Test 57

Time spent on test::

Wed Sep 25, 2024


Click on a word
1. I learn English.
ኢንግሊዝኛ እመሃር ኣሎኹ።   See hint
2. Yesterday was Saturday.
ትማሊ ኢዩ ነይሩ።   See hint
3. The sun shines in summer.
ኣብ ሓጋይ ጸሓይ ትበርቕ   See hint
4. It doesn’t disturb me.
እዚ እዩ።   See hint
5. Can you get it repaired?
ከተዐርይዎ ትኽእል ,   See hint
6. I’d like a ticket to Prague.
ኣነ ቲከት ባቡር ፕራግ ደልየ ።   See hint
7. Can you change the tyre / tire (am.)?
እቲ ጎማ መኪና ክትቕይሩ ዶ?   See hint
8. I want to sit somewhere in the middle.
ኣብ ገለ ቦታ ኣብ ማእከል ኮፍ ክብል ደልየ።   See hint
9. Can you jump in the water?
ናብቲ ማይ ትኽእል ዲኻ?   See hint
10. She is bored.
ንሳ ሰልቸይዋ ።   See hint