
en In the hotel – Complaints   »   uk В готелі – скарги

28 [twenty-eight]

In the hotel – Complaints

In the hotel – Complaints

28 [двадцять вісім]

28 [dvadtsyatʹ visim]

В готелі – скарги

V hoteli – skarhy

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The shower isn’t working. Д----- ---цю-. Д__ н_ п______ Д-ш н- п-а-ю-. -------------- Душ не працює. 0
D-sh ne-pr-ts---e. D___ n_ p_________ D-s- n- p-a-s-u-e- ------------------ Dush ne pratsyuye.
There is no warm water. Т-плої-в-ди-не--є. Т_____ в___ н_____ Т-п-о- в-д- н-м-є- ------------------ Теплої води немає. 0
Tep-oï-v-dy--em-y-. T_____ v___ n______ T-p-o-̈ v-d- n-m-y-. -------------------- Teploï vody nemaye.
Can you get it repaired? Чи----ет- В---- від-емонт--ат-? Ч_ м_____ В_ ц_ в______________ Ч- м-ж-т- В- ц- в-д-е-о-т-в-т-? ------------------------------- Чи можете Ви це відремонтувати? 0
C-- -----t---y ----vid-e-on-uvat-? C__ m______ V_ t__ v______________ C-y m-z-e-e V- t-e v-d-e-o-t-v-t-? ---------------------------------- Chy mozhete Vy tse vidremontuvaty?
There is no telephone in the room. У кім-а----е-а- -е--ф--а. У к______ н____ т________ У к-м-а-і н-м-є т-л-ф-н-. ------------------------- У кімнаті немає телефона. 0
U---mn-ti-nem-y- -e--f-na. U k______ n_____ t________ U k-m-a-i n-m-y- t-l-f-n-. -------------------------- U kimnati nemaye telefona.
There is no TV in the room. У--і-н-т- не-ає -еле--з-р-. У к______ н____ т__________ У к-м-а-і н-м-є т-л-в-з-р-. --------------------------- У кімнаті немає телевізора. 0
U k--n--i nem--e---l--i---a. U k______ n_____ t__________ U k-m-a-i n-m-y- t-l-v-z-r-. ---------------------------- U kimnati nemaye televizora.
The room has no balcony. У-кі-н--і -е-а- -алко--. У к______ н____ б_______ У к-м-а-і н-м-є б-л-о-а- ------------------------ У кімнаті немає балкона. 0
U-k-m--t-----ay- b-l-o-a. U k______ n_____ b_______ U k-m-a-i n-m-y- b-l-o-a- ------------------------- U kimnati nemaye balkona.
The room is too noisy. К-мна-а-над-- -----. К______ н____ г_____ К-м-а-а н-д-о г-ч-а- -------------------- Кімната надто гучна. 0
Kim---a ----o h---n-. K______ n____ h______ K-m-a-a n-d-o h-c-n-. --------------------- Kimnata nadto huchna.
The room is too small. Кімна-а-н-д-о-м-ле-ь--. К______ н____ м________ К-м-а-а н-д-о м-л-н-к-. ----------------------- Кімната надто маленька. 0
K-mn-----ad-- -a--n-ka. K______ n____ m________ K-m-a-a n-d-o m-l-n-k-. ----------------------- Kimnata nadto malenʹka.
The room is too dark. К-м--т- ---т---е-на. К______ н____ т_____ К-м-а-а н-д-о т-м-а- -------------------- Кімната надто темна. 0
Kimnata -a-t--te--a. K______ n____ t_____ K-m-a-a n-d-o t-m-a- -------------------- Kimnata nadto temna.
The heater isn’t working. Опален----- ----ює. О_______ н_ п______ О-а-е-н- н- п-а-ю-. ------------------- Опалення не працює. 0
O--le-n-- -e pr-ts--y-. O________ n_ p_________ O-a-e-n-a n- p-a-s-u-e- ----------------------- Opalennya ne pratsyuye.
The air-conditioning isn’t working. Кондиц-о--р не---а-ю-. К__________ н_ п______ К-н-и-і-н-р н- п-а-ю-. ---------------------- Кондиціонер не працює. 0
Kondy-si-ner ne -----yu-e. K___________ n_ p_________ K-n-y-s-o-e- n- p-a-s-u-e- -------------------------- Kondytsioner ne pratsyuye.
The TV isn’t working. Тел--і-о-----п--ц--. Т________ н_ п______ Т-л-в-з-р н- п-а-ю-. -------------------- Телевізор не працює. 0
Tel--iz-- -- prat-yu--. T________ n_ p_________ T-l-v-z-r n- p-a-s-u-e- ----------------------- Televizor ne pratsyuye.
I don’t like that. Ц- м--і ---по-об-ється. Ц_ м___ н_ п___________ Ц- м-н- н- п-д-б-є-ь-я- ----------------------- Це мені не подобається. 0
Tse----i ---p-d--a---ʹsya. T__ m___ n_ p_____________ T-e m-n- n- p-d-b-y-t-s-a- -------------------------- Tse meni ne podobayetʹsya.
That’s too expensive. Ц- ------н-----о--го. Ц_ д__ м___ з________ Ц- д-я м-н- з-д-р-г-. --------------------- Це для мене задорого. 0
Tse --ya -e-- --doroh-. T__ d___ m___ z________ T-e d-y- m-n- z-d-r-h-. ----------------------- Tse dlya mene zadoroho.
Do you have anything cheaper? У-ва- -ема- -ог-с- -еше---г-? У в__ н____ ч_____ д_________ У в-с н-м-є ч-г-с- д-ш-в-о-о- ----------------------------- У вас немає чогось дешевшого? 0
U-vas-nem-----hoh-----es-e----h-? U v__ n_____ c______ d___________ U v-s n-m-y- c-o-o-ʹ d-s-e-s-o-o- --------------------------------- U vas nemaye chohosʹ deshevshoho?
Is there a youth hostel nearby? Т-т---бл--у-- -о-о-іж-а-ту--стична -аза? Т__ п______ є м________ т_________ б____ Т-т п-б-и-у є м-л-д-ж-а т-р-с-и-н- б-з-? ---------------------------------------- Тут поблизу є молодіжна туристична база? 0
T-t-p---y-- -e mo-o-i-h-a--u-yst-ch----a--? T__ p______ y_ m_________ t__________ b____ T-t p-b-y-u y- m-l-d-z-n- t-r-s-y-h-a b-z-? ------------------------------------------- Tut poblyzu ye molodizhna turystychna baza?
Is there a boarding house / a bed and breakfast nearby? Ту- по--и-у є ---сіонат? Т__ п______ є п_________ Т-т п-б-и-у є п-н-і-н-т- ------------------------ Тут поблизу є пансіонат? 0
Tu----blyzu-y-------onat? T__ p______ y_ p_________ T-t p-b-y-u y- p-n-i-n-t- ------------------------- Tut poblyzu ye pansionat?
Is there a restaurant nearby? Ту- -обли-у є-р-стор--? Т__ п______ є р________ Т-т п-б-и-у є р-с-о-а-? ----------------------- Тут поблизу є ресторан? 0
Tut-pob-yzu--- re-to-an? T__ p______ y_ r________ T-t p-b-y-u y- r-s-o-a-? ------------------------ Tut poblyzu ye restoran?

