
em Double connectors   »   ad КIэIотыкIыжь гущыIэзэпххэр

98 [ninety-eight]

Double connectors

Double connectors

98 [тIокIиплIырэ пшIыкIуирэ]

98 [tIokIiplIyrje pshIykIuirje]

КIэIотыкIыжь гущыIэзэпххэр

[KIjeIotykIyzh' gushhyIjezjephhjer]

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The journey was beautiful, but too tiring. Т--Iо- -о-ь-- -ыты-ъ,--у--ъо-ум-ты---ш--х--г-. Т_____ г_____ щ______ а_ г_____ т_____________ Т-к-о- г-х-э- щ-т-г-, а- г-о-у- т-т-п-ъ-х-а-ъ- ---------------------------------------------- ТикIон гохьэу щытыгъ, ау гъогум тытепшъыхьагъ. 0
Ti--on go-'--u-s----y-- au-go--m ----ps--h--g. T_____ g______ s_______ a_ g____ t____________ T-k-o- g-h-j-u s-h-t-g- a- g-g-m t-t-p-h-h-a-. ---------------------------------------------- TikIon goh'jeu shhytyg, au gogum tytepshyh'ag.
The train was on time, but too full. Мэ----у- ---о--к------- -у-цIыф--- --дэ и-ы-ъ. М_______ и____ к_______ а_ ц___ б_ д___ и_____ М-ш-о-у- и-ъ-м к-э-ы-ъ- а- ц-ы- б- д-д- и-ы-ъ- ---------------------------------------------- МэшIокур игъом къэсыгъ, ау цIыф бэ дэдэ исыгъ. 0
M--s-Io-ur -g-- -jes-g--au-c--f b-- --edj- i--g. M_________ i___ k______ a_ c___ b__ d_____ i____ M-e-h-o-u- i-o- k-e-y-, a- c-y- b-e d-e-j- i-y-. ------------------------------------------------ MjeshIokur igom kjesyg, au cIyf bje djedje isyg.
The hotel was comfortable, but too expensive. ХьакI-щы- гу-сэфы-ъ, ау-ч--с-п-I-р--ъ--I-щ---э. Х________ г_________ а_ ч_________ л___________ Х-а-I-щ-р г-п-э-ы-ъ- а- ч-э-ы-к-э- л-э-I-щ-г-э- ----------------------------------------------- ХьакIэщыр гупсэфыгъ, ау чIэсыпкIэр лъэпIэщагъэ. 0
H'ak-j--h-yr -----e-y-, -u -hI--sy---jer --epI---------. H___________ g_________ a_ c____________ l______________ H-a-I-e-h-y- g-p-j-f-g- a- c-I-e-y-k-j-r l-e-I-e-h-a-j-. -------------------------------------------------------- H'akIjeshhyr gupsjefyg, au chIjesypkIjer ljepIjeshhagje.
He’ll take either the bus or the train. Ар (--ул-фыг-- -----,-- --тобуск-э, е-мэшI-к----. А_ (__________ к_____ е а__________ е м__________ А- (-ъ-л-ф-г-) к-о-т- е а-т-б-с-I-, е м-ш-о-у-I-. ------------------------------------------------- Ар (хъулъфыгъ) кIощт, е автобускIэ, е мэшIокукIэ. 0
A--(hul--g- -Ios-ht,-----t---s-I--- e mj--hIok--Ije. A_ (_______ k_______ e a___________ e m_____________ A- (-u-f-g- k-o-h-t- e a-t-b-s-I-e- e m-e-h-o-u-I-e- ---------------------------------------------------- Ar (hulfyg) kIoshht, e avtobuskIje, e mjeshIokukIje.
He’ll come either this evening or tomorrow morning. А- --ъу-ъф---- къэ-I--т, ------ь---, е н--щ---д-ж-. А_ (__________ к________ е н________ е н___________ А- (-ъ-л-ф-г-) к-э-I-щ-, е н-ч-ь-п-, е н-у-п-э-ы-ь- --------------------------------------------------- Ар (хъулъфыгъ) къэкIощт, е нычхьапэ, е неущпчэдыжь. 0
A----u---g- -j---os-ht, - ny--h'a---,-- neus--p-h-e-yz--. A_ (_______ k__________ e n__________ e n________________ A- (-u-f-g- k-e-I-s-h-, e n-c-h-a-j-, e n-u-h-p-h-e-y-h-. --------------------------------------------------------- Ar (hulfyg) kjekIoshht, e nychh'apje, e neushhpchjedyzh'.
He’s going to stay either with us or in the hotel. Ар---ъулъ----) е т----ь--ъ-у--щ-,-е хьа----ым ит--сх---т. А_ (__________ е т_____ к________ е х________ и__________ А- (-ъ-л-ф-г-) е т-д-ж- к-э-ц-щ-, е х-а-I-щ-м и-I-с-ь-щ-. --------------------------------------------------------- Ар (хъулъфыгъ) е тадэжь къэуцущт, е хьакIэщым итIысхьащт. 0
A- (-ul-yg- - tadj-zh- --eu--s-ht, - --a------hym it--s-'-shht. A_ (_______ e t_______ k__________ e h___________ i____________ A- (-u-f-g- e t-d-e-h- k-e-c-s-h-, e h-a-I-e-h-y- i-I-s-'-s-h-. --------------------------------------------------------------- Ar (hulfyg) e tadjezh' kjeucushht, e h'akIjeshhym itIysh'ashht.
