
en At the restaurant 3   »   be У рэстаране 3

31 [thirty-one]

At the restaurant 3

At the restaurant 3

31 [трыццаць адзін]

31 [trytstsats’ adzіn]

У рэстаране 3

[U restarane 3]

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English (UK) Belarusian Play More
I would like a starter. Я х--еў бы /-ха--ла -----куск-. Я х____ б_ / х_____ б_ з_______ Я х-ц-ў б- / х-ц-л- б- з-к-с-у- ------------------------------- Я хацеў бы / хацела бы закуску. 0
Y--kha-seu b--/ kh-t-----------usk-. Y_ k______ b_ / k_______ b_ z_______ Y- k-a-s-u b- / k-a-s-l- b- z-k-s-u- ------------------------------------ Ya khatseu by / khatsela by zakusku.
I would like a salad. Я х--еў б- ---ац--- бы с--а--. Я х____ б_ / х_____ б_ с______ Я х-ц-ў б- / х-ц-л- б- с-л-т-. ------------------------------ Я хацеў бы / хацела бы салату. 0
Y- --a------y-----ats--- by -a--tu. Y_ k______ b_ / k_______ b_ s______ Y- k-a-s-u b- / k-a-s-l- b- s-l-t-. ----------------------------------- Ya khatseu by / khatsela by salatu.
I would like a soup. Я--а-е- ---/ ха-ел- -- су-. Я х____ б_ / х_____ б_ с___ Я х-ц-ў б- / х-ц-л- б- с-п- --------------------------- Я хацеў бы / хацела бы суп. 0
Ya--ha--e- -y-/ k-at--l- by --p. Y_ k______ b_ / k_______ b_ s___ Y- k-a-s-u b- / k-a-s-l- b- s-p- -------------------------------- Ya khatseu by / khatsela by sup.
I would like a dessert. Я -а-еў бы - хаце-- б--д--ерт. Я х____ б_ / х_____ б_ д______ Я х-ц-ў б- / х-ц-л- б- д-с-р-. ------------------------------ Я хацеў бы / хацела бы дэсерт. 0
Y----atseu by - --a--e-a b--------. Y_ k______ b_ / k_______ b_ d______ Y- k-a-s-u b- / k-a-s-l- b- d-s-r-. ----------------------------------- Ya khatseu by / khatsela by desert.
I would like an ice cream with whipped cream. Я-ха--ў----/ --це-а-бы --ро-ан-е-- --рш-а--. Я х____ б_ / х_____ б_ м________ з в________ Я х-ц-ў б- / х-ц-л- б- м-р-ж-н-е з в-р-к-м-. -------------------------------------------- Я хацеў бы / хацела бы марожанае з вяршкамі. 0
Y--k---s-- b----k-a--e---by-m--o------ z -y-----a--. Y_ k______ b_ / k_______ b_ m_________ z v__________ Y- k-a-s-u b- / k-a-s-l- b- m-r-z-a-a- z v-a-s-k-m-. ---------------------------------------------------- Ya khatseu by / khatsela by marozhanae z vyarshkamі.
I would like some fruit or cheese. Я х-ц---б- - ----л--бы-с---віну -б- сыр. Я х____ б_ / х_____ б_ с_______ а__ с___ Я х-ц-ў б- / х-ц-л- б- с-д-в-н- а-о с-р- ---------------------------------------- Я хацеў бы / хацела бы садавіну або сыр. 0
Y-------e--by-/---at--l---- ------nu-ab---yr. Y_ k______ b_ / k_______ b_ s_______ a__ s___ Y- k-a-s-u b- / k-a-s-l- b- s-d-v-n- a-o s-r- --------------------------------------------- Ya khatseu by / khatsela by sadavіnu abo syr.
We would like to have breakfast. М---а---і-б---с-е--ц-. М_ х_____ б п_________ М- х-ц-л- б п-с-е-а-ь- ---------------------- Мы хацелі б паснедаць. 0
M--khatse-- ---as----ts-. M_ k_______ b p__________ M- k-a-s-l- b p-s-e-a-s-. ------------------------- My khatselі b pasnedats’.
We would like to have lunch. М----цел--б пааб-да--. М_ х_____ б п_________ М- х-ц-л- б п-а-е-а-ь- ---------------------- Мы хацелі б паабедаць. 0
M---h-ts-lі-b -a--ed-ts’. M_ k_______ b p__________ M- k-a-s-l- b p-a-e-a-s-. ------------------------- My khatselі b paabedats’.
We would like to have dinner. М- х---л- б павячэ--ць. М_ х_____ б п__________ М- х-ц-л- б п-в-ч-р-ц-. ----------------------- Мы хацелі б павячэраць. 0
M---hat--lі b --v-a-----ts-. M_ k_______ b p_____________ M- k-a-s-l- b p-v-a-h-r-t-’- ---------------------------- My khatselі b pavyacherats’.
What would you like for breakfast? Шт- В- -а-елі б-н- с-я--н-к? Ш__ В_ х_____ б н_ с________ Ш-о В- х-ц-л- б н- с-я-а-а-? ---------------------------- Што Вы хацелі б на сняданак? 0
Shto Vy--h----l- b-n---n--dan--? S___ V_ k_______ b n_ s_________ S-t- V- k-a-s-l- b n- s-y-d-n-k- -------------------------------- Shto Vy khatselі b na snyadanak?
Rolls with jam and honey? Бу-ач---з па----ам-і м-дам? Б______ з п_______ і м_____ Б-л-ч-і з п-в-д-а- і м-д-м- --------------------------- Булачкі з павідлам і мёдам? 0
B-l-ch--------іdl------e---? B_______ z p_______ і m_____ B-l-c-k- z p-v-d-a- і m-d-m- ---------------------------- Bulachkі z pavіdlam і medam?
Toast with sausage and cheese? Тос---з--а-б---й-і--ыр--? Т____ з к_______ і с_____ Т-с-ы з к-ў-а-о- і с-р-м- ------------------------- Тосты з каўбасой і сырам? 0
T-st--z--a--as---і s-r--? T____ z k_______ і s_____ T-s-y z k-u-a-o- і s-r-m- ------------------------- Tosty z kaubasoy і syram?
A boiled egg? Варанае----а? В______ я____ В-р-н-е я-к-? ------------- Варанае яйка? 0
Va--nae--ayk-? V______ y_____ V-r-n-e y-y-a- -------------- Varanae yayka?
A fried egg? Я-чн-? Я_____ Я-ч-ю- ------ Яечню? 0
Ya-ec---u? Y_________ Y-y-c-n-u- ---------- Yayechnyu?
An omelette? Ам-е-? А_____ А-л-т- ------ Амлет? 0
A-let? A_____ A-l-t- ------ Amlet?
Another yoghurt, please. К-лі лас-а--п-дай-е-яш-- -г---у. К___ л_____ п______ я___ ё______ К-л- л-с-а- п-д-й-е я-ч- ё-у-т-. -------------------------------- Калі ласка, падайце яшчэ ёгурту. 0
K--і--ask-, pad--t-e-yas-c-e --g-rtu. K___ l_____ p_______ y______ y_______ K-l- l-s-a- p-d-y-s- y-s-c-e y-g-r-u- ------------------------------------- Kalі laska, padaytse yashche yogurtu.
Some salt and pepper also, please. К-лі--------пад-й-е-яшч- со-----пе-ц-. К___ л_____ п______ я___ с___ і п_____ К-л- л-с-а- п-д-й-е я-ч- с-л- і п-р-у- -------------------------------------- Калі ласка, падайце яшчэ солі і перцу. 0
K--- la-ka, --d-yt-e-y--h-he --lі-і-----su. K___ l_____ p_______ y______ s___ і p______ K-l- l-s-a- p-d-y-s- y-s-c-e s-l- і p-r-s-. ------------------------------------------- Kalі laska, padaytse yashche solі і pertsu.
Another glass of water, please. К--і--ас-а,-пада-ц- я--э-шкл-нк--вады. К___ л_____ п______ я___ ш______ в____ К-л- л-с-а- п-д-й-е я-ч- ш-л-н-у в-д-. -------------------------------------- Калі ласка, падайце яшчэ шклянку вады. 0
K-l--l---a, ---aytse -a---he s---yan-u-v---. K___ l_____ p_______ y______ s________ v____ K-l- l-s-a- p-d-y-s- y-s-c-e s-k-y-n-u v-d-. -------------------------------------------- Kalі laska, padaytse yashche shklyanku vady.

