
en Public transportation   »   ky Жергиликтүү коомдук транспорт

36 [thirty-six]

Public transportation

Public transportation

36 [отуз алты]

36 [отуз алты]

Жергиликтүү коомдук транспорт

Jergiliktüü koomduk transport

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Where is the bus stop? Ав-обу- а---а-асы ---да? А______ а________ к_____ А-т-б-с а-л-а-а-ы к-й-а- ------------------------ Автобус аялдамасы кайда? 0
Avtobus-ay-ld-m-s- -ayd-? A______ a_________ k_____ A-t-b-s a-a-d-m-s- k-y-a- ------------------------- Avtobus ayaldaması kayda?
Which bus goes to the city centre / center (am.)? К---ы-а-тоб-- -ор--рго-б-рат? К____ а______ б_______ б_____ К-й-ы а-т-б-с б-р-о-г- б-р-т- ----------------------------- Кайсы автобус борборго барат? 0
K---ı avt--u----rb--g---a---? K____ a______ b_______ b_____ K-y-ı a-t-b-s b-r-o-g- b-r-t- ----------------------------- Kaysı avtobus borborgo barat?
Which bus do I have to take? Мен-----ы--и-ия-- --ы--м к--е-? М__ к____ л______ а_____ к_____ М-н к-й-ы л-н-я-ы а-ы-ы- к-р-к- ------------------------------- Мен кайсы линияны алышым керек? 0
M-n k---ı li--yanı-a-ış-m-ke--k? M__ k____ l_______ a_____ k_____ M-n k-y-ı l-n-y-n- a-ı-ı- k-r-k- -------------------------------- Men kaysı liniyanı alışım kerek?
Do I have to change? По--- -от--у-ум---р-- бо-о-у? П____ к________ к____ б______ П-е-д к-т-р-ш-м к-р-к б-л-б-? ----------------------------- Поезд которушум керек болобу? 0
Poe-- k-toruş-m ---e---o---u? P____ k________ k____ b______ P-e-d k-t-r-ş-m k-r-k b-l-b-? ----------------------------- Poezd kotoruşum kerek bolobu?
Where do I have to change? П-е--д-р-и--а-----лма--ыр-у--е-ек? П_________ к____ а_________ к_____ П-е-д-е-д- к-й-а а-м-ш-ы-у- к-р-к- ---------------------------------- Поезддерди кайда алмаштыруу керек? 0
P--zd----i--a-da-a-maş-ıru- -----? P_________ k____ a_________ k_____ P-e-d-e-d- k-y-a a-m-ş-ı-u- k-r-k- ---------------------------------- Poezdderdi kayda almaştıruu kerek?
How much does a ticket cost? Б--е- -анч--ту-а-? Б____ к____ т_____ Б-л-т к-н-а т-р-т- ------------------ Билет канча турат? 0
B--e- k-n-- -----? B____ k____ t_____ B-l-t k-n-a t-r-t- ------------------ Bilet kança turat?
How many stops are there before downtown / the city centre? Б-рб--го чей-н --н-а--я------б--? Б_______ ч____ к____ а______ б___ Б-р-о-г- ч-й-н к-н-а а-л-а-а б-р- --------------------------------- Борборго чейин канча аялдама бар? 0
Bor-or-- ----n---nç- a--lda-- -a-? B_______ ç____ k____ a_______ b___ B-r-o-g- ç-y-n k-n-a a-a-d-m- b-r- ---------------------------------- Borborgo çeyin kança ayaldama bar?
You have to get off here. Бу- ---ден -ү----үз--е-е-. Б__ ж_____ т_______ к_____ Б-л ж-р-е- т-ш-ү-ү- к-р-к- -------------------------- Бул жерден түшүүңүз керек. 0
Bul-j---e---ü--üŋ-z -erek. B__ j_____ t_______ k_____ B-l j-r-e- t-ş-ü-ü- k-r-k- -------------------------- Bul jerden tüşüüŋüz kerek.
You have to get off at the back. С-з -ртына----гыш---з к---к. С__ а______ ч________ к_____ С-з а-т-н-н ч-г-ш-ң-з к-р-к- ---------------------------- Сиз артынан чыгышыңыз керек. 0
Si- -rt--an -ı-ış--ız k-re-. S__ a______ ç________ k_____ S-z a-t-n-n ç-g-ş-ŋ-z k-r-k- ---------------------------- Siz artınan çıgışıŋız kerek.
The next train is in 5 minutes. К-йин-- ме-р- 5--ү--тт-- --й-н ке---. К______ м____ 5 м_______ к____ к_____ К-й-н-и м-т-о 5 м-н-т-ө- к-й-н к-л-т- ------------------------------------- Кийинки метро 5 мүнөттөн кийин келет. 0
K---nki m--r- ----n-t-ö- kiyin---l--. K______ m____ 5 m_______ k____ k_____ K-y-n-i m-t-o 5 m-n-t-ö- k-y-n k-l-t- ------------------------------------- Kiyinki metro 5 münöttön kiyin kelet.
The next tram is in 10 minutes. Ки---к- тр----й-10-м--өт-өн -и--н-к-л-т. К______ т______ 1_ м_______ к____ к_____ К-й-н-и т-а-в-й 1- м-н-т-ө- к-й-н к-л-т- ---------------------------------------- Кийинки трамвай 10 мүнөттөн кийин келет. 0
K-yink- --am-a---0---n-t-ön -i--n k-let. K______ t______ 1_ m_______ k____ k_____ K-y-n-i t-a-v-y 1- m-n-t-ö- k-y-n k-l-t- ---------------------------------------- Kiyinki tramvay 10 münöttön kiyin kelet.
The next bus is in 15 minutes. Кийинки-----бус-1- -ү--тт-- -и----ке--т. К______ а______ 1_ м_______ к____ к_____ К-й-н-и а-т-б-с 1- м-н-т-ө- к-й-н к-л-т- ---------------------------------------- Кийинки автобус 15 мүнөттөн кийин келет. 0
Kiy-n-i ---o-us--5 ------ön ----n--elet. K______ a______ 1_ m_______ k____ k_____ K-y-n-i a-t-b-s 1- m-n-t-ö- k-y-n k-l-t- ---------------------------------------- Kiyinki avtobus 15 münöttön kiyin kelet.
When is the last train? Ак------е-р---о-зди-ка--- ке---? А_____ м____ п_____ к____ к_____ А-ы-к- м-т-о п-е-д- к-ч-н к-т-т- -------------------------------- Акыркы метро поезди качан кетет? 0
Ak--k- m-----poe-----a--n ket--? A_____ m____ p_____ k____ k_____ A-ı-k- m-t-o p-e-d- k-ç-n k-t-t- -------------------------------- Akırkı metro poezdi kaçan ketet?
When is the last tram? Ак--кы ---мвай -ача- к---т? А_____ т______ к____ к_____ А-ы-к- т-а-в-й к-ч-н к-т-т- --------------------------- Акыркы трамвай качан кетет? 0
Akı-k------va- k---- kete-? A_____ t______ k____ k_____ A-ı-k- t-a-v-y k-ç-n k-t-t- --------------------------- Akırkı tramvay kaçan ketet?
When is the last bus? Акырк-----о--с --чан--е-е-? А_____ а______ к____ к_____ А-ы-к- а-т-б-с к-ч-н к-т-т- --------------------------- Акыркы автобус качан кетет? 0
Akı-kı --to--s ----- k-te-? A_____ a______ k____ k_____ A-ı-k- a-t-b-s k-ç-n k-t-t- --------------------------- Akırkı avtobus kaçan ketet?
Do you have a ticket? Б-летиң-- ----ы? Б________ б_____ Б-л-т-ң-з б-р-ы- ---------------- Билетиңиз барбы? 0
B-le-i-iz b--b-? B________ b_____ B-l-t-ŋ-z b-r-ı- ---------------- Biletiŋiz barbı?
A ticket? – No, I don’t have one. Б----- - -ок м-нде -о-. Б_____ - Ж__ м____ ж___ Б-л-т- - Ж-к м-н-е ж-к- ----------------------- Билет? - Жок менде жок. 0
B-let- - --- ---de -ok. B_____ - J__ m____ j___ B-l-t- - J-k m-n-e j-k- ----------------------- Bilet? - Jok mende jok.
Then you have to pay a fine. А--а---- --ы- ----т-----ңү- к-р-к-б--от. А___ с__ а___ п__ т________ к____ б_____ А-д- с-з а-ы- п-л т-л-ш-ң-з к-р-к б-л-т- ---------------------------------------- Анда сиз айып пул төлөшүңүз керек болот. 0
A--- siz a-ıp-pul -ölöşüŋüz---r-k --lot. A___ s__ a___ p__ t________ k____ b_____ A-d- s-z a-ı- p-l t-l-ş-ŋ-z k-r-k b-l-t- ---------------------------------------- Anda siz ayıp pul tölöşüŋüz kerek bolot.

