Test 79

Time spent on test::

Sun Sep 29, 2024


Click on a word
1. Canada is in North America.
leží v Severní Americe.   See hint
2. October
3. The front door is closed.
Domovní dveře zavřené.   See hint
4. Which textbook are you using?
čeho se učíte?   See hint
5. I’d like an orange juice.
Dal / bych si rád pomerančový džus.   See hint
6. Is the train delayed?
Má ten zpoždění?   See hint
7. You can also follow me with your car.
jet za mnou.   See hint
8. Were there English subtitles?
Měl ten anglické titulky?   See hint
9. I want to go to the bakery.
Chci pekárny.   See hint
10. Your blood pressure is okay.
Váš krevní je v pořádku.   See hint