Test 58

Time spent on test::

Wed Sep 25, 2024


Click on a word
1. You learn Spanish.
Učiš ,   See hint
2. I was at the cinema yesterday.
Jučer bio / bila u kinu.   See hint
3. We like to go for a walk in summer.
Ljeti idemo šetati.   See hint
4. Will you drink something?
Hoćete li nešto?   See hint
5. There is no telephone in the room.
Nema u sobi.   See hint
6. I’d like a ticket to Bern.
Htio / bih voznu kartu za Bern.   See hint
7. I need a few litres / liters (am.) of diesel.
Trebam litara dizela.   See hint
8. I want to sit at the front.
želim sjediti skroz naprijed.   See hint
9. Where is the shower?
Gdje tuš?   See hint
10. She is not bored.
se ne dosađuje.   See hint