The development of language

Why we speak with each other is clear. We want to exchange ideas and understand each other. How exactly language originated, on the other hand, is less clear. Various theories exist about this. What's certain is that language is a very old phenomenon. Certain physical traits were a prerequisite for speaking. They were necessary in order for us to form sounds. People as far back as the Neanderthals had the ability to apply their voice. In this way, they could distinguish themselves from animals. Additionally, a loud, firm voice was important for defense. A person could threaten or frighten enemies with it. Back then, tools had already been made and fire had been discovered. This knowledge had to be passed along somehow. Speech was also important for hunting in groups. As early as 2 million years ago there was a simple understanding among people. The first linguistic elements were signs and gestures. But people wanted to be able to communicate in the dark too. More importantly, they also had the need to talk to each other without looking. Therefore, the voice developed, and it replaced the gestures. Language in today's sense is at least 50,000 years old. When Homo sapiens left Africa, they distributed language around the world. The languages separated from each other in the different regions. That is to say, various language families came into being. However, they only contained the fundamentals of language systems. The first languages were much less complex than languages today. They were further developed through grammar, phonology and semantics. It could be said that different languages have different solutions. But the problem was always the same: How do I show what I'm thinking?
Did you know?
Brazilian Portuguese is counted among the Romance languages. It arose from European Portuguese. It travelled as far as South America long ago through Portugal's colonial politics. Today Brazil is the largest Portuguese-speaking nation in the world. Approximately 190 million people speak Brazilian Portuguese as their native language. The language has great influence in other South American countries too. There is even a hybrid language that contains Portuguese and Spanish. Earlier, Brazil tended to use European Portuguese. Starting in the 1930s, a new awareness awakened within Brazilian culture. Brazilians were proud of their language and wanted to accentuate its peculiarities. There were, however, repeated efforts to keep the two languages together. For example, an agreement has since been made over a common orthography. Today the biggest difference between the two forms is in the pronunciation. The Brazilian vocabulary also contains a few "Indianisms" that are absent in Europe. Discover this exciting language - it is one of the most important in the world!