
en In the city   »   be У горадзе

25 [twenty-five]

In the city

In the city

25 [дваццаць пяць]

25 [dvatstsats’ pyats’]

У горадзе

U goradze

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English (UK) Belarusian Play More
I would like to go to the station. Мн---рэ-- н--вак-а-. М__ т____ н_ в______ М-е т-э-а н- в-к-а-. -------------------- Мне трэба на вакзал. 0
Mne----b- n--va--al. M__ t____ n_ v______ M-e t-e-a n- v-k-a-. -------------------- Mne treba na vakzal.
I would like to go to the airport. Мн---р-б- ў --ра---т. М__ т____ ў а________ М-е т-э-а ў а-р-п-р-. --------------------- Мне трэба ў аэрапорт. 0
Mn- -r--- - a---po-t. M__ t____ u a________ M-e t-e-a u a-r-p-r-. --------------------- Mne treba u aeraport.
I would like to go to the city centre / center (am.). Мне ---ба - цэ-т---орада. М__ т____ ў ц____ г______ М-е т-э-а ў ц-н-р г-р-д-. ------------------------- Мне трэба ў цэнтр горада. 0
Mne t--b- u-ts--t- g-r--a. M__ t____ u t_____ g______ M-e t-e-a u t-e-t- g-r-d-. -------------------------- Mne treba u tsentr gorada.
How do I get to the station? Я--мне -ра-і-ь на --кз-л? Я_ м__ т______ н_ в______ Я- м-е т-а-і-ь н- в-к-а-? ------------------------- Як мне трапіць на вакзал? 0
Y-k -n- tr-p-t-’ na--ak-al? Y__ m__ t_______ n_ v______ Y-k m-e t-a-і-s- n- v-k-a-? --------------------------- Yak mne trapіts’ na vakzal?
How do I get to the airport? Я- м-е--р----ь-у----а-ор-? Я_ м__ т______ у а________ Я- м-е т-а-і-ь у а-р-п-р-? -------------------------- Як мне трапіць у аэрапорт? 0
Ya--m-e tr---ts’-u -er-port? Y__ m__ t_______ u a________ Y-k m-e t-a-і-s- u a-r-p-r-? ---------------------------- Yak mne trapіts’ u aeraport?
How do I get to the city centre / center (am.)? Як --е -ра--ц----цэ-------ада? Я_ м__ т______ у ц____ г______ Я- м-е т-а-і-ь у ц-н-р г-р-д-? ------------------------------ Як мне трапіць у цэнтр горада? 0
Y-- m---trapі-s--u--s---- go-ada? Y__ m__ t_______ u t_____ g______ Y-k m-e t-a-і-s- u t-e-t- g-r-d-? --------------------------------- Yak mne trapіts’ u tsentr gorada?
I need a taxi. М-е -а--эб-----ак--. М__ п________ т_____ М-е п-т-э-н-е т-к-і- -------------------- Мне патрэбнае таксі. 0
Mne --t--bn-e ta-sі. M__ p________ t_____ M-e p-t-e-n-e t-k-і- -------------------- Mne patrebnae taksі.
I need a city map. Мне-па--эб-------та -о-а--. М__ п________ к____ г______ М-е п-т-э-н-я к-р-а г-р-д-. --------------------------- Мне патрэбная карта горада. 0
M----a-re---y----rt- -or-da. M__ p_________ k____ g______ M-e p-t-e-n-y- k-r-a g-r-d-. ---------------------------- Mne patrebnaya karta gorada.
I need a hotel. М-е-----э---я гасц--іц-. М__ п________ г_________ М-е п-т-э-н-я г-с-і-і-а- ------------------------ Мне патрэбная гасцініца. 0
M-- pa---bn--a g----і-і-sa. M__ p_________ g___________ M-e p-t-e-n-y- g-s-s-n-t-a- --------------------------- Mne patrebnaya gastsіnіtsa.
I would like to rent a car. Я х--е- б- / -ац--- бы----ц----прак-- ----н-. Я х____ б_ / х_____ б_ ў____ н_______ м______ Я х-ц-ў б- / х-ц-л- б- ў-я-ь н-п-а-а- м-ш-н-. --------------------------------------------- Я хацеў бы / хацела бы ўзяць напракат машыну. 0
Y---ha---u--- - kha--ela -- uz-at-- -a-raka- ----yn-. Y_ k______ b_ / k_______ b_ u______ n_______ m_______ Y- k-a-s-u b- / k-a-s-l- b- u-y-t-’ n-p-a-a- m-s-y-u- ----------------------------------------------------- Ya khatseu by / khatsela by uzyats’ naprakat mashynu.
Here is my credit card. Во-ь ----кр------я к-----. В___ м__ к________ к______ В-с- м-я к-э-ы-н-я к-р-к-. -------------------------- Вось мая крэдытная картка. 0
V----m----kre--t-----kart-a. V___ m___ k_________ k______ V-s- m-y- k-e-y-n-y- k-r-k-. ---------------------------- Vos’ maya kredytnaya kartka.
Here is my licence / license (am.). Во-ь-м-ё-в--з-це---к-е----ве----не. В___ м__ в____________ п___________ В-с- м-ё в-д-і-е-ь-к-е п-с-е-ч-н-е- ----------------------------------- Вось маё вадзіцельскае пасведчанне. 0
V-s’--a--vadz---el-sk---pas--d--anne. V___ m__ v_____________ p____________ V-s- m-e v-d-і-s-l-s-a- p-s-e-c-a-n-. ------------------------------------- Vos’ mae vadzіtsel’skae pasvedchanne.
What is there to see in the city? Ш-- -ож-- п----д-е-ь-у-гор-дз-? Ш__ м____ п_________ у г_______ Ш-о м-ж-а п-г-я-з-ц- у г-р-д-е- ------------------------------- Што можна паглядзець у горадзе? 0
S-to -o--na-p--lya-z---- -----a---? S___ m_____ p___________ u g_______ S-t- m-z-n- p-g-y-d-e-s- u g-r-d-e- ----------------------------------- Shto mozhna paglyadzets’ u goradze?
Go to the old city. С-а--іц----ст-р---орад! С_______ ў с____ г_____ С-а-з-ц- ў с-а-ы г-р-д- ----------------------- Схадзіце ў стары горад! 0
Sk-----tse -----r---orad! S_________ u s____ g_____ S-h-d-і-s- u s-a-y g-r-d- ------------------------- Skhadzіtse u stary gorad!
Go on a city tour. Зр--і-- экс---с----- -ў-о-у-е! З______ э________ н_ а________ З-а-і-е э-с-у-с-ю н- а-т-б-с-! ------------------------------ Зрабіце экскурсію на аўтобусе! 0
Zra----- e---u--іy--n----to-u--! Z_______ e_________ n_ a________ Z-a-і-s- e-s-u-s-y- n- a-t-b-s-! -------------------------------- Zrabіtse ekskursіyu na autobuse!
Go to the harbour / harbor (am.). С--д-іце - -о-т! С_______ ў п____ С-а-з-ц- ў п-р-! ---------------- Схадзіце ў порт! 0
S----zіtse u-po-t! S_________ u p____ S-h-d-і-s- u p-r-! ------------------ Skhadzіtse u port!
Go on a harbour / harbor (am.) tour. Зра-іц- экс-урс-ю--- -о--е! З______ э________ п_ п_____ З-а-і-е э-с-у-с-ю п- п-р-е- --------------------------- Зрабіце экскурсію па порце! 0
Zrabіtse eksku-s--- p- p--t--! Z_______ e_________ p_ p______ Z-a-і-s- e-s-u-s-y- p- p-r-s-! ------------------------------ Zrabіtse ekskursіyu pa portse!
Are there any other places of interest? Я--я-я--э--ла-ут--ці-т-- ё----а--а-я -эта-а? Я___ я___ с_________ т__ ё___ а_____ г______ Я-і- я-ч- с-а-у-а-ц- т-т ё-ц- а-р-м- г-т-г-? -------------------------------------------- Якія яшчэ славутасці тут ёсць акрамя гэтага? 0
Y-k-ya-ya-hch--sl-----s-s--t-t -ost-’ akramya -e-aga? Y_____ y______ s__________ t__ y_____ a______ g______ Y-k-y- y-s-c-e s-a-u-a-t-і t-t y-s-s- a-r-m-a g-t-g-? ----------------------------------------------------- Yakіya yashche slavutastsі tut yosts’ akramya getaga?

