
em Genitive   »   be Родны склон

99 [ninety-nine]



99 [дзевяноста дзевяць]

99 [dzevyanosta dzevyats’]

Родны склон

Rodny sklon

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English (US) Belarusian Play More
my girlfriend’s cat кот-ма-й --б-о-кі к__ м___ с_______ к-т м-ё- с-б-о-к- ----------------- кот маёй сяброўкі 0
k-t -a----yabr-u-і k__ m___ s________ k-t m-e- s-a-r-u-і ------------------ kot maey syabroukі
my boyfriend’s dog с--а-а м--го---б-а с_____ м____ с____ с-б-к- м-й-о с-б-а ------------------ сабака майго сябра 0
sabaka -a-g- syabra s_____ m____ s_____ s-b-k- m-y-o s-a-r- ------------------- sabaka maygo syabra
my children’s toys цацк--м-і--дзяц-й ц____ м___ д_____ ц-ц-і м-і- д-я-е- ----------------- цацкі маіх дзяцей 0
tsat-----aі-- -z-ats-y t______ m____ d_______ t-a-s-і m-і-h d-y-t-e- ---------------------- tsatskі maіkh dzyatsey
This is my colleague’s overcoat. Г--а --л-т---айг- --легі. Г___ п_____ м____ к______ Г-т- п-л-т- м-й-о к-л-г-. ------------------------- Гэта паліто майго калегі. 0
Get---a-іt--ma----kaleg-. G___ p_____ m____ k______ G-t- p-l-t- m-y-o k-l-g-. ------------------------- Geta palіto maygo kalegі.
That is my colleague’s car. Гэ----ўтама-іль -аё- -але-і. Г___ а_________ м___ к______ Г-т- а-т-м-б-л- м-ё- к-л-г-. ---------------------------- Гэта аўтамабіль маёй калегі. 0
Get--a--amab----m-e--kal---. G___ a_________ m___ k______ G-t- a-t-m-b-l- m-e- k-l-g-. ---------------------------- Geta autamabіl’ maey kalegі.
That is my colleagues’ work. Г--а---бо-----іх ---е-. Г___ р_____ м___ к_____ Г-т- р-б-т- м-і- к-л-г- ----------------------- Гэта работа маіх калег. 0
G--a r-b-ta----k- k---g. G___ r_____ m____ k_____ G-t- r-b-t- m-і-h k-l-g- ------------------------ Geta rabota maіkh kaleg.
The button from the shirt is gone. Г---к--д ка-ул---да--аў-я. Г____ а_ к_____ а_________ Г-з-к а- к-ш-л- а-а-в-ў-я- -------------------------- Гузік ад кашулі адарваўся. 0
Gu-----d-kas-ul- a--rva-s--. G____ a_ k______ a__________ G-z-k a- k-s-u-і a-a-v-u-y-. ---------------------------- Guzіk ad kashulі adarvausya.
The garage key is gone. Кл-- -д -ар--а пра-а-. К___ а_ г_____ п______ К-ю- а- г-р-ж- п-а-а-. ---------------------- Ключ ад гаража прапаў. 0
K-y-c- -d -araz-a p--pau. K_____ a_ g______ p______ K-y-c- a- g-r-z-a p-a-a-. ------------------------- Klyuch ad garazha prapau.
The boss’ computer is not working. Камп-ю-э- начальні-- нясп--ўны. К________ н_________ н_________ К-м-’-т-р н-ч-л-н-к- н-с-р-ў-ы- ------------------------------- Камп’ютэр начальніка няспраўны. 0
Kamp’-ut-r--a-ha--nі-- nyas-----y. K_________ n__________ n__________ K-m-’-u-e- n-c-a-’-і-a n-a-p-a-n-. ---------------------------------- Kamp’yuter nachal’nіka nyasprauny.
Who are the girl’s parents? Хт- бац----дзяў-ынк-? Х__ б_____ д_________ Х-о б-ц-к- д-я-ч-н-і- --------------------- Хто бацькі дзяўчынкі? 0
K----bats’kі-dz-a--h-n-і? K___ b______ d___________ K-t- b-t-’-і d-y-u-h-n-і- ------------------------- Khto bats’kі dzyauchynkі?
How do I get to her parents’ house? Як---------сці--- д--а-----ац-к-ў? Я_ м__ п______ д_ д___ я_ б_______ Я- м-е п-а-с-і д- д-м- я- б-ц-к-ў- ---------------------------------- Як мне прайсці да дома яе бацькоў? 0
Yak--n------stsі-d--doma y-y- ba---kou? Y__ m__ p_______ d_ d___ y___ b________ Y-k m-e p-a-s-s- d- d-m- y-y- b-t-’-o-? --------------------------------------- Yak mne praystsі da doma yaye bats’kou?
The house is at the end of the road. Д-- -та-ць у----ц--вул-ц-. Д__ с_____ у к____ в______ Д-м с-а-ц- у к-н-ы в-л-ц-. -------------------------- Дом стаіць у канцы вуліцы. 0
Dom s----s’-u ---t-y v---tsy. D__ s______ u k_____ v_______ D-m s-a-t-’ u k-n-s- v-l-t-y- ----------------------------- Dom staіts’ u kantsy vulіtsy.
