Test 67

Time spent on test::

Fri Sep 27, 2024


Click on a word
1. London is in Great Britain.
Лондон Британияда жайгашкан.   See hint
2. eleven
он   See hint
3. It is pleasant.
4. Can you also speak Portuguese?
Сиз португал дагы билесизби?   See hint
5. I don’t like that.
Мага жакпайт.   See hint
6. What does a berth in the sleeper cost?
Уктоочу вагондогу орун турат?   See hint
7. We need help.
Бизге керек.   See hint
8. We want to go to the cinema.
киного баргыбыз келет.   See hint
9. fifty-one
элүү   See hint
10. I have the appointment at ten o’clock.
Саат онго бар.   See hint