Test 69

Time spent on test::

Fri Sep 27, 2024


Click on a word
1. Madrid is in Spain.
마드리드는 스페인에 ,   See hint
2. February
3. It is cold today.
오늘은   See hint
4. The languages are quite similar.
그 언어들은 꽤 ,   See hint
5. Do you have anything cheaper?
더 싼 게 ,   See hint
6. Is that the train to Berlin?
저게 베를린행 ,   See hint
7. Call the police!
경찰을 주세요   See hint
8. The film is brand new.
최신작이에요.   See hint
9. I want to go to the bookstore.
서점에 가고 ,   See hint
10. Please take a seat in the waiting room.
앉아 계세요.   See hint