
en Where is ... ?   »   ad Урыгъозэн

41 [forty-one]

Where is ... ?

Where is ... ?

41 [тIокIитIурэ зырэ]

41 [tIokIitIurje zyrje]



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English (UK) Adyghe Play More
Where is the tourist information office? Ту-и-т аг---ствэр т-дэ щыI? Турист агентствэр тыдэ щыI? Т-р-с- а-е-т-т-э- т-д- щ-I- --------------------------- Турист агентствэр тыдэ щыI? 0
Tu--s--a-en-s--j-- ty-je s-h-I? Turist agentstvjer tydje shhyI? T-r-s- a-e-t-t-j-r t-d-e s-h-I- ------------------------------- Turist agentstvjer tydje shhyI?
Do you have a city map for me? К--л-- ика-- с---п-е-шъ----н-? Къалэм икарт сэщ пае шъуиIэна? К-а-э- и-а-т с-щ п-е ш-у-I-н-? ------------------------------ Къалэм икарт сэщ пае шъуиIэна? 0
Kaljem -k-rt sj-s-h--a----u-----a? Kaljem ikart sjeshh pae shuiIjena? K-l-e- i-a-t s-e-h- p-e s-u-I-e-a- ---------------------------------- Kaljem ikart sjeshh pae shuiIjena?
Can one reserve a room here? Мы-хьак---ы--------у--ы-ын---ъ--I-щ--? Мы хьакIэщым унэ щыуубытын плъэкIыщта? М- х-а-I-щ-м у-э щ-у-б-т-н п-ъ-к-ы-т-? -------------------------------------- Мы хьакIэщым унэ щыуубытын плъэкIыщта? 0
M--h--kIj-----m -n------y--by-yn -lje--yshh--? My h'akIjeshhym unje shhyuubytyn pljekIyshhta? M- h-a-I-e-h-y- u-j- s-h-u-b-t-n p-j-k-y-h-t-? ---------------------------------------------- My h'akIjeshhym unje shhyuubytyn pljekIyshhta?
Where is the old city? К-элэжъыр----- -ыI? Къэлэжъыр тыдэ щыI? К-э-э-ъ-р т-д- щ-I- ------------------- Къэлэжъыр тыдэ щыI? 0
K------hyr --d------y-? Kjeljezhyr tydje shhyI? K-e-j-z-y- t-d-e s-h-I- ----------------------- Kjeljezhyr tydje shhyI?
Where is the cathedral? Ч--ысы-----э----? Чылысыр тыдэ щыI? Ч-л-с-р т-д- щ-I- ----------------- Чылысыр тыдэ щыI? 0
Ch-ly-yr tydje s----? Chylysyr tydje shhyI? C-y-y-y- t-d-e s-h-I- --------------------- Chylysyr tydje shhyI?
Where is the museum? М----р--ы-э-щ--? Музеир тыдэ щыI? М-з-и- т-д- щ-I- ---------------- Музеир тыдэ щыI? 0
M---ir --d-- shh-I? Muzeir tydje shhyI? M-z-i- t-d-e s-h-I- ------------------- Muzeir tydje shhyI?
Where can one buy stamps? П--тэ --рк-хэр ---э-щ-пщэфы-хэ-п-ъ-кIыщт? Почтэ маркэхэр тыдэ щыпщэфынхэ плъэкIыщт? П-ч-э м-р-э-э- т-д- щ-п-э-ы-х- п-ъ-к-ы-т- ----------------------------------------- Почтэ маркэхэр тыдэ щыпщэфынхэ плъэкIыщт? 0
P-cht-e -----e---r---d-e-sh-ypshhj----h-e p---kIys---? Pochtje markjehjer tydje shhypshhjefynhje pljekIyshht? P-c-t-e m-r-j-h-e- t-d-e s-h-p-h-j-f-n-j- p-j-k-y-h-t- ------------------------------------------------------ Pochtje markjehjer tydje shhypshhjefynhje pljekIyshht?
Where can one buy flowers? К-эгъ-г--х---тыдэ щ--щ-----э п-ъ-к----? Къэгъагъэхэр тыдэ щыпщэфынхэ плъэкIыщт? К-э-ъ-г-э-э- т-д- щ-п-э-ы-х- п-ъ-к-ы-т- --------------------------------------- Къэгъагъэхэр тыдэ щыпщэфынхэ плъэкIыщт? 0
Kj--agj-h--r---d-e -h--pshhj---n--- plj-----hh-? Kjegagjehjer tydje shhypshhjefynhje pljekIyshht? K-e-a-j-h-e- t-d-e s-h-p-h-j-f-n-j- p-j-k-y-h-t- ------------------------------------------------ Kjegagjehjer tydje shhypshhjefynhje pljekIyshht?
Where can one buy tickets? Б--етх-р -ы-э--ыпщ--ы--э-----кIыщ-? Билетхэр тыдэ щыпщэфынхэ плъэкIыщт? Б-л-т-э- т-д- щ-п-э-ы-х- п-ъ-к-ы-т- ----------------------------------- Билетхэр тыдэ щыпщэфынхэ плъэкIыщт? 0
B--e-h--r t--j- ---y--hh-------e -l-ekI-----? Bilethjer tydje shhypshhjefynhje pljekIyshht? B-l-t-j-r t-d-e s-h-p-h-j-f-n-j- p-j-k-y-h-t- --------------------------------------------- Bilethjer tydje shhypshhjefynhje pljekIyshht?
