Test 63

Time spent on test::

Fri Sep 27, 2024


Click on a word
1. Learning languages is interesting.
ቋንቋዎችን መማር ወይም አጓጊ ነው።   See hint
2. Tomorrow is Monday.
ነገ ሰኞ ነው   See hint
3. It is raining.
እየዘነበ   See hint
4. Are you also coming?
ይመጣሉ?   See hint
5. The room is too dark.
በጣም ጭለማ ነው።   See hint
6. From which platform does the train leave?
ከየትኛው ነው ባቡሩ የሚነሳው?   See hint
7. I’m looking for a garage.
ጋራዥ ነው።   See hint
8. Is there a tennis court nearby?
በዚህ አቅራቢያቴኒስ መጫወቻ ሜዳ ,   See hint
9. Is the water warm?
ለስላስ ያለ ነው?   See hint
10. They are thirsty.
ተጠምተዋል።   See hint