
en Getting to know others   »   ur ‫جان پہچان کرنا‬

3 [three]

Getting to know others

Getting to know others

‫3 [تین]‬


‫جان پہچان کرنا‬

jaan pehchan karna

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Hi! ‫-ی-و‬ ‫_____ ‫-ی-و- ------ ‫ہیلو‬ 0
h--lo h____ h-l-o ----- hello
Hello! ‫-ل--‬ ‫_____ ‫-ل-م- ------ ‫سلام‬ 0
sa--m s____ s-l-m ----- salam
How are you? ‫کی- --ل ہ-؟‬ ‫___ ح__ ہ___ ‫-ی- ح-ل ہ-؟- ------------- ‫کیا حال ہے؟‬ 0
k-a -aa- h--? k__ h___ h___ k-a h-a- h-i- ------------- kya haal hai?
Do you come from Europe? ‫ک---آ---و-پ ---رہ-- --ل- --ں؟‬ ‫___ آ_ ی___ ک_ ر___ و___ ہ____ ‫-ی- آ- ی-ر- ک- ر-ن- و-ل- ہ-ں-‬ ------------------------------- ‫کیا آپ یورپ کے رہنے والے ہیں؟‬ 0
kya aap Eur-pe ke---h-- -a-ay h---? k__ a__ E_____ k_ r____ w____ h____ k-a a-p E-r-p- k- r-h-e w-l-y h-i-? ----------------------------------- kya aap Europe ke rehne walay hain?
Do you come from America? ‫-یا--پ -مریک- -ے-رہ-ے وا-ے-ہ-ں-‬ ‫___ آ_ ا_____ ک_ ر___ و___ ہ____ ‫-ی- آ- ا-ر-ک- ک- ر-ن- و-ل- ہ-ں-‬ --------------------------------- ‫کیا آپ امریکا کے رہنے والے ہیں؟‬ 0
kya a-p--m--i-- ke---h-e--alay -a--? k__ a__ A______ k_ r____ w____ h____ k-a a-p A-e-i-a k- r-h-e w-l-y h-i-? ------------------------------------ kya aap America ke rehne walay hain?
Do you come from Asia? ‫-یا -- --شیا-س- ہ-ں-‬ ‫___ آ_ ا____ س_ ہ____ ‫-ی- آ- ا-ش-ا س- ہ-ں-‬ ---------------------- ‫کیا آپ ایشیا سے ہیں؟‬ 0
k---aa--as-a-s- ha-n? k__ a__ a___ s_ h____ k-a a-p a-i- s- h-i-? --------------------- kya aap asia se hain?
In which hotel are you staying? ‫-پ-----و-ل میں --تے --ں؟‬ ‫__ ک_ ہ___ م__ ر___ ہ____ ‫-پ ک- ہ-ٹ- م-ں ر-ت- ہ-ں-‬ -------------------------- ‫آپ کس ہوٹل میں رہتے ہیں؟‬ 0
a-p-kis---te--m-i- --h--y-hain? a__ k__ h____ m___ r_____ h____ a-p k-s h-t-l m-i- r-h-a- h-i-? ------------------------------- aap kis hotel mein rehtay hain?
How long have you been here for? ‫آ- یہاں کب-سے-ہی--‬ ‫__ ی___ ک_ س_ ہ____ ‫-پ ی-ا- ک- س- ہ-ں-‬ -------------------- ‫آپ یہاں کب سے ہیں؟‬ 0
aap y---- ka- se --i-? a__ y____ k__ s_ h____ a-p y-h-n k-b s- h-i-? ---------------------- aap yahan kab se hain?
How long will you be staying? ‫-پ ک------ک---گ--‬ ‫__ ک_ ت_ ر___ گ___ ‫-پ ک- ت- ر-ی- گ-؟- ------------------- ‫آپ کب تک رکیں گے؟‬ 0
a-p -ab-t-q --in --? a__ k__ t__ r___ g__ a-p k-b t-q r-i- g-? -------------------- aap kab taq rkin ge?
Do you like it here? ‫ک-- آپ------ا----ھا لگ--ہا -ے-‬ ‫___ آ_ ک_ ی___ ا___ ل_ ر__ ہ___ ‫-ی- آ- ک- ی-ا- ا-ھ- ل- ر-ا ہ-؟- -------------------------------- ‫کیا آپ کو یہاں اچھا لگ رہا ہے؟‬ 0
ky----p--- -a-an----aa-l-g-ra---ha-? k__ a__ k_ y____ a____ l__ r___ h___ k-a a-p k- y-h-n a-h-a l-g r-h- h-i- ------------------------------------ kya aap ko yahan achaa lag raha hai?
Are you here on vacation? ‫ک-- آ- ی--ں-چ--یو- پر --ں؟‬ ‫___ آ_ ی___ چ_____ پ_ ہ____ ‫-ی- آ- ی-ا- چ-ٹ-و- پ- ہ-ں-‬ ---------------------------- ‫کیا آپ یہاں چھٹیوں پر ہیں؟‬ 0
k-- --- yah-n --u--y-n par --in? k__ a__ y____ c_______ p__ h____ k-a a-p y-h-n c-u-i-o- p-r h-i-? -------------------------------- kya aap yahan chudiyon par hain?
Please do visit me sometime! ‫--ھ- --ھ----م-ی---‬ ‫____ م__ س_ م___ -_ ‫-ب-ی م-ھ س- م-ی- -- -------------------- ‫کبھی مجھ سے ملیے -‬ 0
ka-h---a-iye mujh -e - k____ m_____ m___ s_ - k-b-i m-l-y- m-j- s- - ---------------------- kabhi maliye mujh se -
Here is my address. ‫-- --ر- پت--ہے-‬ ‫__ م___ پ__ ہ___ ‫-ہ م-ر- پ-ہ ہ--- ----------------- ‫یہ میرا پتہ ہے-‬ 0
yeh me-a ---a h-i - y__ m___ p___ h__ - y-h m-r- p-t- h-i - ------------------- yeh mera pata hai -
Shall we see each other tomorrow? ‫-ی- ہ- کل---ی- گ-؟‬ ‫___ ہ_ ک_ م___ گ___ ‫-ی- ہ- ک- م-ی- گ-؟- -------------------- ‫کیا ہم کل ملیں گے؟‬ 0
ky- hum --l m-lei--g-? k__ h__ k__ m_____ g__ k-a h-m k-l m-l-i- g-? ---------------------- kya hum kal milein ge?
I am sorry, but I already have plans. ‫--ا ف کی-- -ا مج-ے-ک-ھ -ام--ے-‬ ‫___ ف ک___ گ_ م___ ک__ ک__ ہ___ ‫-ع- ف ک-ج- گ- م-ھ- ک-ھ ک-م ہ--- -------------------------------- ‫معا ف کیجے گا مجھے کچھ کام ہے-‬ 0
M--- f-k-------m-jhe--u---ka-m h---- M___ f k___ g_ m____ k___ k___ h__ - M-a- f k-j- g- m-j-e k-c- k-a- h-i - ------------------------------------ Muan f kije ga mujhe kuch kaam hai -
Bye! ‫خ-ا ح-ف-‬ ‫___ ح____ ‫-د- ح-ف-‬ ---------- ‫خدا حافظ‬ 0
k-u-a-Haf-z k____ H____ k-u-a H-f-z ----------- khuda Hafiz
Good bye! ‫--- مل-ں -ے - ----حاف-‬ ‫___ م___ گ_ / خ__ ح____ ‫-ھ- م-ی- گ- / خ-ا ح-ف-‬ ------------------------ ‫پھر ملیں گے / خدا حافظ‬ 0
phi- -i-ein ge p___ m_____ g_ p-i- m-l-i- g- -------------- phir milein ge
See you soon! ‫جل- مل-ں گے‬ ‫___ م___ گ__ ‫-ل- م-ی- گ-‬ ------------- ‫جلد ملیں گے‬ 0
j-ld---lein ge j___ m_____ g_ j-l- m-l-i- g- -------------- jald milein ge