She speaks Spanish as well as English. А---б-ылъфыг-- -спаны----I- ин-жы-ы-----к-и-мэг-щ---. А_ (__________ и___________ и______________ м________ А- (-з-л-ф-г-) и-п-н-б-э-I- и-д-ы-ы-ы-з-к-и м-г-щ-I-. ----------------------------------------------------- Ар (бзылъфыгъ) испаныбзэкIи инджылызыбзэкIи мэгущыIэ. 0
Ar (bzy-f-g) -sp-n----e--i ---z---yz-bz-e--i mje--s--yIje. A_ (________ i____________ i________________ m____________ A- (-z-l-y-) i-p-n-b-j-k-i i-d-h-l-z-b-j-k-i m-e-u-h-y-j-. ---------------------------------------------------------- Ar (bzylfyg) ispanybzjekIi indzhylyzybzjekIi mjegushhyIje.
She has lived in Madrid as well as in London. А- ----лъ-ы-----ад--ди-Л-н---и---ы--эу-ъ. А_ (__________ М______ Л______ а_________ А- (-з-л-ф-г-) М-д-и-и Л-н-о-и а-ы-с-у-ъ- ----------------------------------------- Ар (бзылъфыгъ) Мадриди Лондони ащыпсэугъ. 0
A- (bzylf--)-M---idi-London---s-h---jeu-. A_ (________ M______ L______ a___________ A- (-z-l-y-) M-d-i-i L-n-o-i a-h-y-s-e-g- ----------------------------------------- Ar (bzylfyg) Madridi Londoni ashhypsjeug.
She knows Spain as well as England. А--(б-ыл-ф-гъ---с-ани--- -ндж-л-з-р- -ш--х. А_ (__________ И________ И__________ е_____ А- (-з-л-ф-г-) И-п-н-е-и И-д-ы-ы-ы-и е-I-х- ------------------------------------------- Ащ (бзылъфыгъ) Испаниери Инджылызыри ешIэх. 0
A-h- ----l-----Is-anie---Indzh---zy---e-hI--h. A___ (________ I________ I___________ e_______ A-h- (-z-l-y-) I-p-n-e-i I-d-h-l-z-r- e-h-j-h- ---------------------------------------------- Ashh (bzylfyg) Ispanieri Indzhylyzyri eshIjeh.
He is not only stupid, but also lazy. А- -ел--к--дыеп,-ы--и---х-а---- ---ь. А_ д___ к_______ ы___ ш________ н____ А- д-л- к-о-ы-п- ы-I- ш-х-а-ы-э н-х-. ------------------------------------- Ар делэ къодыеп, ыкIи шъхьахынэ нахь. 0
A- -e--e k--y--- --I- shh--hyn-e nah-. A_ d____ k______ y___ s_________ n____ A- d-l-e k-d-e-, y-I- s-h-a-y-j- n-h-. -------------------------------------- Ar delje kodyep, ykIi shh'ahynje nah'.
She is not only pretty, but also intelligent. Ар ---э -ъод-е---ыкIи I---на-ь. А_ д___ к_______ ы___ I__ н____ А- д-х- к-о-ы-п- ы-I- I-ш н-х-. ------------------------------- Ар дэхэ къодыеп, ыкIи Iуш нахь. 0
A- djeh-e --dy--- -k-i--u---n---. A_ d_____ k______ y___ I___ n____ A- d-e-j- k-d-e-, y-I- I-s- n-h-. --------------------------------- Ar djehje kodyep, ykIi Iush nah'.
She speaks not only German, but also French. Ар---м----з- --од-еп--эр--у---э---,-фр--ц-зыб-эк-- ар----х-. А_ н________ к______ з_____________ ф_____________ а__ н____ А- н-м-ц-б-э к-о-ы-п з-р-г-щ-I-р-р- ф-а-ц-з-б-э-I- а-ы н-х-. ------------------------------------------------------------ Ар нэмыцыбзэ къодыеп зэрэгущыIэрэр, французыбзэкIи ары нахь. 0
Ar---em-c------k--y-p----r-eg---hy--erj-r,-f-anc-z-bzjek-- --y na-'. A_ n__________ k_____ z___________________ f______________ a__ n____ A- n-e-y-y-z-e k-d-e- z-e-j-g-s-h-I-e-j-r- f-a-c-z-b-j-k-i a-y n-h-. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ar njemycybzje kodyep zjerjegushhyIjerjer, francuzybzjekIi ary nah'.
I can neither play the piano nor the guitar. Сэ ---нино-и-г-т--эми--ъ--гъэI----рэп. С_ п________ г_______ к_______________ С- п-а-и-о-и г-т-р-м- к-я-г-э-о-ъ-р-п- -------------------------------------- Сэ пианиноми гитарэми къязгъэIошъурэп. 0
S-e-piani-om---i----emi k-az--eI----r--p. S__ p________ g________ k________________ S-e p-a-i-o-i g-t-r-e-i k-a-g-e-o-h-r-e-. ----------------------------------------- Sje pianinomi gitarjemi kjazgjeIoshurjep.
I can neither waltz nor do the samba. Сэ ва-ьс--с-мби-сы----Iэшъу-э-. С_ в_____ с____ с______________ С- в-л-с- с-м-и с-к-е-I-ш-у-э-. ------------------------------- Сэ вальси самби сыкъешIэшъурэп. 0
