He’s going to stay either with us or in the hotel.
То---е---ве- --и -ај нас -ли -- -отел.
Т__ ќ_ ж____ и__ к__ н__ и__ в_ х_____
Т-ј ќ- ж-в-е и-и к-ј н-с и-и в- х-т-л-
Тој ќе живее или кај нас или во хотел. 0 T-ј-kj-- --v-ey- ----k---n-s -li-v--k-ot--l.T__ k___ ʐ______ i__ k__ n__ i__ v_ k_______T-ј k-y- ʐ-v-e-e i-i k-ј n-s i-i v- k-o-y-l---------------------------------------------Toј kjye ʐivyeye ili kaј nas ili vo khotyel.
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He’s going to stay either with us or in the hotel.
Таа---ор--- --к- --анс--,--сто -а-а ---н-ли--и.
Т__ з______ к___ ш_______ и___ т___ и а________
Т-а з-о-у-а к-к- ш-а-с-и- и-т- т-к- и а-г-и-к-.
Таа зборува како шпански, исто така и англиски. 0 T-a --oro--- k-k--s-pa--k-- isto----a---ang--is-i.T__ z_______ k___ s________ i___ t___ i a_________T-a z-o-o-v- k-k- s-p-n-k-, i-t- t-k- i a-g-l-s-i---------------------------------------------------Taa zboroova kako shpanski, isto taka i anguliski.
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She speaks Spanish as well as English.
Таа зборува како шпански, исто така и англиски.
Taa zboroova kako shpanski, isto taka i anguliski.
Т----ивее-е к--о во М-др--- и----т-к--и--о -о-до-.
Т__ ж______ к___ в_ М______ и___ т___ и в_ Л______
Т-а ж-в-е-е к-к- в- М-д-и-, и-т- т-к- и в- Л-н-о-.
Таа живееше како во Мадрид, исто така и во Лондон. 0 Taa-ʐ-v-eyesh-e kak--v- M--rid- --to--aka - vo L--d-n.T__ ʐ__________ k___ v_ M______ i___ t___ i v_ L______T-a ʐ-v-e-e-h-e k-k- v- M-d-i-, i-t- t-k- i v- L-n-o-.------------------------------------------------------Taa ʐivyeyeshye kako vo Madrid, isto taka i vo London.
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She has lived in Madrid as well as in London.
Таа живееше како во Мадрид, исто така и во Лондон.
Taa ʐivyeyeshye kako vo Madrid, isto taka i vo London.
Таа --ко--т--ј-----е Ш---и--, и--- ---а ја---ае-и Англ-ја.
Т__ к___ ш__ ј_ з___ Ш_______ и___ т___ ј_ з___ и А_______
Т-а к-к- ш-о ј- з-а- Ш-а-и-а- и-т- т-к- ј- з-а- и А-г-и-а-
Таа како што ја знае Шпанија, исто така ја знае и Англија. 0 Ta---ak--sh---јa-z------h---i------to-tak- ј- ---y- - Ang-li--.T__ k___ s___ ј_ z____ S________ i___ t___ ј_ z____ i A________T-a k-k- s-t- ј- z-a-e S-p-n-ј-, i-t- t-k- ј- z-a-e i A-g-l-ј-.---------------------------------------------------------------Taa kako shto јa znaye Shpaniјa, isto taka јa znaye i Anguliјa.
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She knows Spain as well as England.
Таа како што ја знае Шпанија, исто така ја знае и Англија.
Taa kako shto јa znaye Shpaniјa, isto taka јa znaye i Anguliјa.
То- -е --мо -т- е г-уп- --к- --т- така-- и -р-е-и-.
Т__ н_ с___ ш__ е г____ т___ и___ т___ е и м_______
Т-ј н- с-м- ш-о е г-у-, т-к- и-т- т-к- е и м-з-л-в-
Тој не само што е глуп, туку исто така е и мрзелив. 0 To--n-e --m--s-to--- -u--o---t--ko- -------ka -e - ---ye--v.T__ n__ s___ s___ y_ g______ t_____ i___ t___ y_ i m________T-ј n-e s-m- s-t- y- g-l-o-, t-o-o- i-t- t-k- y- i m-z-e-i-.------------------------------------------------------------Toј nye samo shto ye guloop, tookoo isto taka ye i mrzyeliv.
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He is not only stupid, but also lazy.
Тој не само што е глуп, туку исто така е и мрзелив.
Toј nye samo shto ye guloop, tookoo isto taka ye i mrzyeliv.
Т-а--- са-- --о е --ав---т--у-и--- та-а - и и---л-г-н-на.
Т__ н_ с___ ш__ е у_____ т___ и___ т___ е и и____________
Т-а н- с-м- ш-о е у-а-а- т-к- и-т- т-к- е и и-т-л-г-н-н-.
Таа не само што е убава, туку исто така е и интелигентна. 0 T-- ny- --m- -ht--ye -ob-v-, t-ok---i-to -a-a-y- - i---el-------na.T__ n__ s___ s___ y_ o______ t_____ i___ t___ y_ i i_______________T-a n-e s-m- s-t- y- o-b-v-, t-o-o- i-t- t-k- y- i i-t-e-i-u-e-t-a--------------------------------------------------------------------Taa nye samo shto ye oobava, tookoo isto taka ye i intyeliguyentna.
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She is not only pretty, but also intelligent.
Таа не само што е убава, туку исто така е и интелигентна.
Taa nye samo shto ye oobava, tookoo isto taka ye i intyeliguyentna.
Т-а -е ---ру-а -----г--ма-с-и- -ук- и-ф--нцу--и.
Т__ н_ з______ с___ г_________ т___ и ф_________
Т-а н- з-о-у-а с-м- г-р-а-с-и- т-к- и ф-а-ц-с-и-
Таа не зборува само германски, туку и француски. 0 Ta- nye z--r--va--am- --y---a--ki- -o------ f-a-tzoos--.T__ n__ z_______ s___ g___________ t_____ i f___________T-a n-e z-o-o-v- s-m- g-y-r-a-s-i- t-o-o- i f-a-t-o-s-i---------------------------------------------------------Taa nye zboroova samo guyermanski, tookoo i frantzooski.
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She speaks not only German, but also French.
Таа не зборува само германски, туку и француски.
Taa nye zboroova samo guyermanski, tookoo i frantzooski.
More and more people are learning foreign languages.
And more and more people are using the Internet to do so!
Online learning is different from the classic language course.
And it has many advantages!
Users decide for themselves, when they want to learn.
They can also choose what they want to learn.
And they determine how much they want to learn per day.
With online learning, the users are supposed to learn intuitively.
That means, they should learn the new language naturally.
Just like they learned languages as children or on vacation.
As such, the users learn using simulated situations.
They experience different things in different places.
They must become active themselves in the process.
With some programs you need headphones and a microphone.
With these you can talk with native speakers.
It is also possible to have one's pronunciation analyzed.
This way you can continue to improve.
You can chat with other users in communities.
The Internet also offers the possibility of learning on the go.
You can take the language with you everywhere with digital technology.
Online courses aren't more inferior than conventional courses.
When the programs are well done, they can be very efficient.
But it is important that the online course isn't too flashy.
Too many animations can distract from the learning material.
The brain has to process every single stimulus.
As a result, the memory can become overwhelmed quickly.
Therefore, it is sometimes better to learn quietly with a book.
Those who mix new methods with old will surely make good progress…