
em Double connectors   »   ti ድርብ መስተጻምራት

98 [ninety-eight]

Double connectors

Double connectors

98 [ተስዓንሸሞንተን]

98 [tesi‘anishemoniteni]

ድርብ መስተጻምራት

diribi mesitets’amirati

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The journey was beautiful, but too tiring. ጉ----ቡ--ኔሩ፣-ግ--ኣ-ዩ -ድ---ኔ-። ጉ__ ጽ__ ኔ__ ግ_ ኣ__ ኣ___ ኔ__ ጉ-ዞ ጽ-ቕ ኔ-፣ ግ- ኣ-ዩ ኣ-ካ- ኔ-። --------------------------- ጉዕዞ ጽቡቕ ኔሩ፣ ግን ኣዝዩ ኣድካሚ ኔሩ። 0
g--i-o-t--ibu--’----r-- g--i-az-y---di-amī nēru። g_____ t________ n____ g___ a____ a______ n____ g-‘-z- t-’-b-k-’- n-r-፣ g-n- a-i-u a-i-a-ī n-r-። ------------------------------------------------ gu‘izo ts’ibuḵ’i nēru፣ gini aziyu adikamī nēru።
The train was on time, but too full. እ---ቡር--ብ ሰ-ታ መጺኣ-ግን ---ሚ መሊኣ --ራ። እ_ ባ__ ኣ_ ሰ__ መ__ ግ_ ብ___ መ__ ነ___ እ- ባ-ር ኣ- ሰ-ታ መ-ኣ ግ- ብ-ዕ- መ-ኣ ነ-ራ- ---------------------------------- እቲ ባቡር ኣብ ሰዓታ መጺኣ ግን ብጣዕሚ መሊኣ ነይራ። 0
itī -abu-i --i-s-‘a-a-----’-’----ni -i----------lī’a-------። i__ b_____ a__ s_____ m_______ g___ b________ m_____ n______ i-ī b-b-r- a-i s-‘-t- m-t-’-’- g-n- b-t-a-i-ī m-l-’- n-y-r-። ------------------------------------------------------------ itī baburi abi se‘ata mets’ī’a gini bit’a‘imī melī’a neyira።
The hotel was comfortable, but too expensive. እቲ --ል---- ----ሩ -ን-ኣ-ዩ-ክቡ- -ዩ ። እ_ ሆ__ ም__ ኢ_ ኔ_ ግ_ ኣ__ ክ__ እ_ ። እ- ሆ-ል ም-እ ኢ- ኔ- ግ- ኣ-ዩ ክ-ር እ- ። -------------------------------- እቲ ሆተል ምቹእ ኢዩ ኔሩ ግን ኣዝዩ ክቡር እዩ ። 0
itī-hote-i -i-hu’- -y- --ru-g-ni-az-------ur--iyu ። i__ h_____ m______ ī__ n___ g___ a____ k_____ i__ ። i-ī h-t-l- m-c-u-i ī-u n-r- g-n- a-i-u k-b-r- i-u ። --------------------------------------------------- itī hoteli michu’i īyu nēru gini aziyu kiburi iyu ።
He’ll take either the bus or the train. ን--ቡ--ወይ ባ-ር---ስ-። ን_ ቡ_ ወ_ ባ__ ይ____ ን- ቡ- ወ- ባ-ር ይ-ስ-። ------------------ ንሱ ቡስ ወይ ባቡር ይወስድ። 0
nisu --si w----b--ur-----esidi። n___ b___ w___ b_____ y________ n-s- b-s- w-y- b-b-r- y-w-s-d-። ------------------------------- nisu busi weyi baburi yiwesidi።
He’ll come either this evening or tomorrow morning. ሎ---ሸ- -ይ-ጽባሕ-ን------እ‘-። ሎ_ ም__ ወ_ ጽ__ ን__ ክ______ ሎ- ም-ት ወ- ጽ-ሕ ን-ሆ ክ-ጽ-‘-። ------------------------- ሎሚ ምሸት ወይ ጽባሕ ንጎሆ ክመጽእ‘ዩ። 0
lo---mis-eti w-yi--s----ḥ---igo----i----’i’-‘-u። l___ m______ w___ t_______ n_____ k_____________ l-m- m-s-e-i w-y- t-’-b-h-i n-g-h- k-m-t-’-’-‘-u- ------------------------------------------------- lomī misheti weyi ts’ibaḥi nigoho kimets’i’i‘yu።
He’s going to stay either with us or in the hotel. ኣባና ወ---ብ --- ---ጥ። ኣ__ ወ_ ኣ_ ሆ__ ይ____ ኣ-ና ወ- ኣ- ሆ-ል ይ-መ-። ------------------- ኣባና ወይ ኣብ ሆተል ይቕመጥ። 0
