
en Appointment   »   uz Uchrashuv

24 [twenty-four]



24 [yigirma tort]


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Did you miss the bus? a--ob---- -ogindi--iz-i a________ s____________ a-t-b-s-i s-g-n-i-g-z-i ----------------------- avtobusni sogindingizmi 0
I waited for you for half an hour. M-n -----ya--- soa-dan--e---k-tya--a-. M__ s___ y____ s______ b___ k_________ M-n s-n- y-r-m s-a-d-n b-r- k-t-a-m-n- -------------------------------------- Men seni yarim soatdan beri kutyapman. 0
Don’t you have a mobile / cell phone (am.) with you? Si-------li tel--o------i? S____ u____ t______ y_____ S-z-a u-a-i t-l-f-n y-q-i- -------------------------- Sizda uyali telefon yoqmi? 0
Be punctual next time! Key-n-i---f-r -- -a-t-da--ol-ng! K______ s____ o_ v______ b______ K-y-n-i s-f-r o- v-q-i-a b-l-n-! -------------------------------- Keyingi safar oz vaqtida boling! 0
Take a taxi next time! K----gi sa-ar --ksiga --r-ng! K______ s____ t______ b______ K-y-n-i s-f-r t-k-i-a b-r-n-! ----------------------------- Keyingi safar taksiga boring! 0
Take an umbrella with you next time! Ke-i--- s-f-- -oy--on-oli- --li--! K______ s____ s______ o___ k______ K-y-n-i s-f-r s-y-b-n o-i- k-l-n-! ---------------------------------- Keyingi safar soyabon olib keling! 0
I have the day off tomorrow. E--a-- --- -e-a--n. E_____ m__ k_______ E-t-g- m-n k-t-m-n- ------------------- Ertaga men ketaman. 0
Shall we meet tomorrow? e---ga ----as---i-mi? e_____ u_____________ e-t-g- u-h-a-h-m-z-i- --------------------- ertaga uchrashamizmi? 0
I’m sorry, I can’t make it tomorrow. Kec---asiz, e-t-g- -i---o--a-m-n. K__________ e_____ q___ o________ K-c-i-a-i-, e-t-g- q-l- o-m-y-a-. --------------------------------- Kechirasiz, ertaga qila olmayman. 0
Do you already have plans for this weekend? Ush-u--a-ta--xi-- uc--n rej-la------------? U____ h____ o____ u____ r___________ b_____ U-h-u h-f-a o-i-i u-h-n r-j-l-r-n-i- b-r-i- ------------------------------------------- Ushbu hafta oxiri uchun rejalaringiz bormi? 0
Or do you already have an appointment? Y-k--uch-----v-ng----o---? Y___ u_____________ b_____ Y-k- u-h-a-h-v-n-i- b-r-i- -------------------------- Yoki uchrashuvingiz bormi? 0
I suggest that we meet on the weekend. M-n---f-a---iri uc-rash-sh---ta------il--an. M__ h____ o____ u___________ t_____ q_______ M-n h-f-a o-i-i u-h-a-h-s-n- t-k-i- q-l-m-n- -------------------------------------------- Men hafta oxiri uchrashishni taklif qilaman. 0
Shall we have a picnic? Pi-n-k q-----ik-i? P_____ q__________ P-k-i- q-l-y-i-m-? ------------------ Piknik qilaylikmi? 0
Shall we go to the beach? So-i-g- b--a-i---? S______ b_________ S-h-l-a b-r-m-z-i- ------------------ Sohilga boramizmi? 0
Shall we go to the mountains? To-l---a-bo-a---m-? T_______ b_________ T-g-a-g- b-r-m-z-i- ------------------- Toglarga boramizmi? 0
I will pick you up at the office. Men si-ni-o---dan o-ib-k--am-n. M__ s____ o______ o___ k_______ M-n s-z-i o-i-d-n o-i- k-t-m-n- ------------------------------- Men sizni ofisdan olib ketaman. 0
I will pick you up at home. Me- s--i----an -l-b -et---n. M__ s___ u____ o___ k_______ M-n s-n- u-d-n o-i- k-t-m-n- ---------------------------- Men seni uydan olib ketaman. 0
I will pick you up at the bus stop. Me--siz-i-avtob-s -e---idan--lib k--am--. M__ s____ a______ b________ o___ k_______ M-n s-z-i a-t-b-s b-k-t-d-n o-i- k-t-m-n- ----------------------------------------- Men sizni avtobus bekatidan olib ketaman. 0

Tips for learning a foreign language

Learning a new language is always arduous. Pronunciation, grammar rules and vocabulary demand a lot of discipline. There are different tricks, however, that make learning easier! First of all, it's important to think positively. Be excited about the new language and new experiences! Theoretically, what you start with doesn't matter. Search for a topic that you find especially interesting. It makes sense to concentrate on the listening and speaking first. Read and write afterwards. Come up with a system that works for you and your everyday routine. With adjectives, you can often learn the opposite at the same time. Or you can hang signs with vocabulary all over your living space. You can learn using audio files while exercising or in the car. If a certain topic is too difficult for you, stop. Take a break or study something else! This way you won't lose the desire to learn the new language. Solving crossword puzzles in the new language is fun. Films in the foreign language provide some variety. You can learn a lot about the country and people by reading foreign newspapers. On the internet there are many exercises that complement books. And look for friends who also enjoy learning languages. Never study new content on its own, but always in context! Review everything regularly! This way your brain can memorize the material well. Those who have had enough of theory should pack their bags! Because nowhere else can you learn more effectively than among native speakers. You can keep a journal with your experiences of your trip. But the most important thing is: Never give up!
Did you know?
Korean is spoken by approximately 75 million people. These people mainly live in North and South Korea. However, there are also Korean minorities in China and Japan. It is still debated as to which language family Korean belongs. The fact that Korea is divided is also noticeable in the language of the two countries. South Korea, for example, adopts many words from English. North Koreans often do not understand these words. The standard languages of both countries are based on the dialects of their respective capital cities. Another feature of the Korean language is its preciseness. For example, the language indicates which relationship speakers have to one another. That means there are a great deal of polite forms of address and many different terms for relatives. The Korean writing system is a letter system. Individual letters are combined as syllables in imaginary squares. Especially interesting are the consonants that function as pictures through their shape. They show which position mouth, tongue, palate and throat have in the pronunciation.