
en Learning foreign languages   »   ad IэкIыб къэралыгъуабзэхэр зэгъэшIэн

23 [twenty-three]

Learning foreign languages

Learning foreign languages

23 [тIокIырэ щырэ]

23 [tIokIyrje shhyrje]

IэкIыб къэралыгъуабзэхэр зэгъэшIэн

IjekIyb kjeralyguabzjehjer zjegjeshIjen

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Where did you learn Spanish? И-----бз-- т--э---зэбг--ш-агъа? И_________ т___ щ______________ И-п-н-б-э- т-д- щ-з-б-ъ-ш-а-ъ-? ------------------------------- Испаныбзэр тыдэ щызэбгъэшIагъа? 0
I-p--yb---- t--je --h-z---g--shIag-? I__________ t____ s_________________ I-p-n-b-j-r t-d-e s-h-z-e-g-e-h-a-a- ------------------------------------ Ispanybzjer tydje shhyzjebgjeshIaga?
Can you also speak Portuguese? П--ту-алыбз- --Iа? П___________ о____ П-р-у-а-ы-з- о-I-? ------------------ Португалыбзи ошIа? 0
P---ugal-bz--osh-a? P___________ o_____ P-r-u-a-y-z- o-h-a- ------------------- Portugalybzi oshIa?
Yes, and I also speak some Italian. Ар-, ----ь-н-бз-ри -ак-эу. А___ и____________ м______ А-ы- и-а-ь-н-б-э-и м-к-э-. -------------------------- Ары, итальяныбзэри макIэу. 0
A-y,-ita-'j----z-e-i-m--I-e-. A___ i______________ m_______ A-y- i-a-'-a-y-z-e-i m-k-j-u- ----------------------------- Ary, ital'janybzjeri makIjeu.
I think you speak very well. Сы-эрэ-аплъэ-э-к-э---эг-о---к-э-у-ыI-. С__________________ д_____ у__________ С-з-р-х-п-ъ-р-м-I-, д-г-о- у-ъ-г-щ-I-. -------------------------------------- СызэрэхаплъэрэмкIэ, дэгъоу укъэгущыIэ. 0
S--j-rj-h--l--r--m-I--- -jegou --jegushh-I-e. S______________________ d_____ u_____________ S-z-e-j-h-p-j-r-e-k-j-, d-e-o- u-j-g-s-h-I-e- --------------------------------------------- SyzjerjehapljerjemkIje, djegou ukjegushhyIje.
The languages are quite similar. Бз---- -э-------е-. Б_____ з___________ Б-э-э- з-ф-д-к-а-х- ------------------- Бзэхэр зэфэдэкIаех. 0
B-----e- -je---d-----e-. B_______ z______________ B-j-h-e- z-e-j-d-e-I-e-. ------------------------ Bzjehjer zjefjedjekIaeh.
I can understand them well. Ах-р-д-г-оу --ыз-урэ-ох. А___ д_____ к___________ А-э- д-г-о- к-ы-г-р-I-х- ------------------------ Ахэр дэгъоу къызгурэIох. 0
Ah----dj--o- -y-gur--I--. A____ d_____ k___________ A-j-r d-e-o- k-z-u-j-I-h- ------------------------- Ahjer djegou kyzgurjeIoh.
But speaking and writing is difficult. Ау урыг-щ-Iэ--р --I- у----ы--х-ылъ-. А_ у___________ ы___ у______ х______ А- у-ы-у-ы-э-ы- ы-I- у-х-н-р х-ы-ъ-. ------------------------------------ Ау урыгущыIэныр ыкIи утхэныр хьылъэ. 0
A--ur-----hyIjenyr-y-I--uthjenyr h'--j-. A_ u______________ y___ u_______ h______ A- u-y-u-h-y-j-n-r y-I- u-h-e-y- h-y-j-. ---------------------------------------- Au urygushhyIjenyr ykIi uthjenyr h'ylje.
I still make many mistakes. Д-ыри х--к------э----о-х-сэш-ы-ь-. Д____ х__________ б___ х__________ Д-ы-и х-у-ъ-н-г-э б-I- х-с-ш-ы-ь-. ---------------------------------- Джыри хэукъоныгъэ баIо хэсэшIыхьэ. 0
D-h-r---jeu-----je ba-o --e-jeshI--'je. D_____ h__________ b___ h______________ D-h-r- h-e-k-n-g-e b-I- h-e-j-s-I-h-j-. --------------------------------------- Dzhyri hjeukonygje baIo hjesjeshIyh'je.
Please correct me each time. С-олъэ-у, --н---сы--эг-э---------э -I-. С________ р____ с_________________ ш___ С-о-ъ-I-, р-н-у с-к-э-ъ-т-р-з-ж-з- ш-ы- --------------------------------------- СыолъэIу, ренэу сыкъэгъэтэрэзыжьзэ шIы. 0
Sy-lje-u,-re--eu -y-jegjet---jez--h'--- s-I-. S________ r_____ s_____________________ s____ S-o-j-I-, r-n-e- s-k-e-j-t-e-j-z-z-'-j- s-I-. --------------------------------------------- SyoljeIu, renjeu sykjegjetjerjezyzh'zje shIy.
Your pronunciation is very good. У--ъ--уакIэ--э-----а-. У__________ д_________ У-к-э-у-к-э д-г-у-I-й- ---------------------- УикъэIуакIэ дэгъукIай. 0
U-kje-ua-Ije dje-u---j. U___________ d_________ U-k-e-u-k-j- d-e-u-I-j- ----------------------- UikjeIuakIje djegukIaj.
You only have a slight accent. А----т--Iэ--у---- ----п. А_____ т_____ у__ н_____ А-ц-н- т-э-I- у-I н-I-п- ------------------------ Акцент тIэкIу уиI ныIэп. 0
Akc-n- tI-ek-u u-- ----e-. A_____ t______ u__ n______ A-c-n- t-j-k-u u-I n-I-e-. -------------------------- Akcent tIjekIu uiI nyIjep.
One can tell where you come from. Ук-ы-дэ----э---ъ-ош-э. У____________ к_______ У-ъ-з-э-I-р-р к-э-ш-э- ---------------------- УкъыздэкIырэр къэошIэ. 0
U---d--k-yrj-r-kje--hIje. U_____________ k_________ U-y-d-e-I-r-e- k-e-s-I-e- ------------------------- UkyzdjekIyrjer kjeoshIje.
What is your mother tongue / native language (am.)? Та-- ---ыдэ-ъ------? Т___ у______________ Т-р- у-н-д-л-ф-б-э-? -------------------- Тара уиныдэлъфыбзэр? 0
T-ra--i--dje-f-b-jer? T___ u_______________ T-r- u-n-d-e-f-b-j-r- --------------------- Tara uinydjelfybzjer?
Are you taking a language course? Бз-р-зыщ-р--ъа--э-- -у--хэ- -кIу-? Б___ з_____________ к______ о_____ Б-э- з-щ-р-г-а-I-р- к-р-х-м о-I-а- ---------------------------------- Бзэр зыщарагъашIэрэ курсхэм окIуа? 0
Bz--r--ys-ha-agas-Ij--j---u-s--e- o--ua? B____ z_________________ k_______ o_____ B-j-r z-s-h-r-g-s-I-e-j- k-r-h-e- o-I-a- ---------------------------------------- Bzjer zyshharagashIjerje kurshjem okIua?
Which textbook are you using? Сыд-ф--- -хы--- бгъэ-ед-р-р? С__ ф___ т_____ б___________ С-д ф-д- т-ы-ъ- б-ъ-ф-д-р-р- ---------------------------- Сыд фэдэ тхылъа бгъэфедэрэр? 0
Syd -jedj- -hyl---gje-ed-erjer? S__ f_____ t____ b_____________ S-d f-e-j- t-y-a b-j-f-d-e-j-r- ------------------------------- Syd fjedje thyla bgjefedjerjer?
I don’t remember the name right now. Джыдэ----ы-Iэ ----Iо--у----эрэ-. Д_______ ы___ к________ с_______ Д-ы-э-э- ы-I- к-э-I-н-у с-I-р-п- -------------------------------- Джыдэдэм ыцIэ къэсIонэу сшIэрэп. 0
Dz--d--djem --I-e-kjesI-n--- -shI--r-e-. D__________ y____ k_________ s__________ D-h-d-e-j-m y-I-e k-e-I-n-e- s-h-j-r-e-. ---------------------------------------- Dzhydjedjem ycIje kjesIonjeu sshIjerjep.
The title is not coming to me. Ыц-----ысфэ--уп-ыс--ьр-п. Ы___ к___________________ Ы-I- к-ы-ф-у-у-ш-с-ж-р-п- ------------------------- ЫцIэ къысфэугупшысыжьрэп. 0
Y--j- --sfje---psh---zh'r-e-. Y____ k______________________ Y-I-e k-s-j-u-u-s-y-y-h-r-e-. ----------------------------- YcIje kysfjeugupshysyzh'rjep.
I’ve forgotten it. С-ыг--пш-гъ. С___________ С-ы-ъ-п-а-ъ- ------------ Сщыгъупшагъ. 0
S-hhygups-ag. S____________ S-h-y-u-s-a-. ------------- Sshhygupshag.

