
en Around the house   »   px Em casa

17 [seventeen]

Around the house

Around the house

17 [dezessete]

Em casa

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Our house is here. A--- est--a --ss------. Aqui está a nossa casa. A-u- e-t- a n-s-a c-s-. ----------------------- Aqui está a nossa casa. 0
The roof is on top. E----m-----á------h--o. Em cima está o telhado. E- c-m- e-t- o t-l-a-o- ----------------------- Em cima está o telhado. 0
The basement is below. E- b-i---e--- o por-o. Em baixo está o porão. E- b-i-o e-t- o p-r-o- ---------------------- Em baixo está o porão. 0
There is a garden behind the house. A--á--d- casa--á-um--u---a-. Atrás da casa há um quintal. A-r-s d- c-s- h- u- q-i-t-l- ---------------------------- Atrás da casa há um quintal. 0
There is no street in front of the house. À f-e----da-cas---ão--á----h--- e-----a. À frente da casa não há nenhuma estrada. À f-e-t- d- c-s- n-o h- n-n-u-a e-t-a-a- ---------------------------------------- À frente da casa não há nenhuma estrada. 0
There are trees next to the house. A----do------s- h--á-v---s. Ao lado da casa há árvores. A- l-d- d- c-s- h- á-v-r-s- --------------------------- Ao lado da casa há árvores. 0
My apartment is here. Aqu- est------u--pa-t-me---. Aqui está o meu apartamento. A-u- e-t- o m-u a-a-t-m-n-o- ---------------------------- Aqui está o meu apartamento. 0
The kitchen and bathroom are here. A-c---nh--- --b-nhe--o---tã- -qu-. A cozinha e o banheiro estão aqui. A c-z-n-a e o b-n-e-r- e-t-o a-u-. ---------------------------------- A cozinha e o banheiro estão aqui. 0
The living room and bedroom are there. A ---a--e es-ar - o quar-o d- d-rm-r-est-----u-. A sala de estar e o quarto de dormir estão aqui. A s-l- d- e-t-r e o q-a-t- d- d-r-i- e-t-o a-u-. ------------------------------------------------ A sala de estar e o quarto de dormir estão aqui. 0
The front door is closed. A-p-r----a ca---es----echada. A porta da casa está fechada. A p-r-a d- c-s- e-t- f-c-a-a- ----------------------------- A porta da casa está fechada. 0
But the windows are open. Mas--- j------ e--ã- aber-a-. Mas as janelas estão abertas. M-s a- j-n-l-s e-t-o a-e-t-s- ----------------------------- Mas as janelas estão abertas. 0
It is hot today. H-je-e-tá cal--. Hoje está calor. H-j- e-t- c-l-r- ---------------- Hoje está calor. 0
We are going to the living room. N-s v-mo--para a-s-l---e-est--. Nós vamos para a sala de estar. N-s v-m-s p-r- a s-l- d- e-t-r- ------------------------------- Nós vamos para a sala de estar. 0
There is a sofa and an armchair there. Ali--á um---f----uma--o--r-na. Ali há um sofá e uma poltrona. A-i h- u- s-f- e u-a p-l-r-n-. ------------------------------ Ali há um sofá e uma poltrona. 0
Please, sit down! Sen---se! Sente-se! S-n-e-s-! --------- Sente-se! 0
My computer is there. Al- -st--o--e- -omp-tad--. Ali está o meu computador. A-i e-t- o m-u c-m-u-a-o-. -------------------------- Ali está o meu computador. 0
My stereo is there. A-i --t--o---u ap---l-o ---so-. Ali está o meu aparelho de som. A-i e-t- o m-u a-a-e-h- d- s-m- ------------------------------- Ali está o meu aparelho de som. 0
The TV set is brand new. A--el--i-ão-- nova. A televisão é nova. A t-l-v-s-o é n-v-. ------------------- A televisão é nova. 0

Words and vocabulary

Every language has its own vocabulary. This consists of a certain number of words. A word is an independent linguistic unit. Words always have a distinct meaning. This distinguishes them from sounds or syllables. The number of words is different in every language. English, for example, has many words. It's even known as the World Champion in the category of vocabulary. The English language supposedly has more than one million words today. The Oxford English Dictionary has more than 600,000 words in it. Chinese, Spanish and Russian have much fewer. The vocabulary of a language is also dependent on its history. English has been influenced by many other languages and cultures. As a result, the English vocabulary has increased considerably. But even today the English vocabulary continues to get larger. Experts estimate that 15 new words are added every day. These originate from new media more than anywhere else. Scientific terminology is not counted here. For chemical terminology alone contains thousands of words. Longer words are used less than shorter words in almost every language. And most speakers only use a few words. That is why we decide between active and passive vocabulary. Passive vocabulary contains words that we understand. But we use them seldom or not at all. Active vocabulary contains the words that we use on a regular basis. A few words suffice for simple conversations or texts. In English, you only need around 400 words and 40 verbs for that. So don't worry if your vocabulary is limited!
Did you know?
Hebrew is in the Afro-Asiatic language family. It is closely related to Arabic and Aramaic. Hebrew is the native language of 5 million people. Modern Hebrew is an artificially created language. It is based on long-extinct ancient Hebrew. The vocabulary and grammar were borrowed in part from other languages. In this way ancient Hebrew was deliberately converted into a modern standard language. This planned linguistic change is unique worldwide. The Hebrew semiotic system consists of a consonantal alphabet. That means that vowels are not written, as a rule. They do not have their own letters. Hebrew text is read from right to left. Its symbols go back to a 3000 year-old tradition. Whoever learns Hebrew learns a piece of cultural history at the same time. Give it a try!