ab--a-we-i--b---o-eli-yiḵ’--e-’-። a____ w___ a__ h_____ y__________ a-a-a w-y- a-i h-t-l- y-k-’-m-t-i- ---------------------------------- abana weyi abi hoteli yiḵ’imet’i።
She speaks Spanish as well as English. ንሳ ስ-- -ምኡ’-ን---ግ-ዝኛ ---ብ። ን_ ስ__ ከ_____ እ_____ ት____ ን- ስ-ኛ ከ-ኡ-ው- እ-ግ-ዝ- ት-ረ-። -------------------------- ንሳ ስፓኛ ከምኡ’ውን እንግሊዝኛ ትዛረብ። 0
n-s---i--n-a-kemi-u’--n--in--il-ziny----z--e-i። n___ s______ k__________ i___________ t________ n-s- s-p-n-a k-m-’-’-i-i i-i-i-ī-i-y- t-z-r-b-። ----------------------------------------------- nisa sipanya kemi’u’wini inigilīzinya tizarebi።
She has lived in Madrid as well as in London. ንሳ----ማ-ሪድ---ኡ’-ን--ብ---------ጣ። ን_ ኣ_ ማ___ ከ_____ ኣ_ ሎ___ ተ____ ን- ኣ- ማ-ሪ- ከ-ኡ-ው- ኣ- ሎ-ዶ- ተ-ሚ-። ------------------------------- ንሳ ኣብ ማድሪድ ከምኡ’ውን ኣብ ሎንዶን ተቐሚጣ። 0
ni----bi ma-irī-- --mi’u-wi-i--b- -o-id--- t-ḵ’--īt--። n___ a__ m_______ k__________ a__ l_______ t__________ n-s- a-i m-d-r-d- k-m-’-’-i-i a-i l-n-d-n- t-k-’-m-t-a- ------------------------------------------------------- nisa abi madirīdi kemi’u’wini abi lonidoni teḵ’emīt’a።
She knows Spain as well as England. ን- ዓ- -ስ-ኛ ከምኡ’ውን-ን-ዲ እ--ሊዝ -ፈ-- እ-። ን_ ዓ_ ን___ ከ_____ ን__ እ____ ት___ እ__ ን- ዓ- ን-ፓ- ከ-ኡ-ው- ን-ዲ እ-ግ-ዝ ት-ል- እ-። ------------------------------------ ንሳ ዓዲ ንስፓኛ ከምኡ’ውን ንዓዲ እንግሊዝ ትፈልጦ እያ። 0
ni-a-‘--ī---sip---a ---i’u----i-n--a----n--i--zi ---e-it’o-i--። n___ ‘___ n________ k__________ n_____ i________ t________ i___ n-s- ‘-d- n-s-p-n-a k-m-’-’-i-i n-‘-d- i-i-i-ī-i t-f-l-t-o i-a- --------------------------------------------------------------- nisa ‘adī nisipanya kemi’u’wini ni‘adī inigilīzi tifelit’o iya።
He is not only stupid, but also lazy. ንሱ -- ጥ-ይ ዘ----ስ እ-ተላ--ው- ህ-ይ-እ-። ን_ ዓ_ ጥ__ ዘ___ ስ እ____ ው_ ህ__ እ__ ን- ዓ- ጥ-ይ ዘ-ኮ- ስ እ-ተ-ይ ው- ህ-ይ እ-። --------------------------------- ንሱ ዓሻ ጥራይ ዘይኮነ ስ እንተላይ ውን ህኩይ እዩ። 0
nis--‘a-----’--a-i --yiko---si in---l-y- ---i ---u------። n___ ‘____ t______ z_______ s_ i________ w___ h_____ i___ n-s- ‘-s-a t-i-a-i z-y-k-n- s- i-i-e-a-i w-n- h-k-y- i-u- --------------------------------------------------------- nisu ‘asha t’irayi zeyikone si initelayi wini hikuyi iyu።
She is not only pretty, but also intelligent. ንሳ ጽብቕ- --- -ይ--ት-እ--ላ-`-ን ኣስ---ሊ- እያ። ን_ ጽ___ ጥ__ ዘ____ እ_______ ኣ______ እ__ ን- ጽ-ቕ- ጥ-ይ ዘ-ኮ-ት እ-ተ-ይ-ው- ኣ-ተ-ዓ-ት እ-። -------------------------------------- ንሳ ጽብቕቲ ጥራይ ዘይኮነት እንተላይ`ውን ኣስተውዓሊት እያ። 0
nis---s-ib---’it---’--ay- ze-i---e-- i-ite-ayi-wini asi--wi----ti iya። n___ t__________ t______ z_________ i_____________ a____________ i___ n-s- t-’-b-k-’-t- t-i-a-i z-y-k-n-t- i-i-e-a-i-w-n- a-i-e-i-a-ī-i i-a- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- nisa ts’ibiḵ’itī t’irayi zeyikoneti initelayi`wini asitewi‘alīti iya።
