© Mariusz Prusaczyk - Fotolia | Indian colored spices at local market.
© Mariusz Prusaczyk - Fotolia | Indian colored spices at local market.

NumbersMost languages have number systems, and these can vary quite a bit. Scroll down to discover and learn interesting number systems from all around the world.

Most languages have number systems, and these can vary quite a bit. Scroll down to discover and learn interesting number systems from all around the world.

Click on a number

number container
[واحد وستون]‬


number container
[اثنان وستون]‬


number container
[ثلاثة وستون]‬


number container
[أربعة وستون]‬


number container
[خمسة وستون]‬


number container
[ستة وستون]‬


number container
[سبعة وستون]‬


number container
[ثمانية وستون]‬


number container


number container