Where is the harbour / harbor (am.)? Къ-хь--у-упIэр тыдэ щыI? Къухьэ уцупIэр тыдэ щыI? К-у-ь- у-у-I-р т-д- щ-I- ------------------------ Къухьэ уцупIэр тыдэ щыI? 0
Ku---e-u-u-I--- ty--e -h-yI? Kuh'je ucupIjer tydje shhyI? K-h-j- u-u-I-e- t-d-e s-h-I- ---------------------------- Kuh'je ucupIjer tydje shhyI?
Where is the market? Бэд---ы- т-д-----? Бэдзэрыр тыдэ щыI? Б-д-э-ы- т-д- щ-I- ------------------ Бэдзэрыр тыдэ щыI? 0
Bj-d-je----t-dj- sh-y-? Bjedzjeryr tydje shhyI? B-e-z-e-y- t-d-e s-h-I- ----------------------- Bjedzjeryr tydje shhyI?
Where is the castle? К-эл-с-р--р-тыд- щы-? Къэлэсэраир тыдэ щыI? К-э-э-э-а-р т-д- щ-I- --------------------- Къэлэсэраир тыдэ щыI? 0
K--l--s--r-i----dj--shhy-? Kjeljesjerair tydje shhyI? K-e-j-s-e-a-r t-d-e s-h-I- -------------------------- Kjeljesjerair tydje shhyI?
When does the tour begin? Экс----иер----иг--а-зы-аг-а-ьэ-эр? Экскурсиер сыдигъуа зырагъажьэрэр? Э-с-у-с-е- с-д-г-у- з-р-г-а-ь-р-р- ---------------------------------- Экскурсиер сыдигъуа зырагъажьэрэр? 0
Jekskursi-- -y-i--a-zy---a-h----je-? Jekskursier sydigua zyragazh'jerjer? J-k-k-r-i-r s-d-g-a z-r-g-z-'-e-j-r- ------------------------------------ Jekskursier sydigua zyragazh'jerjer?
When does the tour end? Экс--р--ер-с--и--у----ух--э-? Экскурсиер сыдигъуа заухырэр? Э-с-у-с-е- с-д-г-у- з-у-ы-э-? ----------------------------- Экскурсиер сыдигъуа заухырэр? 0
Je-skur-i-r--ydigua -au---je-? Jekskursier sydigua zauhyrjer? J-k-k-r-i-r s-d-g-a z-u-y-j-r- ------------------------------ Jekskursier sydigua zauhyrjer?
How long is the tour? Э-с-у----м--ыд----из--ах---- ------дэр--? Экскурсием сыд фэдиз уахътэу текIуадэрэр? Э-с-у-с-е- с-д ф-д-з у-х-т-у т-к-у-д-р-р- ----------------------------------------- Экскурсием сыд фэдиз уахътэу текIуадэрэр? 0
Je-----si----yd----di----htj-u---kIuad-e-jer? Jekskursiem syd fjediz uahtjeu tekIuadjerjer? J-k-k-r-i-m s-d f-e-i- u-h-j-u t-k-u-d-e-j-r- --------------------------------------------- Jekskursiem syd fjediz uahtjeu tekIuadjerjer?
I would like a guide who speaks German. С- --м-цы--экI- гу-ы---э-ги- ---эя-ъ. Сэ нэмыцыбзэкIэ гущыIэрэ гид сыфэягъ. С- н-м-ц-б-э-I- г-щ-I-р- г-д с-ф-я-ъ- ------------------------------------- Сэ нэмыцыбзэкIэ гущыIэрэ гид сыфэягъ. 0
Sj--n-em-cy--j--Ij--g---h-Ije--e -i--sy-j-jag. Sje njemycybzjekIje gushhyIjerje gid syfjejag. S-e n-e-y-y-z-e-I-e g-s-h-I-e-j- g-d s-f-e-a-. ---------------------------------------------- Sje njemycybzjekIje gushhyIjerje gid syfjejag.
I would like a guide who speaks Italian. С--и-ал--ны--экI----щ-Iэрэ -ид--ыфэяг-. Сэ итальяныбзэкIэ гущыIэрэ гид сыфэягъ. С- и-а-ь-н-б-э-I- г-щ-I-р- г-д с-ф-я-ъ- --------------------------------------- Сэ итальяныбзэкIэ гущыIэрэ гид сыфэягъ. 0
Sj------'--n-b-j-kIj--g--h-y--er-----d-s--je---. Sje ital'janybzjekIje gushhyIjerje gid syfjejag. S-e i-a-'-a-y-z-e-I-e g-s-h-I-e-j- g-d s-f-e-a-. ------------------------------------------------ Sje ital'janybzjekIje gushhyIjerje gid syfjejag.
I would like a guide who speaks French. С----а--уз--зэ-I- г-щ---рэ---д с-фэягъ. Сэ французыбзэкIэ гущыIэрэ гид сыфэягъ. С- ф-а-ц-з-б-э-I- г-щ-I-р- г-д с-ф-я-ъ- --------------------------------------- Сэ французыбзэкIэ гущыIэрэ гид сыфэягъ. 0
S-e ---n--z-b---kIje--u-----je-j---id--y-jej-g. Sje francuzybzjekIje gushhyIjerje gid syfjejag. S-e f-a-c-z-b-j-k-j- g-s-h-I-e-j- g-d s-f-e-a-. ----------------------------------------------- Sje francuzybzjekIje gushhyIjerje gid syfjejag.