Slavic Languages

Slavic languages are the native languages for 300 million people. The Slavic languages belong to the Indo-European languages. There are about 20 Slavic languages. The most prominent among them is Russian. More than 150 million people speak Russian as their native tongue. After that come Polish and Ukrainian with 50 million speakers each. In linguistics, the Slavic languages are divided into different groups. There are West Slavic, East Slavic and South Slavic languages. West Slavic languages are Polish, Czech and Slovakian. Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian are East Slavic languages. South Slavic languages are Serbian, Croatian and Bulgarian. There are many other Slavic languages besides those. But these are spoken by relatively few people. The Slavic languages belong to a common proto-language. The individual languages evolved from this relatively late. They are therefore younger than the Germanic and Romance languages. The majority of the vocabulary of the Slavic languages is similar. This is because they didn't separate from each other until relatively late. From a scientific perspective, the Slavic languages are conservative. Meaning, they still contain many old structures. Other Indo-European languages have lost these old forms. Slavic languages are very interesting to research because of this. By researching them, conclusions can be drawn about earlier languages. In this way, researchers hope to trace back to Indo-European languages. Slavic languages are characterized by few vowels. Aside from that, there are many sounds that do not occur in other languages. Western Europeans in particular often have problems with the pronunciation. But no worries – everything will be okay! In Polish: Wszystko będzie dobrze!
Did you know?
Croatian is a South Slavic language. It is very closely related to Serbian, Bosnian and Montenegrin. The speakers of these languages can easily communicate among themselves. Therefore, many linguists think that Croatian is not even its own language. They view it as one of the many forms of Serbo-Croatian. Approximately 7 million people worldwide speak Croatian. The language is written with Latin letters. The Croatian alphabet has 30 letters, including a few special symbols. The orthography strictly conforms to the pronunciation of the words. That is also true for words that are borrowed from other languages. The lexical stress of Croatian is melodic. That means that the pitch of the syllables is crucial in the intonation. The grammar has seven cases and is not always simple. It is worth it to learn the Croatian language though. Croatia is a really beautiful vacation spot!