
en At the cinema   »   mk Во кино

45 [forty-five]

At the cinema

At the cinema

45 [четириесет и пет]

45 [chyetiriyesyet i pyet]

Во кино

[Vo kino]

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English (UK) Macedonian Play More
We want to go to the cinema. Ние-са--ме--о -и--. Н__ с_____ в_ к____ Н-е с-к-м- в- к-н-. ------------------- Ние сакаме во кино. 0
N--- sa--mye-vo --n-. N___ s______ v_ k____ N-y- s-k-m-e v- k-n-. --------------------- Niye sakamye vo kino.
A good film is playing today. Д---с -е--рик-жу-а-е-----оба---и--. Д____ с_ п________ е___ д____ ф____ Д-н-с с- п-и-а-у-а е-е- д-б-р ф-л-. ----------------------------------- Денес се прикажува еден добар филм. 0
Dye---- --e---i--ʐoova ye--en d--ar film. D______ s__ p_________ y_____ d____ f____ D-e-y-s s-e p-i-a-o-v- y-d-e- d-b-r f-l-. ----------------------------------------- Dyenyes sye prikaʐoova yedyen dobar film.
The film is brand new. Ф-л-о- е---се-а----. Ф_____ е с_____ н___ Ф-л-о- е с-с-м- н-в- -------------------- Филмот е сосема нов. 0
F-l-o---- so-y----n-v. F_____ y_ s______ n___ F-l-o- y- s-s-e-a n-v- ---------------------- Filmot ye sosyema nov.
Where is the cash register? К-д- е б--гај-ата? К___ е б__________ К-д- е б-а-а-н-т-? ------------------ Каде е благајната? 0
K---e -e bl--ua-n-ta? K____ y_ b___________ K-d-e y- b-a-u-ј-a-a- --------------------- Kadye ye blaguaјnata?
Are seats still available? И-а-л---ш---с--бо-ни м----? И__ л_ у___ с_______ м_____ И-а л- у-т- с-о-о-н- м-с-а- --------------------------- Има ли уште слободни места? 0
I-- -i-o-s--y--s-----n- m--sta? I__ l_ o______ s_______ m______ I-a l- o-s-t-e s-o-o-n- m-e-t-? ------------------------------- Ima li ooshtye slobodni myesta?
How much are the admission tickets? К---у чи--- в---н-те билет-? К____ ч____ в_______ б______ К-л-у ч-н-т в-е-н-т- б-л-т-? ---------------------------- Колку чинат влезните билети? 0
K-lk-- -----t------n---e---l-eti? K_____ c_____ v_________ b_______ K-l-o- c-i-a- v-y-z-i-y- b-l-e-i- --------------------------------- Kolkoo chinat vlyeznitye bilyeti?
When does the show begin? Ко-а---по--у------т-т---та? К___ з________ п___________ К-г- з-п-ч-у-а п-е-с-а-а-а- --------------------------- Кога започнува претставата? 0
K-gu- zapo--noova pr------v---? K____ z__________ p____________ K-g-a z-p-c-n-o-a p-y-t-t-v-t-? ------------------------------- Kogua zapochnoova pryetstavata?
How long is the film? Кол-- д-лг--тр--------т? К____ д____ т___ ф______ К-л-у д-л-о т-а- ф-л-о-? ------------------------ Колку долго трае филмот? 0
Ko---o d--g-- ----e film-t? K_____ d_____ t____ f______ K-l-o- d-l-u- t-a-e f-l-o-? --------------------------- Kolkoo dolguo traye filmot?
Can one reserve tickets? М----ли-да ---резерв-рат -ил-ти? М___ л_ д_ с_ р_________ б______ М-ж- л- д- с- р-з-р-и-а- б-л-т-? -------------------------------- Може ли да се резервират билети? 0
M-ʐ----- -a---e r--z--r-ir-- ---ye--? M____ l_ d_ s__ r___________ b_______ M-ʐ-e l- d- s-e r-e-y-r-i-a- b-l-e-i- ------------------------------------- Moʐye li da sye ryezyervirat bilyeti?
I want to sit at the back. Ја---и-сакал /---к-л- -----д-- п---д-. Ј__ б_ с____ / с_____ д_ с____ п______ Ј-с б- с-к-л / с-к-л- д- с-д-м п-з-д-. -------------------------------------- Јас би сакал / сакала да седам позади. 0
Јas-b- ---a--- sa-al---a-sy-dam --z-di. Ј__ b_ s____ / s_____ d_ s_____ p______ Ј-s b- s-k-l / s-k-l- d- s-e-a- p-z-d-. --------------------------------------- Јas bi sakal / sakala da syedam pozadi.
I want to sit at the front. Ј-- -и--акал-- -----а-да се-ам-н--р--. Ј__ б_ с____ / с_____ д_ с____ н______ Ј-с б- с-к-л / с-к-л- д- с-д-м н-п-е-. -------------------------------------- Јас би сакал / сакала да седам напред. 0
Ј------sak-l /-sa--l---a--yeda---ap---d. Ј__ b_ s____ / s_____ d_ s_____ n_______ Ј-s b- s-k-l / s-k-l- d- s-e-a- n-p-y-d- ---------------------------------------- Јas bi sakal / sakala da syedam napryed.
I want to sit in the middle. Јас б- с--ал-/-са-а-а--а-с--ам -о-ср-д--а-а. Ј__ б_ с____ / с_____ д_ с____ в_ с_________ Ј-с б- с-к-л / с-к-л- д- с-д-м в- с-е-и-а-а- -------------------------------------------- Јас би сакал / сакала да седам во средината. 0
Ј-- -i s-kal / sa--l- da--y--am vo s-y-dinata. Ј__ b_ s____ / s_____ d_ s_____ v_ s__________ Ј-s b- s-k-l / s-k-l- d- s-e-a- v- s-y-d-n-t-. ---------------------------------------------- Јas bi sakal / sakala da syedam vo sryedinata.
The film was exciting. Фи--от--еше--озб-д-и-. Ф_____ б___ в_________ Ф-л-о- б-ш- в-з-у-л-в- ---------------------- Филмот беше возбудлив. 0
F--mot-by--h-e v-z--od---. F_____ b______ v__________ F-l-o- b-e-h-e v-z-o-d-i-. -------------------------- Filmot byeshye vozboodliv.
The film was not boring. Филмот--е ---- дос-д--. Ф_____ н_ б___ д_______ Ф-л-о- н- б-ш- д-с-д-н- ----------------------- Филмот не беше досаден. 0
Fi-m-t--y- b-e-h---d--a-ye-. F_____ n__ b______ d________ F-l-o- n-e b-e-h-e d-s-d-e-. ---------------------------- Filmot nye byeshye dosadyen.
But the book on which the film was based was better. Н----и-а-- ----и-м-т ---е по--б--. Н_ к______ з_ ф_____ б___ п_______ Н- к-и-а-а з- ф-л-о- б-ш- п-д-б-а- ---------------------------------- Но книгата за филмот беше подобра. 0
N---nig-ata----film-t--y-s-y- ---o---. N_ k_______ z_ f_____ b______ p_______ N- k-i-u-t- z- f-l-o- b-e-h-e p-d-b-a- -------------------------------------- No kniguata za filmot byeshye podobra.
How was the music? Ка-ва--еш---узик-т-? К____ б___ м________ К-к-а б-ш- м-з-к-т-? -------------------- Каква беше музиката? 0
Kakv- -y---ye m-o---at-? K____ b______ m_________ K-k-a b-e-h-e m-o-i-a-a- ------------------------ Kakva byeshye moozikata?
How were the actors? Ка-в--б-а---умц-те? К____ б__ г________ К-к-и б-а г-у-ц-т-? ------------------- Какви беа глумците? 0
Ka-vi b-e- g--o---zit-e? K____ b___ g____________ K-k-i b-e- g-l-o-t-i-y-? ------------------------ Kakvi byea guloomtzitye?
Were there English subtitles? Им--е--и-п-дна-л-в-на-а---и--- --зик? И____ л_ п________ н_ а_______ ј_____ И-а-е л- п-д-а-л-в н- а-г-и-к- ј-з-к- ------------------------------------- Имаше ли поднаслов на англиски јазик? 0
I-ash-- -i -od-asl-v -a -n-u--ski--a--k? I______ l_ p________ n_ a________ ј_____ I-a-h-e l- p-d-a-l-v n- a-g-l-s-i ј-z-k- ---------------------------------------- Imashye li podnaslov na anguliski јazik?