S-e-v---s- -a--i-s-k-s--j-shur--p. S__ v_____ s____ s________________ S-e v-l-s- s-m-i s-k-s-I-e-h-r-e-. ---------------------------------- Sje val'si sambi sykeshIjeshurjep.
I like neither opera nor ballet. Сэ о-е---ба-ет- сик-асэ---. С_ о____ б_____ с__________ С- о-е-и б-л-т- с-к-а-э-э-. --------------------------- Сэ опери балети сикIасэхэп. 0
S-e ope-i--a---- ----a-j-hje-. S__ o____ b_____ s____________ S-e o-e-i b-l-t- s-k-a-j-h-e-. ------------------------------ Sje operi baleti sikIasjehjep.
The faster you work, the earlier you will be finished. Нахь -сынкIэ- Iоф п-Iэмэ--на------- у---щ-. Н___ п_______ I__ п______ н________ у______ Н-х- п-ы-к-э- I-ф п-I-м-, н-х-ы-ь-у у-х-щ-. ------------------------------------------- Нахь псынкIэу Iоф пшIэмэ, нахьыжьэу уухыщт. 0
N--' p----I-e- I-- p-h-je--e, ----y-h---u-uu------. N___ p________ I__ p_________ n__________ u________ N-h- p-y-k-j-u I-f p-h-j-m-e- n-h-y-h-j-u u-h-s-h-. --------------------------------------------------- Nah' psynkIjeu Iof pshIjemje, nah'yzh'jeu uuhyshht.
The earlier you come, the earlier you can go. Н--ь-жьэ- -к-а----э-----ь-жьэ- -к--ж-ын-п-ъ----щ-. Н________ у_________ н________ у_______ п_________ Н-х-ы-ь-у у-ъ-к-о-э- н-х-ы-ь-у у-I-ж-ы- п-ъ-к-ы-т- -------------------------------------------------- Нахьыжьэу укъакIомэ, нахьыжьэу укIожьын плъэкIыщт. 0
Na---zh'je- uka-Io-je,-nah'yz-'jeu -kI-----n-p-je---s-ht. N__________ u_________ n__________ u________ p___________ N-h-y-h-j-u u-a-I-m-e- n-h-y-h-j-u u-I-z-'-n p-j-k-y-h-t- --------------------------------------------------------- Nah'yzh'jeu ukakIomje, nah'yzh'jeu ukIozh'yn pljekIyshht.
The older one gets, the more complacent one gets. Н-х------у-ъ--к-эс, н--- --э-ылъ-гъэ--х--. Н_______ у___ к____ н___ г__________ о____ Н-х-ы-ъ- у-ъ- к-э-, н-х- г-э-ы-ъ-г-э о-ъ-. ------------------------------------------ Нахьыжъы ухъу къэс, нахь гъэIылъыгъэ охъу. 0
N-h---hy --- -jes- nah-----Iy--g-- o-u. N_______ u__ k____ n___ g_________ o___ N-h-y-h- u-u k-e-, n-h- g-e-y-y-j- o-u- --------------------------------------- Nah'yzhy uhu kjes, nah' gjeIylygje ohu.

Learning languages with the Internet

More and more people are learning foreign languages. And more and more people are using the Internet to do so! Online learning is different from the classic language course. And it has many advantages! Users decide for themselves, when they want to learn. They can also choose what they want to learn. And they determine how much they want to learn per day. With online learning, the users are supposed to learn intuitively. That means, they should learn the new language naturally. Just like they learned languages as children or on vacation. As such, the users learn using simulated situations. They experience different things in different places. They must become active themselves in the process. With some programs you need headphones and a microphone. With these you can talk with native speakers. It is also possible to have one's pronunciation analyzed. This way you can continue to improve. You can chat with other users in communities. The Internet also offers the possibility of learning on the go. You can take the language with you everywhere with digital technology. Online courses aren't more inferior than conventional courses. When the programs are well done, they can be very efficient. But it is important that the online course isn't too flashy. Too many animations can distract from the learning material. The brain has to process every single stimulus. As a result, the memory can become overwhelmed quickly. Therefore, it is sometimes better to learn quietly with a book. Those who mix new methods with old will surely make good progress…