She speaks not only German, but also French. ን--ጀር--ኛ ጥ---ኣ--ትን ት---፣------’ውን ፍራን--። ን_ ጀ____ ጥ__ ኣ____ ት____ እ_______ ፍ_____ ን- ጀ-መ-ኛ ጥ-ይ ኣ-ኮ-ን ት-ረ-፣ እ-ተ-ይ-ው- ፍ-ን-ኛ- ---------------------------------------- ንሳ ጀርመንኛ ጥራይ ኣይኮትን ትዛረብ፣ እንተላይ’ውን ፍራንስኛ። 0
ni-- jer-m--i--- t’ir--i-a-iko-in--t-za-e-i፣ -n-telay-’win--f--anis-n-a። n___ j__________ t______ a________ t________ i_____________ f___________ n-s- j-r-m-n-n-a t-i-a-i a-i-o-i-i t-z-r-b-፣ i-i-e-a-i-w-n- f-r-n-s-n-a- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ nisa jerimeninya t’irayi ayikotini tizarebi፣ initelayi’wini firanisinya።
I can neither play the piano nor the guitar. ኣ----ኖ ዋላ-ጊ-- -ጻ-ት ኣይክእ--። ኣ_ ፒ__ ዋ_ ጊ__ ክ___ ኣ______ ኣ- ፒ-ኖ ዋ- ጊ-ር ክ-ወ- ኣ-ክ-ል-። -------------------------- ኣነ ፒያኖ ዋላ ጊታር ክጻወት ኣይክእልን። 0
a------an- wa-a-g-tar- -i-s’-we-- a-ik----i--። a__ p_____ w___ g_____ k_________ a___________ a-e p-y-n- w-l- g-t-r- k-t-’-w-t- a-i-i-i-i-i- ---------------------------------------------- ane pīyano wala gītari kits’aweti ayiki’ilini።
I can neither waltz nor do the samba. ኣ--ቫልሰር(ዓ-------ዒ----ላ-ሳምባ ክስዕስዕ--ይክ--ን። ኣ_ ቫ________ ሳ_____ ዋ_ ሳ__ ክ____ ኣ______ ኣ- ቫ-ሰ-(-ይ-ት ሳ-ስ-ት- ዋ- ሳ-ባ ክ-ዕ-ዕ ኣ-ክ-ል-። ---------------------------------------- ኣነ ቫልሰር(ዓይነት ሳዕስዒት) ዋላ ሳምባ ክስዕስዕ ኣይክእልን። 0
a----al--e-i(---in-t- sa‘is--īti)-w-l--s-m-b- kis-‘-s-‘i--y----il--i። a__ v________________ s__________ w___ s_____ k_________ a___________ a-e v-l-s-r-(-a-i-e-i s-‘-s-‘-t-) w-l- s-m-b- k-s-‘-s-‘- a-i-i-i-i-i- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ane valiseri(‘ayineti sa‘isi‘īti) wala samiba kisi‘isi‘i ayiki’ilini።
I like neither opera nor ballet. ኣነ -ፕ- -ላ -ለት-ኣ--ቱን-የ። ኣ_ ኦ__ ዋ_ ባ__ ኣ_______ ኣ- ኦ-ራ ዋ- ባ-ት ኣ-ፈ-ን-የ- ---------------------- ኣነ ኦፕራ ዋላ ባለት ኣይፈቱን‘የ። 0
a---o-ira----- ---et- --if---ni-y-። a__ o____ w___ b_____ a____________ a-e o-i-a w-l- b-l-t- a-i-e-u-i-y-። ----------------------------------- ane opira wala baleti ayifetuni‘ye።
The faster you work, the earlier you will be finished. ቐልጢፍካ--ሰርሕ፣--ልጢ-ካ-ከኣ---ድእ። ቐ____ ት____ ቀ____ ከ_ ት____ ቐ-ጢ-ካ ት-ር-፣ ቀ-ጢ-ካ ከ- ት-ድ-። -------------------------- ቐልጢፍካ ትሰርሕ፣ ቀልጢፍካ ከኣ ትውድእ። 0
k--e----īf--- -ise-i---- -’e----īf--- ke-a --w--i’i። ḵ___________ t________ k___________ k___ t________ k-’-l-t-ī-i-a t-s-r-h-i- k-e-i-’-f-k- k-’- t-w-d-’-። ---------------------------------------------------- ḵ’elit’īfika tiseriḥi፣ k’elit’īfika ke’a tiwidi’i።