Positive languages, negative languages

Most people are either optimists or pessimists. But that can apply to languages too! Scientists repeatedly analyze the vocabulary of languages. In doing so they often come to astounding results. In English, for example, there are more negative than positive words. There are almost double the number of words for negative emotions. In western societies, the vocabulary influences the speakers. The people there complain quite often. They also criticize many things. Therefore, they use language with an altogether more negative tone. But negative words are interesting for another reason too. They contain more information than positive terms. The reason for this could lie in our evolution. It was always important for all living things to recognize dangers. They had to react quickly to risks. Besides that, they wanted to warn others of dangers. Therefore it was essential to be able to pass along information very quickly. As much as possible should be said with as few words as possible. Apart from that, negative language doesn't have any real advantages. That is easy for anyone to imagine. People who only speak negatively are surely not very popular. Furthermore, negative language affects our emotions. Positive language, on the other hand, can have positive effects. People that are always positive have more success in their career. So we should use our language more carefully. Because we choose which vocabulary we use. And through our language we create our reality. So: Speak positively!
Did you know?
Marathi is counted among the Indo-Iranian languages. It is spoken in western and central India. Marathi is the native language of more than 70 million people. For this reason it is counted among the 20 most-spoken languages in the world. Marathi is written with the same script that is used for Hindi. In this alphabet, each symbol represents exactly one sound. There are 12 vowels and 36 consonants. The numbers are relatively complex. There is a distinct word for 1 through 100. Each number must therefore be learned individually. Marathi is divided into 42 different dialects. They all say a lot about the development of the language. Another feature of Marathi is its long literary tradition. There are texts that are over 1000 years old. If you are interested in the history of India, you should study Marathi!