We can communicate with languages. We tell others what we're thinking or feeling. Writing has this function as well. Most languages have a written form, or writing. Writing consists of characters. These characters can be diverse. Most writing is made up of letters. These letters make up alphabets. An alphabet is an organized set of graphic symbols. These characters are joined to form words according to certain rules. Each character has a fixed pronunciation. The term ‘alphabet’ comes from the Greek language. There, the first two letters were called ‘alpha’ and ‘beta’. There have been many different alphabets throughout history. People were using characters more than 3,000 years ago. Earlier, characters were magical symbols. Only a few people knew what they meant. Later, the characters lost their symbolic nature. Today, letters have no meaning. They only have a meaning when they are combined with other letters. Characters such as that of the Chinese function differently. They resemble pictures and often depict what they mean. When we write, we are encoding our thoughts. We use characters to record our knowledge. Our brain has learned how to decode the alphabet. Characters become words, words become ideas. In this way, a text can survive for thousands of years. And still be understood…
Did you know?
Bengali is one of the Indo-Iranian languages. It is the native language of about 200 million people. More than 140 million of those people live in Bangladesh. There are also approximately 75 million speakers in India. Additional speakers are found in Malaysia, Nepal and Saudi Arabia. Bengali is thus one of the most spoken languages of the world. The language has its own writing system. There are even distinct symbols for numbers. Nowadays, however, Arabic digits are used most of the time. Bengali syntax follows strict rules. The subject comes first, then the object, and finally the verb. There are no grammatical genders. Nouns and adjectives also vary only slightly. That is a good thing for everyone that wants to learn this important language. And as many as possible should do so!