What is the name of the capital city of Switzerland? Я- называецца -т-л----Ш-ейца-ы-? Я_ н_________ с______ Ш_________ Я- н-з-в-е-ц- с-а-і-а Ш-е-ц-р-і- -------------------------------- Як называецца сталіца Швейцарыі? 0
Y-k --zy-a-ts-s- -t-l-tsa S-vey--ar-і? Y__ n___________ s_______ S___________ Y-k n-z-v-e-s-s- s-a-і-s- S-v-y-s-r-і- -------------------------------------- Yak nazyvaetstsa stalіtsa Shveytsaryі?
What is the title of the book? Я----назв--ў---т-----ігі? Я___ н____ ў г____ к_____ Я-а- н-з-а ў г-т-й к-і-і- ------------------------- Якая назва ў гэтай кнігі? 0
Y-k-ya -a------getay---іgі? Y_____ n____ u g____ k_____ Y-k-y- n-z-a u g-t-y k-і-і- --------------------------- Yakaya nazva u getay knіgі?
What are the names of the neighbour’s / neighbor’s (am.) children? Як-зв--- --яце---у-ед--ў? Я_ з____ д_____ с________ Я- з-а-ь д-я-е- с-с-д-я-? ------------------------- Як зваць дзяцей суседзяў? 0
Y---z-a-s’--zy-t------s-d----? Y__ z_____ d_______ s_________ Y-k z-a-s- d-y-t-e- s-s-d-y-u- ------------------------------ Yak zvats’ dzyatsey susedzyau?
When are the children’s holidays? К-лі-------е- --д--- -к--ьн-- ка-ікул-? К___ ў д_____ б_____ ш_______ к________ К-л- ў д-я-е- б-д-ц- ш-о-ь-ы- к-н-к-л-? --------------------------------------- Калі ў дзяцей будуць школьныя канікулы? 0
K-l-----zyat-e- -uduts’-sh--l--yya--anі---y? K___ u d_______ b______ s_________ k________ K-l- u d-y-t-e- b-d-t-’ s-k-l-n-y- k-n-k-l-? -------------------------------------------- Kalі u dzyatsey buduts’ shkol’nyya kanіkuly?
What are the doctor’s consultation times? К--- ў---кт--а га-зі---пр-ё--? К___ ў д______ г______ п______ К-л- ў д-к-а-а г-д-і-ы п-ы-м-? ------------------------------ Калі ў доктара гадзіны прыёму? 0
Kalі---d--ta-a-ga-z--- p-ye--? K___ u d______ g______ p______ K-l- u d-k-a-a g-d-і-y p-y-m-? ------------------------------ Kalі u doktara gadzіny pryemu?
What time is the museum open? Які---ад--н- п--ц--м---я? Я___ г______ п____ м_____ Я-і- г-д-і-ы п-а-ы м-з-я- ------------------------- Якія гадзіны працы музея? 0
Ya-іy- -a--іn--pratsy muz-y-? Y_____ g______ p_____ m______ Y-k-y- g-d-і-y p-a-s- m-z-y-? ----------------------------- Yakіya gadzіny pratsy muzeya?

Better concentration = better learning

When we learn we must concentrate. All of our attention must be on one thing. The ability to concentrate is not inherent. We first have to learn how to concentrate. This typically occurs in kindergarten or school. At the age of six, children can concentrate for about 15 minutes. Adolescents of 14 years can concentrate and work for twice as long. The concentration phase of adults lasts about 45 minutes. After a certain amount of time concentration dwindles. After which those studying lose interest in the material. They can also get tired or stressed. As a result, studying becomes more difficult. The memory can't retain the material as well. However, a person can increase their concentration! It's very important that you have slept enough before studying. A person who is tired can only concentrate for a short period of time. Our brain makes more mistakes when we're tired. Our emotions influence our concentration as well. A person who wants to learn efficiently should be in a neutral state of mind. Too many positive or negative emotions hinder learning success. Of course, a person can't always control his feelings. But you can try to ignore them when studying. A person who wants to be concentrated has to be motivated. We must always have a goal in mind when studying. Only then is our brain ready to concentrate. A quiet environment is also important for good concentration. And: You should drink a lot of water when studying; it keeps you awake. A person who keeps all this in mind will certainly stay concentrated for longer!