Test 58

Time spent on test::

Wed Sep 25, 2024


Click on a word
1. You learn Spanish.
Îspanyolî fêr/hîn dibî.   See hint
2. I was at the cinema yesterday.
Ez duh sînemayê bûm.   See hint
3. We like to go for a walk in summer.
Em ji havînê hez dikin.   See hint
4. Will you drink something?
ê tiştina vexwin?   See hint
5. There is no telephone in the room.
Li odeyê tune ye.   See hint
6. I’d like a ticket to Bern.
Ji Bernê bilêtekê dixwazim.   See hint
7. I need a few litres / liters (am.) of diesel.
Çend lître ji min re pêwîst e   See hint
8. I want to sit at the front.
Ez dixwazim herî pêş rûnim.   See hint
9. Where is the shower?
Dûş li ye?   See hint
10. She is not bored.
wî/ê teng nabe.   See hint