Successful speaking can be learnt!

Speaking is relatively easy. Successful speaking, on the other hand, is much more difficult. That is to say, how we say something is more important than that what we say. Various studies have shown this. Listeners subconsciously pay attention to certain characteristics of speakers. Thus, we can influence whether or not our speech will be well received. We just always have to pay close attention to how we speak. This applies to our body language as well. It must be authentic and fit with our personality. The voice also plays a role, because it is always assessed too. With men, for example, a deeper voice is advantageous. It makes the speaker appear confident and competent. On the other hand, a variation of voice has no effect. Particularly important however, is speed when speaking. The success of conversations was examined in experiments. Successful speaking means being able to persuade others. He who wants to persuade others must not speak too quickly. Otherwise he gives the impression that he is not sincere. But speaking too slowly is also unfavorable. People who speak very slowly come across as unintelligent. Therefore, it's best to speak with average speed. 3.5 words per second is ideal. Pauses are also important in speaking. They make our speech more natural and believable. As a consequence, listeners trust us. 4 or 5 pauses per minute are ideal. So just try to control your speech better! Then let the next interview come…
Did you know?
Norwegian is a North Germanic language. It is the native language of approximately 5 million people. The exceptional thing about Norwegian is that it consists of two standard forms: Bokmål and Nynorsk. That is to say, there are two recognized Norwegian languages. They are both used equally in administration, schools, and media. For a long time a standard language could not be established due to the country's size. So the dialects remained and developed independent from one another. However, every Norwegian understands all local dialects as well as both official languages. There are no solid rules for Norwegian pronunciation. This is because both standard forms are predominantly written. Typically a local dialect is spoken. Norwegian is very similar to Danish and Swedish. Speakers of these languages can communicate amongst themselves relatively easily. Norwegian is a very interesting language. And you can choose which Norwegian you want to learn!