Universal language English

English is the most widespread language in the world. But Mandarin, or High Chinese, has the most native speakers. English is the native language of ‘only’ 350 million people. However, English has a great deal of influence on other languages. Since the middle of the 20th century it has taken on greater significance. This is largely due to the development of the USA into a superpower. English is the first foreign language taught in schools in many countries. International organizations use English as their official language. English is also the official language or common language of many countries. It is possible, however, that soon other languages will take over these functions. English belongs to the West Germanic languages. Therefore it is closely related to German, for example. But the language has changed significantly in the last 1,000 years. Earlier, English was an inflecting language. Most endings with a grammatical function have disappeared. Therefore, English can be counted among the isolating languages. This type of language is more similar to Chinese than to German. In the future, the English language will be further simplified. The irregular verbs will most likely disappear. English is simple compared to other Indo-European languages. But English orthography is very difficult. This is because spelling and pronunciation differ strongly from one another. English orthography has been the same for centuries. But pronunciation has changed considerably. As a result, one still writes the way one spoke in 1400. There are also many irregularities in pronunciation. There are 6 variants for the letter combination ough alone! Test yourself! – thorough, thought, through, rough, bough, cough .
Did you know?
Slovakian is counted among the West Slavic languages. It is the native language of more than 5 million people. It is very closely related to the neighbouring Czech. This is due to their mutual past in former Czechoslovakia. The vocabulary of the two languages is largely identical. The differences are primarily in the phonology. Slovakian emerged in the 10th century in the form of multiple dialects. It was then influenced by neighbouring languages over a long period of time. Today's standard language was not established until the 19th century. Some elements could thus be simplified compared to those in Czech. The many different dialects have been upheld until today though. Slovakian is written with the Latin alphabet. And it is the language that is easiest to understand for other Slavic speakers. It could be said that Slovakian is a type of intermediate language in the Slavic region. This is a good reason to grapple with this beautiful language.