The earlier you come, the earlier you can go. ኣ-ጊህካ-ት-ጽእ፣ --ዲ-ካ ክ-ከ---ት-እ-። ኣ____ ት____ ኣ____ ክ____ ት____ ኣ-ጊ-ካ ት-ጽ-፣ ኣ-ዲ-ካ ክ-ከ-ድ ት-እ-። ----------------------------- ኣንጊህካ ትመጽእ፣ ኣቐዲምካ ክትከይድ ትኽእል። 0
a---īh--a--i-ets-i-i--a-̱’--īmika k-----yi-i tiẖ-’-li። a________ t__________ a_________ k_________ t________ a-i-ī-i-a t-m-t-’-’-፣ a-̱-e-ī-i-a k-t-k-y-d- t-h-i-i-i- ------------------------------------------------------- anigīhika timets’i’i፣ aḵ’edīmika kitikeyidi tiẖi’ili።
The older one gets, the more complacent one gets. እ--ኣ-ግካ-----ድ-እን---፣----ቸ-- -ኸይ- ። እ_ ኣ___ ክ____ እ_____ እ_____ ይ___ ። እ- ኣ-ግ- ክ-ከ-ድ እ-ከ-ኻ- እ-መ-ኣ- ይ-ይ- ። ---------------------------------- እና ኣረግካ ክትከይድ እንከሎኻ፣ እናመቸኣካ ይኸይድ ። 0
i-- -r-gik------k-yid- -n-k----̱a- --am---e-a-- yiẖ-y--i ። i__ a______ k_________ i_________ i___________ y_______ ። i-a a-e-i-a k-t-k-y-d- i-i-e-o-̱-፣ i-a-e-h-’-k- y-h-e-i-i ። ----------------------------------------------------------- ina aregika kitikeyidi inikeloẖa፣ inameche’aka yiẖeyidi ።

Learning languages with the Internet

More and more people are learning foreign languages. And more and more people are using the Internet to do so! Online learning is different from the classic language course. And it has many advantages! Users decide for themselves, when they want to learn. They can also choose what they want to learn. And they determine how much they want to learn per day. With online learning, the users are supposed to learn intuitively. That means, they should learn the new language naturally. Just like they learned languages as children or on vacation. As such, the users learn using simulated situations. They experience different things in different places. They must become active themselves in the process. With some programs you need headphones and a microphone. With these you can talk with native speakers. It is also possible to have one's pronunciation analyzed. This way you can continue to improve. You can chat with other users in communities. The Internet also offers the possibility of learning on the go. You can take the language with you everywhere with digital technology. Online courses aren't more inferior than conventional courses. When the programs are well done, they can be very efficient. But it is important that the online course isn't too flashy. Too many animations can distract from the learning material. The brain has to process every single stimulus. As a result, the memory can become overwhelmed quickly. Therefore, it is sometimes better to learn quietly with a book. Those who mix new methods with old will surely make good progress…