exist separately!