Language and music

Music is a worldwide phenomenon. All peoples of the Earth make music. And music is understood in all cultures. A scientific study proved this. In it, western music was played to an isolated tribe of people. This African tribe had no access to the modern world. Nevertheless, they recognized when they heard cheerful or sad songs. Why this is so has not yet been researched. But music appears to be a language without boundaries. And we have all somehow learned how to interpret it correctly. However, music has no evolutionary advantage. That we can understand it anyway is associated with our language. Because music and language belong together. They are processed alike in the brain. They also function similarly. Both combine tones and sounds according to specific rules. Even babies understand music, they learned that in the womb. There they hear the melody of their mother's language. Then when they come into the world they can understand music. It could be said that music imitates the melody of languages. Emotion is also expressed through speed in both language and music. So using our linguistic knowledge, we understand emotions in music. Conversely, musical people often learn languages easier. Many musicians memorize languages like melodies. In doing so, they can remember languages better. Something interesting is that lullabies around the world sound very similar. This proves how international the language of music is. And it is also perhaps the most beautiful of all languages…
Did you know?
Telugu is the native language of approximately 75 million people. It is counted among the Dravidian languages. Telugu is primarily spoken in southeastern India. It is the third most-spoken language in India after Hindi and Bengali. Earlier, written and spoken Telugu were very different. It could almost be said that they were two different languages. Then the written language was modernized so that it can be used everywhere. Telugu is divided into many dialects, although the northern ones are considered especially pure. The pronunciation is not that easy. It should definitely be practiced with a native speaker. Telugu is written in its own script. It is a hybrid of an alphabet and syllabic writing. A hallmark of the script is the many round forms. They are typical for southern Indian scripts. Learn Telugu - there is so much to discover!