Germanic Languages

The Germanic languages belong to the Indo-European language family. This linguistic group is characterized by its phonological features. Differences in the phonology distinguish these languages from others. There are about 15 Germanic languages. 500 million people worldwide speak them as their native tongue. The exact number of individual languages is difficult to determine. It is often unclear whether independent languages or only dialects exist. The most prominent Germanic language is English. It has 350 million native speakers worldwide. After that come German and Dutch. The Germanic languages are divided into different groups. There are North Germanic, West Germanic, and East Germanic. North Germanic languages are the Scandinavian languages. English, German and Dutch are West Germanic languages. The East Germanic languages have all become extinct. Old English, for example, belonged to this group. Colonization spread Germanic languages across the world. As a result, Dutch is understood in the Caribbean and in South Africa. All Germanic languages are derived from a common root. Whether or not there was a uniform proto-language is unclear. Besides that, only a few old Germanic texts exist. Unlike the Romance languages, there are hardly any sources. Research of the Germanic languages is more difficult as a result. Relatively little is also known about the culture of the Germanic people, or Teutons. The people of the Teutons did not unite. As a result there was no common identity. Therefore, science has to rely on other sources. Without Greeks and Romans, we would only know a little about the Teutons!
Did you know?
Catalan is a member of the Romance language family. It is closely related to Spanish, French and Italian. It is spoken in Andorra, in the Catalonia region of Spain and on the Balearic Islands. Catalan is also spoken in parts of Aragon and in Valencia. A total of 12 million people speak or understand Catalan. The language arose between the 8th and 10th century in the Pyrenees region. It then spread to the south and east through territorial conquests. It is important to note that Catalan is not a dialect of Spanish. It evolved from Vulgar Latin and is considered an independent language. Therefore, Spaniards or Latin Americans do not automatically understand it. Many structures of Catalan are similar to other Romance languages. But there are also a few features that do not occur in other languages. Catalan speakers are very proud of their language. Learning Catalan has been actively promoted by political groups for a few centuries. Learn Catalan - this language has a future!